Estimate yeild. Any guesses

Like op said dont get caught on on coast, time etc. Its a learning experience, note your screw up' for the next run and go from there. Dont fret on something that is now beyond your control and stress out. No one becomes a master grower over night. It takes time, dedication & patience just like anything else. I'm not sure if you're writing things down/keeping a journal. If not it might be a good idea so you can go back and see where you might have screwed up so you can fix the problem if one should occur in the future. You will get the hang of things. You have a leg up over most others, meaning you took the first steps in starting your own grow. That in it self should be something you're proud of! From the pictures you provided your plants look pretty good. Good luck & happy grows.
Yeah I think that's the way to go from now I will just be glad to get her to harvest. and yeah it's all being a learning curve for me, I have noted my mastakes and will be making sure I do not make them agein. And no unfortunately no journal ...I may attempt to write one down on my next run. And awsome thanks man ☺ appreciate your advice. And I think I may have over watered them yesterday and they looked real droopy to me but today them seem abit better than they were yesterday, iv dicided to take the big light out so not to stress her any more and put my little one in just for a day or two with fans on to help dry my girls out abit soon as soil is dry and they start to bounce back a bit more il move the 600w hps back in and then continue to water/feed, I know I post a few pictures but I can't help it lol


Between zero and 2lbs. Prolly about dead center of that range if I had to venture a marker, give or take 16oz either way. Just a guess tho. I've been both right and wrong, so take my guess with a gram of hash.
Haha yeah thanks for stopping buy PM... I had a little bit of a problem few days back noticed she was getting wartered to much and caused over watering so I removed the big light as to not stress her out any more but as I say they have bounced back n look quite a bit better. I will upload some fresh pics in the morning.... White hairs shooting out all over ☺