
What made you conclude that?
He was a member of The International Workingmen's Organization.

"All the great establishments, of every kind, now in the hands of a few proprietors, but employing a great number of wage labourers, would be broken up; for few or no persons, who could hire capital and do business for themselves would consent to labour for wages for another." ~Lysander Spooner.

Read it carefully, it's the very core tenet of socialism. It's not out of context either, it comes directly from a letter to President Cleveland.
not available, this side of pond
fucking video snobs
stephen fry is an homosexual, so, according to the accepted doctrine of the left, his comments are irrelevant.

i know, it boggles my mind too.

these ever changing lefty debate rules are hard to get a handle on.
I watched the Fry video without issue. I guess it's only Americans that aren't allowed to watch.
It's probably better that way.
You don't want to know how many people are put in prison for life by stealing 9 videotapes or 4 chocolate chip cookies.
not available, this side of pond
fucking video snobs
stephen fry is an homosexual, so, according to the accepted doctrine of the left, his comments are irrelevant.

i know, it boggles my mind too.

these ever changing lefty debate rules are hard to get a handle on.
I watched the Fry video without issue. I guess it's only Americans that aren't allowed to watch.
It's probably better that way.
You don't want to know how many people are put in prison for life by stealing 9 videotapes or 4 chocolate chip cookies.

in order to qualify for the 3 strikes law, they have to have a LONG HISTORY OF VIOLENT FELONY CONVICTIONS

and that doesnt include plea bargains, clemency, and charges that were reduced because the prosecutor was lazy.
of course kynes supports three strikes laws, they help him in his goal to SMASH MULTICULTURALISM (read: heavily black populations).

http://www.prisonpolicy.org/scans/jpi/Racial Divide.pdf

more black people in prison than their 13% of the population can account for?

the FBI records demonstrate why this so so:



at 13% of the population, only in 3 categories do they score anywhere near the expected 13%:

driving under the influence
liquor law violations

they are way overrepresented even in "white collar crimes" like:

Forgery and Counterfeiting: 32.9%
Fraud: 31.8%
Embezzlement: 32.4%

and in violent crime, where you get "Strikes", they dominate the categories like Wilt Chamberlain dunking on Verne Troyer

Addendum: and thats even WITH the fbi rolling chicanos in with "whites" to make the numbers less appalling

more black people in prison than their 13% of the population can account for?

the FBI records demonstrate why this so so:



at 13% of the population, only in 3 categories do they score anywhere near the expected 13%:

driving under the influence
liquor law violations

they are way overrepresented even in "white collar crimes" like:

Forgery and Counterfeiting: 32.9%
Fraud: 31.8%
Embezzlement: 32.4%

and in violent crime, where you get "Strikes", they dominate the categories like Wilt Chamberlain dunking on Verne Troyer

yeah, it's not like there's any history nehind that, or even current imbalances in the justice system.

it's all just them blacks "in da streetz", isn't it?
been following any hispanics around the grocery store lately?

Only in the checkout line...how about you? Been watching your wife fuck any hispanics tonight? Negroes? Russians? Brazilians? Czechs? Hawaiians? Alaskans? Canadians? Chileans? Austrailians? Poles? Swedes? Etc Etc Etc....
I watched the Fry video without issue. I guess it's only Americans that aren't allowed to watch.
It's probably better that way.
You don't want to know how many people are put in prison for life by stealing 9 videotapes or 4 chocolate chip cookies.

i know it makes the A-ricans seem like lunatic barbarians
apparently they have more folk in prison than china and india combined
and more young (17) black people are in jail than collage
they be pretty high on the execution league tables too at one stage above Saudi Arabia
i read somewhere that a very high percentage of black folk are no longer allowed to vote
would make a good tragedy movie if it wasn't true lol
i know it makes the A-ricans seem like lunatic barbarians
apparently they have more folk in prison than china and india combined
and more young (17) black people are in jail than collage
they be pretty high on the execution league tables too at one stage above Saudi Arabia
i read somewhere that a very high percentage of black folk are no longer allowed to vote
would make a good tragedy movie if it wasn't true lol

we have more people in prison than india, thats true, we have more people in prison than china ADMITS TO, but thats irrelevant.

if we let out all the cats doing time for a nickel bag of weed, and the numerous added charges that pile on, solely for having that nickelbag, like:

nickelbag + pocketknife = conceal weapons felony
nickelbag + the baggie it is contained in = Intent to distribute felony
nickelbag + driving car = interstate transport of narcotics felony
nickelbag + 1 seedling in the closet = 1/4 Ounce Kingpin Narco-Trafficker felony
nickelbag + 1 seed in the bottom of the bag = Intent to manufacture felony
nickelbag + a school within 1/2 a mile = Drug free School Zone felony
nickelbag + a previous conviction for a previous nicklebag = Habitual Offender felony
nickelbag + bong, pipe or rolling papers = paraphernalia felony
nickelbag + "shit, im busted" = resisting arrrest, assault on an officer, interstate flight, terrorist threats, links to Al Quaeda, "did 9/11" felony

we would have a much lower lockup score.

we got too many people in prison on BULLSHIT, but we also have a much larger crime problem than most of the world too.
we got too many people in prison on BULLSHIT, but we also have a much larger crime problem than most of the world too.
That's essentially what the Fry video was getting at. It might be useful to keep in mind, most in the "Commonwealth" nations aren't as intimately aware of the prison demographics in America, compared to say Canada. I still get dumbfounded every time I hear another stat in that regard, though. It makes our prison issues here seem laughable.
But we still take it seriously (I underlined it, so you know for sure how serious we are about prison stuff).
That's essentially what the Fry video was getting at. It might be useful to keep in mind, most in the "Commonwealth" nations aren't as intimately aware of the prison demographics in America, compared to say Canada. I still get dumbfounded every time I hear another stat in that regard, though. It makes our prison issues here seem laughable.
But we still take it seriously (I underlined it, so you know for sure how serious we are about prison stuff).

yeah i heard you Queen's Subjects are super serious about Prison Stuff...


meanwhile in Penn State...
Well lets get all those innocent black people out of prison then.

"But teacher, Sally and Michael were talking, too."

yes, make fun of the racial imbalances in the justice system, rail against multiculturalism, and wonder why you get called a racist.