Nothing even close to bizarre as this prick has ever happened to my country as this prick.
That’s right, nothing comes close to this fascist bastard who loves to stir hate and seems to be the Father of Lies.
Arguing over who would make a better overseer is slave talk. Hillary is more polished than Trump, but at the end of the day she is just another thug, like Trump.
She may even be a more efficient thug than Trump, since she and Bill got Epstein to give them money (funneled to them thru "charity" ...wink) .
Are you okay with Hillary literally laughing at Ghaddafi being anally raped with a bayonet ?
Why was Ghaddafi killed? Is it possible it had to do with him not playing along with the currency lords?
Jade Helm 15 at the Pizzagate. Go find Alex.
meh, won't watch the video. Yes, the investigation into his death worth is a longer look by DOJ and I'll give it a second glance when news develops . Will wait with an open mind for information to develop.So apparently Acosta was told that Epstein was an intelligence asset and not to mess with him. That seems convenient for Acosta too, doesn't it?
Very convenient that Epstein died before the truth could come out, for all sorts of people.
Barr has him covered like a personal attorney/fixerI am basically your anti-conspiracy type, however for the most high profile inmate in the country to be able to commit suicide is close to unbelievable.
This needs to be investigated as thoroughly as possible and trump needs to stay the fuck out of it given how personally involved trump was with Epstein for so long.
They do not. Anything that they have done should be upheld by the law. Fuck them, they went into public service, if they did stuff illegal, they were compromised and should have stepped down.Nobody is elite from a human rights perspective, which is why I don't believe in the concept of "authority".
Does Clinton, Obama, or Trump have any right to do things which you or I shouldn't do ? Where did they get it from if they do?
I cant even make a guess as to what happened. Pics with both clinton and trump. And tons of other high level people.
I didnt care what party the people were in. Just wanted to see them go down.
Without a body its just too much guessing for me to get into.
Ive been in jail. Theres nothing in a cell to hang yourself from anymore. Theres no bars on the doors. Nothing to tie to.
He was too high level to kill himself. Thats my only view on it
Milk is $1.19 here.And I'm all over here like, "WHAT, milk is $5 a gallon! Unbelievable. I can't keep going on like this. Somethings got to give. Ugh!
I dont know dude. I feel like he obviously could of taken so many shit heads down. But on the other hand you could be right. No point of living anymore for him.The made for TV movie next year will explain it.
And you never wanted to off yourself so you weren't really looking for a place to hang from.
Epstein tried a couple weeks ago and failed, then managed to improve his technique.
That one famous nazi at Nuremburg managed to eat cyanide the day they were going to hang him.
Just fucking imagine if that happened today. There'd be 10 different conspiracy theories. Back then it was just, 'damn, we didn't get to do it'. He was still dead on time though, so fuck him.
It’s not inconceivable that he’s done a deal with Don. “Hey Jeff give me all ya money, I’ll send the feds over to pedo island to pick up the diamonds when you’re “dead”.
Seems hard to believe that someone in protective custody and recently on suicide watch can off himself, especially when that person has kompromat on Trump, that greedy venal arsehole that rules the world.
Of course this is all wild baseless speculation on my part.
So apparently Acosta was told that Epstein was an intelligence asset and not to mess with him. That seems convenient for Acosta too, doesn't it?
Very convenient that Epstein died before the truth could come out, for all sorts of people.