Well-Known Member
Sounds like you support the public option then
Yes and we have 50 years of the system to study, prefect any issues and lay it down, we all know what we're getting.
Sounds like you support the public option then
They do it all the time to middle class, I have seen so many horror stories of people that make 150k going bankrupt with insurance, think they will care more for poor people? A private sector system is not a fix for healthcare, its going to be a nightmare.
Maybe that is the plan
If all else fails
We go to the Public Option
You can thank a democrat for killing that
His name is Joe Lieberman
The only man I have ever seen kiss a president other than a Saudi Prince
Question ( Puppets no need to answer ) If AHC is not the answer, but one is most certainly needed. How do we fix our healthcare system?
Lets not turn this into finger pointing, we have so much insurance, pharma lobbing its sickening.
a little birdie tells me you've been making some copycat accounts in between those 16 hour days
sounds like something a 14 year old kid like yourself would do.
a sock puppet making sock puppets? you dawg, i heard you like sock puppets!
Maybe that is the plan
If all else fails
We go to the Public Option
You can thank a democrat for killing that
His name is Joe Lieberman
The only man I have ever seen kiss a president other than a Saudi Prince
The drug companies and large corporate interest - greed combined with political corruption (lobbying) are the main reasons were in a huge mess here. Treating symptoms without addressing the causes acomplishes us nothing in the way of resolving our problems.
A sockpuppet, calling someone a sockpuppet how original!
awww, is the little boy all pouty now that he's been found out?
i'm not sure how a sock puppet gets 20k posts, but i am sure now that londonfog and i have been right all along: you are a sock puppet.
i was also right about you being a 14 year old kid, too. your actions back me up here.
so who was your original account? how did you get so badly embarrassed that you had to run off and start the nontheist sock puppet?
LOL an aww my pussy hurts post....
so how did i embarrass you so bad that your little kid ass ran off and started three new accounts?
and what are mommy and daddy cooking for you on fourth of july today, kid?
haha, I got one more question for you, how did you lose your moderator position?
i voluntarily stepped down and am welcome back anytime.
That tells about the quality and supervision of this forum
poor little sock puppet kid
the little boy who has yet to go through puberty is upset about bad moderating. you poor thing.
you got daddy issues?![]()
No more damning words could be said, I had a hunch and I was correct. You obviously know the site owner and have inside information. So we have a political thread where its ok for UncleBuck to do or say anything but not for everyone else.