Well-Known Member
Ok let me know if I am getting this wrong Mr. Neutron
You hate Obamacare
But moved to Mexico
For what reason?
You hate Obamacare
But moved to Mexico
For what reason?
Ok let me know if I am getting this wrong Mr. Neutron
You hate Obamacare
But moved to Mexico
For what reason?
No, I didn't. Do tell, how does giving the doctor a chicken help to diagnose medicine? Why are we even talking about diagnosing medicine, anyway? All the diagnosing should be done in the lab, a long time before it gets to market. You do realize that, right?
As the knowledge rose and the tools developed to treat people so did the costs rise
Your harking back to a time when doctors had little knowledge and even less means of diagnosing and treating disease. As the knowledge rose and the tools developed to treat people so did the costs rise
Ok let me know if I am getting this wrong Mr. Neutron
You hate Obamacare
But moved to Mexico
For what reason?
No, you're not wrong. I hate Obamacare and I did move to Mexico. What does one have to do with the other?
I seem to recall
You moved to Mexico for medical reasons
Something about being cheaper and all
Not everywhere, but in America, yes, yes it did.
Really? You know this because you remember those days?
No everywhere using modern medicine has increased healthcare costs I'd be looking at your insurance company profits if i was you
Is technology the only reason for increased medical costs? I don't think it's that simple. The cars of today are technologically more advanced than the cars of the past but I don't see many people walking. Laser eye surgery used to be very expensive but as the technology advanced, the prices came down. Hmmmm, I wonder how that happened.
If you are looking for a simple reason there isnt one
you can look at
- more hospitals being built
-more doctors working for hospital chains
- fraud in healthcare
- self referrals
I go in for a yearly check up
170 bucks
lab work
300 bucks
analysis of lab work
80 bucks a test
Is it the goverments fault?
the doctors?
Is technology the only reason for increased medical costs? I don't think it's that simple. The cars of today are technologically more advanced than the cars of the past but I don't see many people walking. Laser eye surgery used to be very expensive but as the technology advanced, the prices came down. Hmmmm, I wonder how that happened.
With new cars your either looking at technology that was developed 10 or so years ago OR your looking at 1/2 a mill upwards in price with new tech
There's a few things in medicine that's stagnant enough to benefit from economies of scale but not many
Oh so we're at the point of the conversation where you play dumb rather than continueWhaaaaaat?
Oh so we're at the point of the conversation where you play dumb rather than continue