Even the socialists hate Obamacare

do you know how many times the site admin has scolded me for trolling sock puppet little kids like yourself?

now go cry to mommy because daddy beats you up, kid.

Really, I buy that, that's why he shares information about accounts with you. Real secure for a MJ site, that you have tried so hard to destroy. You have not only destroyed your credibility but the sites security at the same time.
Really, I buy that, that's why he shares information about accounts with you. Real secure for a MJ site, that you have tried so hard to destroy. You have not only destroyed your credibility but the sites security at the same time.

you can ask him. he has threatened to ban me when i go full throttle on little sock puppets like you.

what are mommy and daddy cooking for the holiday, kid?
Socialist Party Candidate Alexander Calls Obamacare Another Corporate Giveaway
by Billy Wharton
Friday Jun 29th, 2012 10:10 AM

Obama’s policy was based on the original sin of allowing the pharmaceutical companies off the hook. He then followed this up by pledging public funds to subsidize junk healthcare plans, coercing Americans into purchasing these plans and silencing the voices of single-payer healthcare advocates. Obamacare is not healthcare reform; it is just another corporate giveaway by the Obama administration.​
Socialist Party USA Presidential Candidate Stewart Alexander condemned the Supreme Court’s decision to uphold the provisions of the President Obama’s Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. Calling it a “corporate restructuring of the healthcare system in America,” Alexander pointed to the many inequities that are built into to the new system. He highlighted the need for a fully socialized healthcare system that guarantees access to high quality healthcare as a human right.

“The private health insurance companies always had two ideas in mind when it came to healthcare reform – either to avoid all reforms or stick the American people with a bad reform,” Alexander stated, “Today, the Supreme Court upheld the bad healthcare reform that will insure the profits of private healthcare companies at the expense of American’s access to healthcare.”

“Obama’s policy was based on the original sin of allowing the pharmaceutical companies off the hook. He then followed this up by pledging public funds to subsidize junk healthcare plans, coercing Americans into purchasing these plans and silencing the voices of single-payer healthcare advocates. This is no reform; it is just another corporate giveaway by the Obama administration.”

Alexander pointed to the fact that an estimated 26 million people will remain outside the healthcare system and that the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act still leaves millions of Americans vulnerable to bankruptcy because of medical bills.

Alexander and his running mate Alex Mendoza advocate for a single-payer healthcare system that will abolish the private health insurance companies. They see this measure as an important first step in the direction of a fully socialized healthcare system. The pair will challenge the Patient Protection and Affordable Care on the campaign trail, including the Swing States of Ohio, Colorado, Louisiana, New Jersey and Florida.

The Socialist Party USA is America’s voice for democratic socialism. The SP-USA supports the creation of a radical democracy where regular people have a direct voice on issues related to public budgets, how their work sites operate and in their community. We believe that things like housing, healthcare, a clean environment and a good job are human rights and should be guaranteed.

For more information, visit the 2012 campaign website: Stewart Alexander for President/Alex Mendoza for Vice President 2012:http://stewartalexanderforpresident2012.org/



who'd a thunk it?
We hate Obamacare because it didn't do anything to help anyone but Big Pharma and Health Insurance Companies. :dunce: Good thread though! We want Universal Single Payer just like Canada, Australia, New Zealand.. yup pretty much the UK those damn socialists rot you scum bags!
It is so simple to fix that the paid off politicians are very afraid the people will figure it out and fire them. The simple solution is to fire the insurance companies, figure out what it will really cost, and raise the taxes, (Mostly on those that can afford it most, the wealthy) and start a medical system "not for profit" that will benefit every legal resident in the country, and most likely those illegals also. Train doctors for free, let them work it off on low pay for a certain time in public medicine, and get on with solving our fiscal problems and our corrupt political system, by getting money out of politics. I realize this is an oversimplification, but damn it, why all the complication? Freedom should include the right to be healthy.. While I'm on the subject, I believe it is time to start replacing Capitalism. I'm pretty sure we could come up with a better system that would not benefit the people with the capital/money so dominantly. How about worker owned businesses. How about doing away with wall street and the Banksters that control the world. We outnumber them 100-1. What the fuck is wrong with us??
Lol show me any other 60 year old technique and I can show you something that has gotten cheaper

Now look at the rest of medicine that is using new technique and see it hasn't had time to get cheaper

So, you're saying that eye surgery is operating with the same technology as 60 years ago?
A wise man keeps his mouth shut and let's others think him a fool, rather than open it and remove all doubt.
you can ask him. he has threatened to ban me when i go full throttle on little sock puppets like you.

what are mommy and daddy cooking for the holiday, kid?

