
A free market d
not really.

i dont agree with AC on much either, because he is an insane crypto-marxist, but i do enjoy my visits to mexico, and i too have never seen a donkey show

this is not the sort of connection that leads to common ground, or a relationship.

AC and i are unlikely to be found spooning on a beach in cabo, watching the sunset and sharing our feelings on the plight of the proletariat

i bet he will back me up on that too.

Spooning? Did somebody say Spooner?

Rights can only be rights if they can be employed to serve an individual without putting a non-consensual burden on the other individuals who may be around him. So the silly construct of a right to work, health care or even a jury trial is nonsense.

Although the Beastie Boys alluded to it, there is no right to party with other peoples stuff absent their consent.
Rights can only be rights if they can be employed to serve an individual without putting a non-consensual burden on the other individuals who may be around him. So the silly construct of a right to work, health care or even a jury trial is nonsense.

Although the Beastie Boys alluded to it, there is no right to party with other peoples stuff absent their consent.
they're afraid, Rob. freedom is scary. they doubt their own abilities (rightfully so) and wonder who will take responsibility for their mistakes. you have a place in Seligman, AZ if you ever need one, man. don't bring Buck though; I reserve the right to deny service to smarmy, butt-hurt suburbanites named Kyle.
Rights can only be rights if they can be employed to serve an individual without putting a non-consensual burden on the other individuals who may be around him. So the silly construct of a right to work, health care or even a jury trial is nonsense.

Although the Beastie Boys alluded to it, there is no right to party with other peoples stuff absent their consent.
The Beastie boys were being sarcastic in that song, please tell me you knew that, right?
Freedom isn't free.

Want to own guns and have the right to use them? Then people will die in unfortunate cases, because not everyone is capable of responsible actions and not all accidents can be avoided.

Want the freedom to do with your body as you please? Then people will die, get hurt, become addicted, hurt others.

Want a free market? Then businesses big and small must be allowed to fail, even if they were forthright, honest and fair dealing.

Want the freedom to travel without having to show up 2 hours early for your 30 minute flight so that you can be irradiated, groped and corralled? Then you will have to realize that bad people with bad intentions could very well be on board.

Freedom isn't free.
no it is not.

thanks for proving my point.

the minimum wage is a standard, just like standardizing weights and measures.

i can sell you 18 oz of tomatoes and only charge you for for a pound, but i can NOT sell you 18 ounces of tomatoes and charge you for TWO pounds.

see how that works?
the owner of the scale can cheat himself, but he is forbidden from cheating you (the guy who has less power in the transaction)

likewise, if you hand me a counterfeit banknote, thats forbidden too.

without these rules, ill charge you too much, youll pay with fake monies, and the market collapses into ruins.

regulation makes the market regular, establishing a minimum wage may be inflationary, short sighted and foolish, but it does simply establish a standard.

when the govt steps in and tells me how many people i must hire, how much of my goods i can produce, and what price i must sell them at, THAT is socialism, and then the market is no longer a market.

good analogy, kynes! i actually read the whole thing (almost).

standards have been put in place because historically, employers exploit employees..plain and simple.

it is for the protection of the american worker.

there isn't any regulation that i know of that isn't supposed to benefit and/or protect the american citizen.

pubsters boo-hoo about it because someone has made a standard of wage and enforces breaks, time-off etc.

too fucking bad..go to somalia if you want to do what you want and see how far you get.

now go ahead and cry!

ohh man, you cant argue against the assertion so you re-frame it to make it easier to battle (thats called a Straw Man Fallacy)

minimum wages are NOT socialist in nature. there have been minimum wages set by governments, guilds, trade unions, kings and emperors since time immemorial.

fuck, ancient greece even had minimum standards for keeping your SLAVES!

the push for doubling the minimum wage is being championed by ACTUAL MARXISTS who ACTUALLY LOVE MARXISM, and are ACTUALLY PART OF THE WORLD SOCIALIST PARTY (as well as other marixt parties)

why do they do this? because they hate capitalism and want to "smash" it. but tehy cant because Marxism doesnt sell any more.

using "clever" canards like "raising the minimum wage" and "BUI" is just a new sales pitch for the same old tired bullshit.
they figure if they can get the lumpen proletariat on board with them on this (due to the lumpen proletariat's greed and desire for more shit without more work) then they will keep riding the bandwagon all the way to Authoritarian Socialism, Bolshevism, Stalinism and eventually... someday... supposedly... the communist utopia.

you see that big hunk of delicious smelling cheese??


well sonny, it's a trap.
no, you dont have to take my word for it...

just ask these "Satisfied Customers"


see that yummy looking earthworm suspended in the water fro no explicable reason?


well it's a pretty good bet that if you take a bite, we wont be seeing you again.

nah, you dont have to take my word for it...


and this is where you lose it.

good analogy, kynes! i actually read the whole thing (almost).

standards have been put in place because historically, employers exploit employees..plain and simple.

it is for the protection of the american worker.

there isn't any regulation that i know of that isn't supposed to benefit and/or protect the american citizen.

pubsters boo-hoo about it because someone has made a standard of wage and enforces breaks, time-off etc.

too fucking bad..go to somalia if you want to do what you want and see how far you get.

now go ahead and cry!

Morning sky

Our labor regulations are intended to protect the common man, but many regulations are put in place to protect the interests of big business. Get on board with us that crony capitalism is bad and it's not the same thing as capitalism like some of these posters think. Capitalism is good but needs regulations to curtail the greed and corruption, when those regulations are there to help with the greed and corruption, it turns to cronyism and that's bad.

Our FDA is not our friend. When regulations prevent us from buying a drug made in Canada that's a fraction of the cost forcing us to buy the same drug for more from a US company, that makes the pills in Malaysia, it's not for our benefit.

The FDA began with making the Heinz family filthy rich. Heinz was connected with government and helped shape policy that made him rich. The FDA exists because of his influence That's not helping the average Joe.
Morning sky

Our labor regulations are intended to protect the common man, but many regulations are put in place to protect the interests of big business. Get on board with us that crony capitalism is bad and it's not the same thing as capitalism like some of these posters think. Capitalism is good but needs regulations to curtail the greed and corruption, when those regulations are there to help with the greed and corruption, it turns to cronyism and that's bad.

Our FDA is not our friend. When regulations prevent us from buying a drug made in Canada that's a fraction of the cost forcing us to buy the same drug for more from a US company, that makes the pills in Malaysia, it's not for our benefit.

The FDA began with making the Heinz family filthy rich. Heinz was connected with government and helped shape policy that made him rich. The FDA exists because of his influence That's not helping the average Joe.

morning GW!:hug:

i'm not talking about FDA; this was strictly labor and there is NOT one labor law on the books that is "pro" employer.

EDIT: as i predicted in a historical windfall, crony capitalism is falling like a dress on prom night..the old white racist no longer gets to make the rules..see eric "$5M" cantor.
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morning GW!:hug:

i'm not talking about FDA; this was strictly labor and there is NOT one labor law on the books that is "pro" employer.

Not that I know of either. I'm with you then.

I read your post as regulations in general, not labor, my bad.
they're afraid, Rob. freedom is scary. they doubt their own abilities (rightfully so) and wonder who will take responsibility for their mistakes. you have a place in Seligman, AZ if you ever need one, man. don't bring Buck though; I reserve the right to deny service to smarmy, butt-hurt suburbanites named Kyle.

his name isn't kyle.