Even the socialists hate Obamacare

Please go on about how Mexicans should feel about Fast and Furious. I for one, would be worried that the impending regime change here ends all drug war cooperation. Answers? They are in the documents that Obama is holding, not in the GOP partisan BS you want to push in order to blame Obama for the drug war. Mexico isn't calling for answers, Mexico is calling for an end to Dubya's drug war offensive into Mexico. Nobody down here is asking why Holder had the GPS receivers removed from the rifles, they are asking why America is exporting violence instead of curbing it's own demand for drugs.

Again, I'm not saying Obama is innocent, I'm simply saying fuck you for trying to shove partisan BS in my face to make it look like the GOP isn't just every bit as guilty for the drug war. So yes, hold Holder/Obama accountable right along with the neocons you enjoy blowing. Fuck Darrel Issa, he doesn't give a fuck about Mexico. He wanted us to keep exporting violence south, he only got mad when there was a US casualty for it, so fuck him.

woah there, you have me confused with somebody else. I'm fully aware the war on drugs is a GOP pet project.

Every time you defend the cover up you make a different excuse. It would be so much easier to use common sense, admit your party has some serious issues and try to help fix it. Instead, bat blind partisan fuckers are the reason while trying to fix health care we get this stupid unworkable monstrosity of a bill that not only does it raise costs, it won't even cover everyone because they can't make the states increase medicaid. 2700+ pages, and it won't do anything they told you it would. Yet partisan hacks support it because they wanted a health care bill.

The stimulus could have been used to fix roads and bridges and put people back to work but after paying for studying the affects of alcohol on chinese hookers and building tunnels so turtles can safely cross the street there wasn't enough money left. Your bridge falling down? got some construction workers needing jobs? sorry, we spent that removing tatoos on gang members.

After Bushney the republican brand was so bad and damaged the democratic party should have had a stranglehold, instead they acted like the first time the parents were out of town and forgot to lock the liquor cabinet. There are things in the healthcare bill that were written during the Clinton presidency that are outdated and undoable yet nobody knew at the time because nobody read it.

You blame partisanship whenever somebody calls out your leadership when it should be YOU, the person they represent that should be calling out your leadership. When they do stupid, harmful, deceitful shit you need to call them on it, not just blindly believe it when they point at the other guys.

The tea party was a reaction to how shitty the GOP had become. There really needs to be a movement from the left to fix the fucked up corrupt shit happening on that side of the fence. Instead, the blind partisan hacks will lie and cover up the lies and cover ups before they would ever admit they were wrong. It's sad and it's damaging.

Seriously, think back 4 short years and try to imagine there would even be a chance the GOP would take the holy trinity. I figured you guys would have to seriously fuck up to lose even 1 leg and you did that historically. Now you are too stubborn to realize that most of the non-partisan people can look at the Fast and Furious type things objectively and say wtf? Change that or you are really going to be disappointed with what happens next. If you can't call them out and prevent them from this type of behavior the voters will remove them for you.
woah there, you have me confused with somebody else. I'm fully aware the war on drugs is a GOP pet project.

Every time you defend the cover up you make a different excuse. It would be so much easier to use common sense, admit your party has some serious issues and try to help fix it. Instead, bat blind partisan fuckers are the reason while trying to fix health care we get this stupid unworkable monstrosity of a bill that not only does it raise costs, it won't even cover everyone because they can't make the states increase medicaid. 2700+ pages, and it won't do anything they told you it would. Yet partisan hacks support it because they wanted a health care bill.

The stimulus could have been used to fix roads and bridges and put people back to work but after paying for studying the affects of alcohol on chinese hookers and building tunnels so turtles can safely cross the street there wasn't enough money left. Your bridge falling down? got some construction workers needing jobs? sorry, we spent that removing tatoos on gang members.

After Bushney the republican brand was so bad and damaged the democratic party should have had a stranglehold, instead they acted like the first time the parents were out of town and forgot to lock the liquor cabinet. There are things in the healthcare bill that were written during the Clinton presidency that are outdated and undoable yet nobody knew at the time because nobody read it.

You blame partisanship whenever somebody calls out your leadership when it should be YOU, the person they represent that should be calling out your leadership. When they do stupid, harmful, deceitful shit you need to call them on it, not just blindly believe it when they point at the other guys.

The tea party was a reaction to how shitty the GOP had become. There really needs to be a movement from the left to fix the fucked up corrupt shit happening on that side of the fence. Instead, the blind partisan hacks will lie and cover up the lies and cover ups before they would ever admit they were wrong. It's sad and it's damaging.

Seriously, think back 4 short years and try to imagine there would even be a chance the GOP would take the holy trinity. I figured you guys would have to seriously fuck up to lose even 1 leg and you did that historically. Now you are too stubborn to realize that most of the non-partisan people can look at the Fast and Furious type things objectively and say wtf? Change that or you are really going to be disappointed with what happens next. If you can't call them out and prevent them from this type of behavior the voters will remove them for you.

What you call defending cover up, I call deflecting partisan bs. I honestly stopped reading after that.
woah there, you have me confused with somebody else. I'm fully aware the war on drugs is a GOP pet project.

Every time you defend the cover up you make a different excuse. It would be so much easier to use common sense, admit your party has some serious issues and try to help fix it. Instead, bat blind partisan fuckers are the reason while trying to fix health care we get this stupid unworkable monstrosity of a bill that not only does it raise costs, it won't even cover everyone because they can't make the states increase medicaid. 2700+ pages, and it won't do anything they told you it would. Yet partisan hacks support it because they wanted a health care bill.