Sounds like a desperate plea to me, daddy isn't going to be happy you're sharing inside information on public forums. If he/she had half a brain they would ban you, you're more trouble than its worth.
It is so simple to fix that the paid off politicians are very afraid the people will figure it out and fire them. The simple solution is to fire the insurance companies, figure out what it will really cost, and raise the taxes, (Mostly on those that can afford it most, the wealthy) and start a medical system "not for profit" that will benefit every legal resident in the country, and most likely those illegals also. Train doctors for free, let them work it off on low pay for a certain time in public medicine, and get on with solving our fiscal problems and our corrupt political system, by getting money out of politics. I realize this is an oversimplification, but damn it, why all the complication? Freedom should include the right to be healthy.. While I'm on the subject, I believe it is time to start replacing Capitalism. I'm pretty sure we could come up with a better system that would not benefit the people with the capital/money so dominantly. How about worker owned businesses. How about doing away with wall street and the Banksters that control the world. We outnumber them 100-1. What the fuck is wrong with us??

Here you want the answer on why nothing got fixed
Man that is so easy

There are thousands of more laser eye surgery centers
more Lasik machines
that = more supply than demand

Why, that sounds like... trickle down economics.
Gee, why do you suppose there are so many laser eye surgery centers? Hmmmm, let's see... there must be a demand for it. Even though most insurance will not pay for laser eye surgery. Hmmmm, maybe THAT is why. Yeah, that makes sense. When people have to pay for something, they have a vested interest in getting the most for their money.
You got closer than gw but the answer is competition.
Sounds like a desperate plea to me, daddy isn't going to be happy you're sharing inside information on public forums. If he/she had half a brain they would ban you, you're more trouble than its worth.

you poor little baby. start another sock puppet sometime during your 112 hour work week.
So, you're saying that eye surgery is operating with the same technology as 60 years ago? A wise man keeps his mouth shut and let's others think him a fool, rather than open it and remove all doubt.
the technique of using lasers to trim bits off eyes is 60 years old.

mass producing, optics and computers has made that technique cheaper how difficult is it for you to understand

i want to take back about the car market not translating as it does in a way

you have to consider the entire market as a whole and its based on need only to be used when you hav to.

the majority of the time your healthy so you ride the bus we all do.

when you get sick alot of the time 10-20 yearold technology (cheap basic car) works perfectly fine so thats what you use while you need it

sometimes something more serious arises and you need something more powerful (fairly high tech bmw) so thats what you use while needed

in rare cases someone might need everything we have so they get to use the beugatti

now as the years pass the beugatti's get faster, as do the middle cars, with the basic cars getting more features but you dont get the picture without consideering them all together
Im not sure if this is with every Medical profession

But Chiropracters have business classes all thru their course work
And are heavily encouraged to take seminars and training after graduation in business building

chiropractors are not medical professionals. they are witch doctors.

most medical courses have ZERO business coursework, because they are SCIENCE not a con game. Engineering courses also include no business management instruction, and neither does chemistry, physics or mathematics.

agriculture and culinary arts courses do have business management information built into them, to assist in running the operations which pertain thereto.

chiropractic mythology courses are designed to create a small office bilk some rubes and then pack up and move to the next town before the state medical board catches up to you.
Source-Ray SR-130D/55C Direct digital portable X-Ray System

