Well-Known Member
you have no faith in people and therefore accept limited freedom. just say it.i would hate to see what that would be like.
you have no faith in people and therefore accept limited freedom. just say it.i would hate to see what that would be like.
he morphs into pink Power Ranger, upon hitting the door; believe you me.I see him more of a Eric Cartman, always ranting and spewing and being a closet racist.
ha ha hagood analogy, kynes! i actually read the whole thing (almost).
standards have been put in place because historically, employers exploit employees..plain and simple.
it is for the protection of the american worker.
there isn't any regulation that i know of that isn't supposed to benefit and/or protect the american citizen.
pubsters boo-hoo about it because someone has made a standard of wage and enforces breaks, time-off etc.
too fucking bad..go to somalia if you want to do what you want and see how far you get.
now go ahead and cry!
The Beastie boys were being sarcastic in that song, please tell me you knew that, right?
Spooner was a socialist.
There's a LOLcats translator?
Speaking of cats, I was noting to a Hanyu pengyou the other day about how Chairman Mao's name sounds like Chairman Cat.
He began all his years, he never made that association because he sees Chinese characters in his mind and not the pinyin.
Perspective can be a helluva drug.
what about people...............
folk here are allowed to run cats over without stopping ?
if you run over a dog you are supposed to stop
guess its a food chain thing lol
what about people...............
you have no faith in people and therefore accept limited freedom. just say it.
it would be Somalia here, without Uncle's gun........thank you. no faith in, if i wanted to live in somalia, i'd just move there.
ha ha ha
that was your takeaway?
Protip: the code of hammurabi, ancient greek and roman law, and even biblical law make provisions for the fit treatment of SLAVES.
some regulations are NOT to protect citizens (like animal welfare regulations) some of them are a sop to a special interest, some are based on simple human decency (even to your slaves...) and some are expressly for the interest of The State (like legal tender laws) which serve no benefit to the market, the seller, the buyer or the workers.
if i want to accept pesos, and decline dollars, i should be free to do so. but i aint.
The State wants me to accept their currency, but they dont want to keep it strong and stable, so they mandate it.
this shit really isnt that difficult to understand.
BZZT BZZT! Skreeee! "Batting next is Rob Roy, a switch hitting outfeilder with a .275 average when posting in political threads where the defense is blinded by liberal StinkinThinkin" BZzzzt!
youre up kiddo. remember to follow through, and watch out for her ScrewBall!
it would be Somalia here, without Uncle's gun........thank you. no faith in people.
yeah kinda like mad max and the thank you.
yeah kinda like mad max and the thank you.
some of those 2.5 million prisoners make things cheap while in jail
they are a cost effective work force helping you folk compete with slave labour in other countries like china
not available, this side of pond
yeah kinda like mad max and the thank you.