Epoxy floor? Have you done it?

I believe i opened all the windows,ran a fan, cut the acid as directed and had no problems. Not sure if I wore a respirator or not, I'd recommend it but DW is a welder so he probably knows all about fumes. Inhaling acid wasn't something I was trying to do.
Safety first. I'm enjoying decades of industrial solvents and caustics exposure. Just remember your lungs don't heal. And your nervous system??Yeah. Long enjoyable life.

I can share tips if needed.
I wish they made a brighter white, the antique white is as close as they get. I like to not use the flecks of color because I want to see anything that doesn't belong real easy in a grow.
I wish they made a brighter white, the antique white is as close as they get. I like to not use the flecks of color because I want to see anything that doesn't belong real easy in a grow.
Pay a couple extra bucks and have better base made to order. Jerkin William, Hohm depot, lowest. Look into it. Modern color spectronomy is amazing. And all paints come from four sources competing for market share.
heh i actually just did this in the room im building i encourage you to do it, turned out beautiful. should listen to these guys couple important things if theres stuff already on the floor you should grind it off, also grind any shit itll look like chips in the floor almost like too many stones if they didnt get enough creme when finishing the slab originally make sure thats grinded flat or the epoxy will fail down the road when grinding make sure you rent one with an attachment for dust also rent a hepa vac to connect to it while grinding. heres some pics of the one i did last week. oh and dont forget to buy a half mask with p100 catridges to protect yourself from silica and the vapours from the epoxy!
Groumau5 used to swear by bright white epoxy floors I have only painted mine and been pissed when the paint peels up due to moisture. Whatever happened to Growmau5 anyway?