Part Number: SRI SR-130D/55C

  • Our Price:

not a bad price for a portable x-ray, that will last 20 years and x-ray thousands of patients. your point is moot. veterinarians use portable x-ray equipment too, and some of those cost even more than $125,,000

veterinary x-rays generally cost less than half the cost of a hospital x-ray, unless they have to make a house-call (moar like a barn-call amirite?) then the costs become sorta similar. most of the cost of your x-ray is not the cost of the device, its the cost of the insurance company setting their compensation to 75% of medicare payment. if medicare will pay $200 for an x-ray, then the cost of an x-ray must now be $200 bucks every time. thats common sense and business practice. fact is, even if you get billed $200 if you self-pay most docs dont charge that at all, they give a cash discount (usually 25%) then accept partial payment, before chalking the rest up as a loss or a charitable donation on their taxes.

throwing up one manufacturer's price for a portable x-ray machine doesnt make a case for anything other than X-ray machines being priced more reasonably than a mercedes, or a BMW.
Public option, IE medicare for all!! Take the profit out of medical care, what a fucked Idea,,profiting off of peoples illness. Yes the AHC act does start a little discussion, but ends on a sour note, profiteering by the insurance companies. Untill people recognize that health is a right, not an option for the rich (Wealthy), and a dirty word for the right, we will be stuck in this for profit health system that favors the wealthy and keeps the poor and middle class sick and broke. This is of course one mans opinion and I stand by it.

yes. every doctor should be a monk living under a vow of poverty. shall we also force them to take an oath of chastity? after all, doctors get lots of trim, and its not fair for any man to get laid twice before every man gets some at least once.

personal success is one of the cornerstones of all human society, without an objective goal to strive for, then everything will become just good enough. i bet you never once went to the hospital and asked for their most mediocre doctor.

every doctor "profits" off another person's illness. if nobody ever got sick there would be ZERO doctors, just like there are no unicorn saddlers, or dragon veterinarians, and if every doctor was paid minimum wage there would be very few doctors, medicine might even become the province of barbers and carpenters again.
I'm still wondering why we have Universal Healthcare and its half the cost to our Govt, yet you guys have private healthcare and it still costs your Govt DOUBLE and you're fucked if you need something that's over the "cap".

And we could drop our costs even more by using generics (but the pharm lobby still wins that one).

Where do the pet capita costs come from if the insurance industry is supposed to cover it?
yes. every doctor should be a monk living under a vow of poverty. shall we also force them to take an oath of chastity? after all, doctors get lots of trim, and its not fair for any man to get laid twice before every man gets some at least once.

personal success is one of the cornerstones of all human society, without an objective goal to strive for, then everything will become just good enough. i bet you never once went to the hospital and asked for their most mediocre doctor.

every doctor "profits" off another person's illness. if nobody ever got sick there would be ZERO doctors, just like there are no unicorn saddlers, or dragon veterinarians, and if every doctor was paid minimum wage there would be very few doctors, medicine might even become the province of barbers and carpenters again.

As usual you missed the point. Profit as in corporate insurance companies, corporate hospitals and corporate doctor exchanges, IE big profit mill doctor clinics. Single payer would eliminate the profit from these rip-off entities. Yes I believe doctors should be paid well, more on their performance than their affiliation with corporations. Single payer would open up the schools for more doctors as subsidies could be paid to get them through medical schools that could be paid back by performing public service. Get capitalism out of medicine, that's what I'm all about, and that includes big corporate pharma. Research could be done at universities, stop with the millions in advertising and put that money into research and clinical trials.
As usual you missed the point. Profit as in corporate insurance companies, corporate hospitals and corporate doctor exchanges, IE big profit mill doctor clinics. Single payer would eliminate the profit from these rip-off entities. Yes I believe doctors should be paid well, more on their performance than their affiliation with corporations. Single payer would open up the schools for more doctors as subsidies could be paid to get them through medical schools that could be paid back by performing public service. Get capitalism out of medicine, that's what I'm all about, and that includes big corporate pharma. Research could be done at universities, stop with the millions in advertising and put that money into research and clinical trials.

putting the words "corporate" or "Big" in front of something that covers a feild as gigantic as medicine displays a lazy intellect.