The stimulus could have been used to fix roads and bridges and put people back to work but after paying for studying the affects of alcohol on chinese hookers and building tunnels so turtles can safely cross the street there wasn't enough money left. Your bridge falling down? got some construction workers needing jobs? sorry, we spent that removing tatoos on gang members.

After Bushney the republican brand was so bad and damaged the democratic party should have had a stranglehold, instead they acted like the first time the parents were out of town and forgot to lock the liquor cabinet. There are things in the healthcare bill that were written during the Clinton presidency that are outdated and undoable yet nobody knew at the time because nobody read it.

You blame partisanship whenever somebody calls out your leadership when it should be YOU, the person they represent that should be calling out your leadership. When they do stupid, harmful, deceitful shit you need to call them on it, not just blindly believe it when they point at the other guys.

The tea party was a reaction to how shitty the GOP had become. There really needs to be a movement from the left to fix the fucked up corrupt shit happening on that side of the fence. Instead, the blind partisan hacks will lie and cover up the lies and cover ups before they would ever admit they were wrong. It's sad and it's damaging.

Seriously, think back 4 short years and try to imagine there would even be a chance the GOP would take the holy trinity. I figured you guys would have to seriously fuck up to lose even 1 leg and you did that historically. Now you are too stubborn to realize that most of the non-partisan people can look at the Fast and Furious type things objectively and say wtf? Change that or you are really going to be disappointed with what happens next. If you can't call them out and prevent them from this type of behavior the voters will remove them for you.

One of the best posts I have seen on here, good job.
the healthcare system in the states has been disgraceful for too long.
obamacare will be a big improvement.
everyone should have access to good healthcare whether rich or poor like in england.
the nhs is great,ppl get the treatment they need for free.

It's not "free" if a person MUST participate and/or another person is MADE to pay for something for another. By what magic can government forcefully redistribute and it somehow is not theft?

You are arguing that the RESULT of the theft is a good thing, which it may or may not be, but that does not change the fact that a forced redistribution and forced purchasing of something has little to do with "free" and very little to do with "freedom".
Read my lips...not my smirk.
No new taxes...NOT 1 Dime !

Promises, promises.... don't worry honey. I'm not going to cum in your mouth.
Thank you for answering , but I do disagree. I would hate to see a system for the health and welfare of people to depend of churches and private charities. Why we as a nation , which is thought to be one of the greatest, can't give her people healthcare. How can you look out for the welfare of your people without looking out for their health. JMHO

a simple open honest single payer system with actual visible taxes to pay for it would be a refreshing change of pace from politics as usual, and would probably win right now, as an alternative to obamacare's insane bullshit and legalism

thats not gonna happen though. obama is too invested in his fantasy of creating a lasting legacy and getting on mount rushmore. he would set himself on fire in the well of the senate before accepting anything other than his malformed monstrous baby of the "affordable care act" (one more bill in the bag to maintain an unbroken 20 year streak of naming bills in the most orwellian newspeak bullshit manner imaginable!, yay!!)
The stimulus could have been used to fix roads and bridges and put people back to work but after paying for studying the affects of alcohol on chinese hookers and building tunnels so turtles can safely cross the street there wasn't enough money left. Your bridge falling down? got some construction workers needing jobs? sorry, we spent that removing tatoos on gang members.

you forgot $800,000 for african scrotum washing programs. that one is pure comedy gold.
The socialists dislike Obama because he is not left wing enough and has failed on his campaign promises. The Republicans hate him because he is black.
woah there, you have me confused with somebody else. I'm fully aware the war on drugs is a GOP pet project.

Every time you defend the cover up you make a different excuse. It would be so much easier to use common sense, admit your party has some serious issues and try to help fix it. Instead, bat blind partisan fuckers are the reason while trying to fix health care we get this stupid unworkable monstrosity of a bill that not only does it raise costs, it won't even cover everyone because they can't make the states increase medicaid. 2700+ pages, and it won't do anything they told you it would. Yet partisan hacks support it because they wanted a health care bill.

The stimulus could have been used to fix roads and bridges and put people back to work but after paying for studying the affects of alcohol on chinese hookers and building tunnels so turtles can safely cross the street there wasn't enough money left. Your bridge falling down? got some construction workers needing jobs? sorry, we spent that removing tatoos on gang members.

After Bushney the republican brand was so bad and damaged the democratic party should have had a stranglehold, instead they acted like the first time the parents were out of town and forgot to lock the liquor cabinet. There are things in the healthcare bill that were written during the Clinton presidency that are outdated and undoable yet nobody knew at the time because nobody read it.

You blame partisanship whenever somebody calls out your leadership when it should be YOU, the person they represent that should be calling out your leadership. When they do stupid, harmful, deceitful shit you need to call them on it, not just blindly believe it when they point at the other guys.

The tea party was a reaction to how shitty the GOP had become. There really needs to be a movement from the left to fix the fucked up corrupt shit happening on that side of the fence. Instead, the blind partisan hacks will lie and cover up the lies and cover ups before they would ever admit they were wrong. It's sad and it's damaging.

Seriously, think back 4 short years and try to imagine there would even be a chance the GOP would take the holy trinity. I figured you guys would have to seriously fuck up to lose even 1 leg and you did that historically. Now you are too stubborn to realize that most of the non-partisan people can look at the Fast and Furious type things objectively and say wtf? Change that or you are really going to be disappointed with what happens next. If you can't call them out and prevent them from this type of behavior the voters will remove them for you.

Pretty good post, it is like some of you have some sort of vested interested almost, but I know the truth is your just SUUUUUUUPER SPECIAL