Everyone is fucking up their weed on the dry/cure!

Cool I obviously have some reading to do on the no-till method. I will concede I know very little about it. I find it hard to give a plant exactly what it wants with such variable starting environments. Could that same plant in no-till perform better in a hydro or aero setup with ideal nutrients though? How much yield is getting sacrificed?
got me man i only grow this way cause it works for me for personal consumption and like i said i like to water and let the plant do its thing

but i also work with over a hundred tons of soil a year for work not dirt but true soil
post up your dank bro. We are all waiting for a good laugh here.

I actually am the only one who has posted dank... You goofies gunna smoke your "live" plants lmao? Dumb af let's see your bud dried you clown boy. And I must touch on you as a person, you go around following ppl's posts and sayin "haha" but never actually say shit... You are the definition of a fucking loser. Please take a sec to reflect on that son and know it as the truth, it is why you're here and do what you do. You even took the time to comment on my profile lmfao damn... that is a complete nobody with a shit life. Honestly got me dyin, haven't laughed this hard in time. You even got a little fuck boy groupy sandman83 to follow you, so jokes.
I actually am the only one who has posted dank... You goofies gunna smoke your "live" plants lmao? Dumb af let's see your bud dried you clown boy. And I must touch on you as a person, you go around following ppl's posts and sayin "haha" but never actually say shit... You are the definition of a fucking loser. Please take a sec to reflect on that son and know it as the truth, it is why you're here and do what you do. You even took the time to comment on my profile lmfao damn... that is a complete nobody with a shit life.

erm, how about just a better shot of the other bud with a clean lens? It did look quite sparkly man so I'm just curious.
I actually am the only one who has posted dank... You goofies gunna smoke your "live" plants lmao? Dumb af let's see your bud dried you clown boy. And I must touch on you as a person, you go around following ppl's posts and sayin "haha" but never actually say shit... You are the definition of a fucking loser. Please take a sec to reflect on that son and know it as the truth, it is why you're here and do what you do. You even took the time to comment on my profile lmfao damn... that is a complete nobody with a shit life.
i posted some dry bud shots heres more if you missed em every 1 of these nugs are dried and smokable
dynoberrybites esoseeds IMG_0094.JPG
clone only gg4
Mac1 caps cut to be clear i didnt grow this nug just trimmed and took photo my mac is only vegging
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Those actually look stupid good... I want to take a bite out of the bottom one. Idc what anyone says though tbh, I didn't come into this thread to argue in the first place I just made a statement and got called a noob so I called that person out who hasn't even bothered to say anything back. Idc if 20 of you want to come at me n talk shit, I'll always have something to say.
Most people are fucking up their weed prior to the dry/cure. Overfed fried plants from dumping a dozen bottles of "Magic" on your plants are never going to taste and smell like they should. The same can be said about weed harvested much too early because someone went by the breeders flowering time, marked a date on the calendar, and chopped down on that date despite the plants needing another two or three weeks and sometimes longer. Being impatient and trying to "Pump" up the buds with products are the two biggest reason for crappy weed.
You can’t tell some people.....
I just laugh to myself when someone says they grew “the dank” and it burns going down and or won’t stay lit. Airy buds also!!!!! GIVE THE PLANT ANOTHER 2 fucking weeks!!!!! Damn
Those actually look stupid good... I want to take a bite out of the bottom one. Idc what anyone says though tbh, I didn't come into this thread to argue in the first place I just made a statement and got called a noob so I called that person out who hasn't even bothered to say anything back. Idc if 20 of you want to come at me n talk shit, I'll always have something to say.
thank you they were all great smoke
i havent talked shit just stated a fact that you didnt know how to cure bud a month ago but youre on here calling out longstanding members on how they grow you asked for pics you got em so wheres yours? or did you just have that one nug to show? how about the plant it came off?
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1 Don’t harvest too early, wait for the buds to swell
2 don’t overwater
3 Definitely don’t overfeed
4 don’t dry your harvested plant too fast
The word drying is miss leading
I would rather use the word acclimate
Xxxx once you cut your plant down when you hang it or trim it or whatever you decide to do to it you need to slowly drawl the moisture out of the buds. Low60’s in temp and low60’s in humidity with some gentle air flow...... and when you think it’s ready for a jar leave it another three or four days at least.... growers have to check their impatience at the door if they want a nice final product
thank you they were all great smoke
i havent talked shit just stated a fact that you didnt know how to cure bud a month ago but youre on here calling out longstanding members on how they grow you asked for pics you got em so wheres yours? or did you just have that one nug to show? how about the plant it came off?

I don't know how to cure bud? Did you even read my thread or just the title? Book by its cover man, you should know better than that. My first post in this thread that you commented on is about genetics being key but you call me a noob on that, then you go on to post genetics like Mac and not just Mac but caps cut lol... Gl taking shitty genetics and making terpy dank bud from it. That was my point that you decided to chirp about. Sorry my cam isn't good enough, can't compare to your 4k pics and I don't care enough to take a bunch of pics of my grow like you guys. You got too much time on your hands if you want to keep going back n fourth like this, I'm done here.
4. THCA is slowly converted to THC (which further degrade to cannabinol)
This is one of the myths of curing. There is only a tiny amount of free THC in bud. Fresh, dried, cured, it makes little to no difference to the levels of THC or THCA.
I wish it did convert THCA to THC. Then I wouldn't have to fuck around with decarbing my weed before making edibles.
I don't know how to cure bud? Did you even read my thread or just the title? Book by its cover man, you should know better than that. My first post in this thread that you commented on is about genetics being key but you call me a noob on that, then you go on to post genetics like Mac and not just Mac but caps cut lol... Gl taking shitty genetics and making terpy dank bud from it. That was my point that you decided to chirp about. Sorry my cam isn't good enough, can't compare to your 4k pics and I don't care enough to take a bunch of pics of my grow like you guys. You got too much time on your hands if you want to keep going back n fourth like this, I'm done here.
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lol man go back and read i didnt call you out about genetics lol of course genetics play a huge role and yea i read enough to know you jarred wet weed and it molded and you kept the jars in a cooler with icepacks lol so my statement stand you didnt know how to cure your buds

I also wasnt the one that threw insults or that jumped to conclusion on whether or not other members grew good weed lol I didnt say put up or shut up either that was also you my man
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lol man go back and read i didnt call you out about genetics lol of course genetics play a huge role and yea i read enough to know you jarred wet weed and it molded and you kept the jars in a cooler with icepacks lol so my statement stand you didnt know how to cure your buds

I also wasnt the one that jumped to conclusion on whether or not other members grew good weed lol I didnt say put up or shut up either that was also you my man

Had they not been in the cooler with ice packs the temp would have easily rose above 75f+ which didn't seem ideal.

Get out of here with that hippy B.S.
No matter where it came from a molecule is a molecule, point blank.
You're Flexing with the wrong
View attachment 4441908
Finally show up eh... With some super unfinished plant to boot. Lol a molecule is a molecule.... Go learn something about true organics and the reason it is superior, microbes are the whole fuckin reason you scrublet. This is over, not gunna squabble with your petty ass.
Had they not been in the cooler with ice packs the temp would have easily rose above 75f+ which didn't seem ideal.

Finally show up eh... With some super unfinished plant to boot. Lol a molecule is a molecule.... Go learn something about true organics and the reason it is superior, microbes are the whole fuckin reason you scrublet. This is over, not gunna squabble with your petty ass.
Clearly you don't know shit, go back to school and learn some chemistry, clown. Yea it's over because I just owned your noobie ass.