Ever eat or smoke the roots?


Well-Known Member
What makes you think there are cannabinoids in roots?
What up Observe?

Seems to me like much research is still being withheld as to what pharmaceutical properties the roots contain within them in their entirety, the full detailed list of the constituents found in the roots is not readily available for anyone to study. I'm not someone who just assumes that the information I'm being given is the truth, I always hang on to my underlying doubts, and for good reason, this topic is a perfect example of why I respond the way I do in that aspect. Cheers.

"Other compounds identified in cannabis roots include cannabisativine (2.5 mg/kg)18,25–27 and anhydrocannabisativine (0.3 mg/kg),24 surprisingly, no pharmacological information is available on either alkaloid. "

Mrs. Weedstein

Well-Known Member
What up Observe?

Seems to me like much research is still being withheld as to what pharmaceutical properties the roots contain within them in their entirety, the full detailed list of the constituents found in the roots is not readily available for anyone to study. I'm not someone who just assumes that the information I'm being given is the truth, I always hang on to my underlying doubts, and for good reason, this topic is a perfect example of why I respond the way I do in that aspect. Cheers.

"Other compounds identified in cannabis roots include cannabisativine (2.5 mg/kg)18,25–27 and anhydrocannabisativine (0.3 mg/kg),24 surprisingly, no pharmacological information is available on either alkaloid. "
Yes the stuff I found on that same NIH website seemed to say the roots were legit for helping with inflammation. I will try it tomorrow when I make cannabis butter and report back.


Well-Known Member
I have always thought of using roots for something. I am open to it. The problem I have is getting dirt off the roots. Has anyone figured that out? The dirt on cannabis roots is so embedded I just gave up.


Well-Known Member
There is quite a bit of interest in cannabis roots.

This is interesting.

Initial Observations • Ancient and folk contentions concerning therapeutic approaches with cannabis root are borne out by modern testing indicating strong anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. Some evidence also supports activity against cancers and as a febrifuge. • The triterpenoids, friedelin and epifriedelanol, seem the best candidates. • Little work has been done on root alkaloids.


Mrs. Weedstein

Well-Known Member
I have always thought of using roots for something. I am open to it. The problem I have is getting dirt off the roots. Has anyone figured that out? The dirt on cannabis roots is so embedded I just gave up.
I’m not sure we need to worry about it so much. Dirt is dirt. Wasn’t there a study where a lack of exposure to microorganisms has weakened kids immune systems to the point they get leukemia?

I’ve been told my whole life how I am doing a shitty job washing my hands. Like they bring it black lights and say, “See, you’re missing spots.” Who gives a fuck?

I admit to the fact I am basically a hillbilly but I I’ve been alive for nearly 40 years and basically never get sick despite really shitty hygiene. How is that possible?

I’m guessing my immune system doesn’t give a fuck if I eat a hamburger without washing my hands. Yes, I’m pretty fucked up but that doesn’t make it any less true —if we lived in sterile bubbles for our first 20 years and then were set loose into the world, we’d get sick as fuck.

not meaning to be combative, just a fat drunk polak rambling, LOL

Mrs. Weedstein

Well-Known Member
I’m not sure we need to worry about it so much. Dirt is dirt. Wasn’t there a study where a lack of exposure to microorganisms has weakened kids immune systems to the point they get leukemia?

I’ve been told my whole life how I am doing a shitty job washing my hands. Like they bring it black lights and say, “See, you’re missing spots.” Who gives a fuck?

I admit to the fact I am basically a hillbilly but I I’ve been alive for nearly 40 years and basically never get sick despite really shitty hygiene. How is that possible?

I’m guessing my immune system doesn’t give a fuck if I eat a hamburger without washing my hands. Yes, I’m pretty fucked up but that doesn’t make it any less true —if we lived in sterile bubbles for our first 20 years and then were set loose into the world, we’d get sick as fuck.

not meaning to be combative, just a fat drunk polak rambling, LOL
Whoa got way too wasted last night, sorry for rambling


Well-Known Member
Is there such a thing as “ to wasted last night “ when you don’t wake up behind bars or on the morning news cause they looking for ya ? You go on w/your dirty ass and be you . No apologies ever needed !

I’m interested in what we are going to do w/the roots ? You decide on lotions? Seemed like a great call if so

Mrs. Weedstein

Well-Known Member
Is there such a thing as “ to wasted last night “ when you don’t wake up behind bars or on the morning news cause they looking for ya ? You go on w/your dirty ass and be you . No apologies ever needed !

I’m interested in what we are going to do w/the roots ? You decide on lotions? Seemed like a great call if so
My buddy is coming over to make some cannabis butter for my parents, and then we’re gonna make tea out of the roots for them too if the timing is OK. Do you think I should dry them first or is it ok to decarb or wait til they air dry?

my wife says we should mix the tea with coconut oil, will that work?

as for getting too fucked up, you make a good point but tell that to my liver, LOL. I already drank a six pack this morning so it’s just a matter of getting back on that horse, LOL

too larry

Well-Known Member
I’m not sure we need to worry about it so much. Dirt is dirt. Wasn’t there a study where a lack of exposure to microorganisms has weakened kids immune systems to the point they get leukemia?

I’ve been told my whole life how I am doing a shitty job washing my hands. Like they bring it black lights and say, “See, you’re missing spots.” Who gives a fuck?

I admit to the fact I am basically a hillbilly but I I’ve been alive for nearly 40 years and basically never get sick despite really shitty hygiene. How is that possible?

I’m guessing my immune system doesn’t give a fuck if I eat a hamburger without washing my hands. Yes, I’m pretty fucked up but that doesn’t make it any less true —if we lived in sterile bubbles for our first 20 years and then were set loose into the world, we’d get sick as fuck.

not meaning to be combative, just a fat drunk polak rambling, LOL
My granny always said a youngun needs to eat a peck of dirt to keep from being sickly. Maybe she was on to something. {I'm pretty sure the peck was an exaggeration though. That is a lot of dirt}


Well-Known Member
I'd say go ahead and let the root completely dry out first, any real extraction I've ever heard of starts out with fully dried material, some of those sugars, alcohols and photo-chemicals have to break down and ferment a bit before they can have peak efficacy and reach their peak potency assimilation levels, etc.

I found one decent piece of research that might be helpful from a completely different plant, this plant is used medicinally almost entirely for the properties found in its roots, 'Echinacea purpurea' is the plant variety that is of topic that this piece of research is covering, so just be aware this is documented research is for another species and may or may not have the same exact desired outcome from one species to another and so forth.

However with this being said, typically just allowing something to dry naturally will not effect peak potency adversely, but there may be instances where a desired alkaloid or constituent found in the fresh product might be found in higher quantities & by processing the produce while it's still fresh. Most wildcraft harvesting I've ever heard of or read about is from an extract of the dried root or rhizome, so my initial thought would be to follow along with how the professionals worldwide process their herbs, I'm speaking of herbal extract companies when I say this, almost always the ingredients are listed as wild crafted or sustainably harvested fresh dried herb or root, so this would be where I would start and go from there.

Hope this helps & thanks for the compliment @Mrs. Weedstein back at cha buddy :hug:.