Epstein Commits Suicide.

Do you find his suicide fishy?

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it's orthodox jewish law..he's indicated this when he was taken into custody for just such an occasion (his death).

there's a whole bunch of laws associated with orthodox jewish tradition..they send someone to watch the body, 'washers' and they wrap the body in their burial shroud..must be buried within 24 hours.

if you have an interest, just google orthodox jewish tradition burial..it's very interesting and all groups have a different (yet similar) process.

like muslims have to be buried laying head north to feet south with the body slightly facing east. women are not allowed to attend and must stand back at the road..even those married or children. only men are allowed at a muslim grave site at burial.

this is all very high liability and one reason i chose not to pursue.
Too bad Epstein is not being given a traditional orthodox burial. There was no tahara and there is no chevra kadisha, or "holy society" to watch over his body.

Don't let the fact that you don't know what you are talking about stop you from posting. They funny. I love it when people who use the term "Jew-bastard" opine on Jewish rituals.
whenever there's a hit the Boss wants to be close by..as close as he's comfortable, without really being there.

he wants to be as close to the lifeforce draining out of epstein as he dared.

at less than 50 miles away..unsealed docs and a dead epstein..all the same day- imagine that?

i mean who's administration and DOJ did epstein die under?: TRUMPS
Yeah I agree if Billy boy was raping children, as much as I liked him as president he should be locked up too. Same with everyone.

I did a quick search if Whitney Webb, I would be sure to see how news sources pick up her stories, but with all the misinformation and propaganda, I am quick to not trust the sites she is posted on.

Looks like the Jerusalem post, very mainstream outlet, is about to interview and cover webbs series. Holy shit!
So, what does happen to the body?

Returned to family? Doesn't that fucking guy have a brother who will now be rich?

Maybe bury him and dig him up later like Oswald 14 yrs. later to double check?

Somebody has to ID a dead body to know what to write on the toe tag, right?

Maybe I watch too many movies.
So do a lot of other people if you read this whole thread though. Lol.
They’ll check DNA. Count on it.
One of the two guards on duty at the time of Jeffrey Epstein's death was reportedly a substitute who didn't typically work as a corrections officer. Think
'if he hung himself and it really wasn't apparent to coroner..'

even if it was apparent, the death was 1) unattended and 2) without a doctor vouching for long term illness..it's still considered suspicious.
What I said was regarding the obvious. The coroner couldn’t pronounce death by hanging obviously. The cause of death was left undetermined. So the injury apparently doesn’t match the story or something. If it was clear he’d died by hanging they would have said so.
New York Times reports 1 hour ago that the guards were literally asleep and lied on records. They didn’t check on him or anyone for 3 hours. Explaining the early reports of 18 hour days and 60 hour work weeks. Mandatory overtime and it was already known one of the two people was not even a corrections officer but an office pogue.
'if he hung himself and it really wasn't apparent to coroner..'

even if it was apparent, the death was 1) unattended and 2) without a doctor vouching for long term illness..it's still considered suspicious.
I don’t think he said there was no autopsy. You added “and” to his statement which kind of changed the whole quote. A typical Tty thing but I digress lol. I don’t think he ever said it wasn’t suspicious or there wasn’t an autopsy, just that it wasn’t conclusive at this point.
Guards on forced OT were sleeping.

I said for 10 yrs. as a union rep that forced OT is the same as drinking.

Reaction time lowered, less productivity, people sleep, etc. You wouldn't tolerate drinking but it's fine to have 16-18 hour zombies there.

But big business always gets their way.

Prison system too, apparently.

Forcing people to work over day after day is cheaper than hiring extra people with benefit packages and insurance.

You get what you pay for.

And Epstein is still dead.
Guards on forced OT were sleeping.

I said for 10 yrs. as a union rep that forced OT is the same as drinking.

Reaction time lowered, less productivity, people sleep, etc. You wouldn't tolerate drinking but it's fine to have 16-18 hour zombies there.

Truck drivers have federally mandated H.O.S (hours of service)

I'm in the 70/8 guidelines. No more than 70 hours within 8 days, once I reach 70 hours I have to take a 34 hour reset. I usually hit 70 hours in 5 days though, sometimes 6

I can be on duty 14 hours a day and only 11 of those hours can be actual drive time, then I have to go off duty for 10 hours before I can go back on duty again

I have to take a 30 minute break within 8 hours of going on duty

I think it's a good rule.

No doubt I could drive longer, but I'm sure my reaction times and awareness would start going downhill.