"big profit mill doctor clinics" ohh no!! somebody stop the terror of BIG CLINIC! youre trying too hard. doctors form associations among themselves, create multidiscipline practices to reduce costs and improve communication, then they get equipment, buy a larger building and become a fucking hospital. a country doctor with an office and exam room in his house is NOT the choice you want if you need a heart transplant, or chemotherapy. you want a hospital or, as you so quaintly put it: "big profit mill doctor clinics" buildings, equipment, and payroll are fucking expensive. a small medical group cant just open a hospital with good vibes and a desire to "change the world" they need investors. the investors want to get some moeny back, so the hospital must be a business. just like a farm is a business, a store is a business, and a goddamned insurance company is a business. if outgoings exceed incomings then your business (hospital farm store or insurance company) goes out of business. your perspective is the perspective of the employee who sees only the trappings of wealth not the work and time it takes to get that wealth.

even in your fantasyland of "free healthcare" the government will have to take in MORE TAXES THAN YOUR MEDICAL CARE COSTS just to balance the books. record keeping, maintenance of buildings and equipment, insurance against loss or lawsuit, groundskeeping, transportation, energy costs, the mandarins who shuffle the papers, ink for bureaucrat stamps, all this shit adds to the costs of all medical care, if the government ran it all then things would either be

A: Absolutely Fucked Up DMV style
B: taxes so high you basically work for the government for 4/5 of the year.

"Big Pharma" is even less scary than your boogey man of "big profit mill doctor clinics" youre trying too hard. it's not working. Pharmaceutical companies do lots of fucked up shit, but you are not required by law to use their products. most of their shit doesnt even do much besides ease the side effects of other drugs. most of "Big Pharma's" money is found not in lifesaving medications, but rather, erection pills and "eat all the garbage you want and never get heartburn" pills.
Please go on about how Mexicans should feel about Fast and Furious. I for one, would be worried that the impending regime change here ends all drug war cooperation. Answers? They are in the documents that Obama is holding, not in the GOP partisan BS you want to push in order to blame Obama for the drug war. Mexico isn't calling for answers, Mexico is calling for an end to Dubya's drug war offensive into Mexico. Nobody down here is asking why Holder had the GPS receivers removed from the rifles, they are asking why America is exporting violence instead of curbing it's own demand for drugs.

Again, I'm not saying Obama is innocent, I'm simply saying fuck you for trying to shove partisan BS in my face to make it look like the GOP isn't just every bit as guilty for the drug war. So yes, hold Holder/Obama accountable right along with the neocons you enjoy blowing. Fuck Darrel Issa, he doesn't give a fuck about Mexico. He wanted us to keep exporting violence south, he only got mad when there was a US casualty for it, so fuck him.
I can't think of 3 right now that give a fuck about anything but what is good for them and their image which is their bread and butter. I believe a scenerio close to this happens after every recent President's swearing in: a smoke filled dark room filled with the real leaders surrounding their newest puppet and a film of the JFK assassination is played for the puppet and when it is finished they ask him if he has any questions to which they have all replied Tell me what you want me to do so maybe give the guy a break? Saint Clinton did a lot of shady shit too like sending cruise missiles to Iraq as retaliation for Sr's attempted assassination and NATO
the technique of using lasers to trim bits off eyes is 60 years old.

mass producing, optics and computers has made that technique cheaper how difficult is it for you to understand

i want to take back about the car market not translating as it does in a way

you have to consider the entire market as a whole and its based on need only to be used when you hav to.

the majority of the time your healthy so you ride the bus we all do.

when you get sick alot of the time 10-20 yearold technology (cheap basic car) works perfectly fine so thats what you use while you need it

sometimes something more serious arises and you need something more powerful (fairly high tech bmw) so thats what you use while needed

in rare cases someone might need everything we have so they get to use the beugatti

now as the years pass the beugatti's get faster, as do the middle cars, with the basic cars getting more features but you dont get the picture without consideering them all together

So, we all have a right to own Bugattis? Heart transplants have been around for 45 years, why aren't they cheaper?
So, we all have a right to own Bugattis? Heart transplants have been around for 45 years, why aren't they cheaper?
If one day you needed it then yeah you damn well should be able to take it out for a spin, just don't expect to keep it on your drive.

Heart surgery is a labour intensive procedure with many highly skilled people needed. They also use a lot of the new toys and mortality rates have fallen considerably since they started doing it