Even the socialists hate Obamacare

The socialists dislike Obama because he is not left wing enough and has failed on his campaign promises. The Republicans hate him because he is black.

I was under the assumption he was white? Whose the racist now... bow chicka wow wow
there was no point to refute.

you madse a racist statement, that was simply parroting the racist statements in the left leaning press, deprave said your shit was racist and ths not appropriate to a forum for grownups.

your alleged point was NUHH UHH!! i know you are but what am I?

so in keeping with your theme,

I'm Rubber you're Glue!

Neener Neener Neener! You gots the Cooties!
Yeah you're right. Guess I have to be the ass and point out that almost everyone that is agreeing with this POS bill on this thread isn't even in the country.

Ah so it's poor reading comprehension to go along with your shitty attitude.

Care to point out where I agreed with this bill?
You do know that medicine diagnosis and treatment are a much different beast compared to the days when "give the doctor a chicken" was a realistic approach?

No, I didn't. Do tell, how does giving the doctor a chicken help to diagnose medicine? Why are we even talking about diagnosing medicine, anyway? All the diagnosing should be done in the lab, a long time before it gets to market. You do realize that, right?
"Even the socialists hate Obamacare"

No offense, but doesn't that go without saying? In contrast to popular belief, Obamacare is far from socialized health care.