Estimate yeild. Any guesses


Active Member
First ever grow just wondering what my yeild could be. I'm three or four days into flower thanks, iv made a cuple mastakes along the way but will be sure to learn from them next time round


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Haha just had to get some estamests in as don't think I'm going to get what I thought.... I was hoping around 6oz on the low end but looking at them now I just don't think I'm going to get that... And 2-3 oz just won't be have worth my time, just want it to have been worth my while. time cost ect but yeah fingers crossed
estimate this one
Don't worry about getting back what you paid in. In fact just assume it won't happen. Instead see the learning experience as the price you paid.
But if you dial that all in, feed some magix bloomz, and play loud death metal to them, I'd say about a pound. Then all trimmed up, dried, cured I'd say about 3.02 oz.

..and charge your damn battery! You're never going to make it to harvest walkin around with no 1% battery!
Hahaha yeah I noticed my battery percent was low . Always is... And I'm worried I may be running into some sort of problem. I waterd them this morning and wen to turn lights out not long ago and the bud shoots look all droopy and skinny and just not looking good... I I don't think I'm over watering. Maybes the roots aren't getting what they need when I'm watering I'm not sure. I raised the light up a little bit today aswell just incase it had something to do with the light intensity.... Iv tryed looking for some similar pics but cudnt really find none, starting to get a bit worried now, just want my babies to perk up and start looking healthy again


oh its a bit bigger than i thought. thats good. i'd guess anywhere from 100-250g depending on the strain and how much it stretches in the next few weeks

if you want a bigger yield, and you have some more vertical space, you could go back to veg and keep vegging until it fills the screen. then when you flip all the bud sites will stretch 8-10 inches above the screen and you'll have a nice thick even canopy. since its only been a few days it won't stress them too much to return to 18/6. other than that nothing really. assuming your lights are correct power and distance, environment and nutes are dialed in. but thats a long conversation.

it looks like you've done better than most first timers. if you get usable bud, you're probably in the top 90%. just keep trying to learn and each harvest will get bigger/better.

good luck to you.
Thank you my friend and yeah I'm pritty much out of time for veg now need to get my babies finnished. Just worried about my problem since I'm only three days into flower my bud shoots look little droopy and quite skinny.... Not looking to good that's for sure. I will let my pots dry out tomorrow see if that helps any