Ever think a noobies DEA?


Active Member
i'm never shouting out my name and hometown so i don't give two shits about whether they're a cop or not :)
...And I'm a medical MJ patient in CO where it is legal YAY!!! So I couldn't give two shits either. LMAO I think the comes and goes parinoia has more to do with how much you've smoked than potential for cops on this site.


Well-Known Member
well as far as the disclaimer on this web site goes. you can get on to it with google you just cant reply. you can read everyone's posts just no pics. bottom line is be careful. and dont give out a map. and if someone does start asking alot of questions. bounce this is my 30th screen name. i love helping peopel with there crops. but you gotta protect yourself.


Misguided Angel
Last time I checked telling a noob that he needs to switch his lights to 12/12 to flower his plants, or that his PH should be in the 6-7 range isn't illegal anyways... Now when you say "well what I do with my 300 plant grow op" then you are asking for it. But even then do you know how many sites like this there are? And the amount of people on them? Talk about a waste of time on their part.


Well-Known Member
Last time I checked telling a noob that he needs to switch his lights to 12/12 to flower his plants, or that his PH should be in the 6-7 range isn't illegal anyways... Now when you say "well what I do with my 300 plant grow op" then you are asking for it. But even then do you know how many sites like this there are? And the amount of people on them? Talk about a waste of time on their part.
personally i think if anybody is getting watched, especially the guys out there saying "with my 300+ plants" nothing will come of it unless they are linked to being watched/followed in person..
if a big time dealer is also a grower and they figure out his screen name im 100% sure they would atleast check it out. but i dont think they would go through the trouble to link a random screen name to one of the many people they have a hard on for..

phenix white

Active Member
If you think they ani't watching ..YOUR crazy! and everything is based on 50/50 chance even everyday life decsions! Let me put it this way..if you get busted growing1 plant just 1 they charge with what its equvilent to produce!, yes they can bust you and use it against you.! probley long the lines of using internet/computer for illegal activity,conspiracy to cultivate,attempting to cultivate..just like when they bust ya or a dealer whats 1 the first things the get info and use against you??? Cell Phones!, i think and im sure any one poseing as undercover or cop on here would make it as legit as it could be! remeber they can always google any info,copy paste any pics! edit change! But must of all who you think runs the net? watches it? bust pervs? sets up fake chat sites to catch prededtors!...and ya know whats even scaryier!?!...The computer this website REMEMBERS who you are!


Active Member
I'm not paranoid. I'm legal in my state. I grow only what I'm allowed and I keep it very low key. There was a guy that owned a dispensary in our state that went public and said he was making money "hand over fist"... Not a good thing to say publicly. History and Studio 54 teaches us not to brag about money... Within a week the feds busted this guy. He was clearly being public about being "outside" of the "spirit of the law".


Well-Known Member
IMHO growers like most the people on this site arent on there "radars"...
there looking for the guys out in the street, supplying citizens with dangerous drugs...
i think people here, and other sites are on the back burner for the most part. not saying that they arent watching, because they are. but i think they are going to make the search worth there time, and take out big OPs with multiple locations/custumers/grow sites/suspects.
i mean seriously, probly 70% of people on this site are 100% against selling and growing illegally.