Evolution Is A Theory On Which You Base A Religion


Well-Known Member
Man how fucked will we be if lions evolved into intelligent beings.

lol nm we will kill them before they would get time to acclumulate any dangerous intel.


Well-Known Member
People are still posting on this, for all the guys that are wasting their time with people that will never look at the facts you guys are troopers.


Active Member
Every single living organism on earth, ALL OF THEM, have DNA. Does that not suggest that ALL LIFE on earth is RELATED? [/QUOTE]
sure it can suggest it but doesnt prove it, sounds like you can explain everything by time and chance.
what its more likley to suggest is an amazing creator it could mean we were all created by one creator.

[/QUOTE] Also, what such observations in nature is the author referring to? - why doesn't he list any? [/QUOTE]

I dont know.. what i do know is if anyone looks hard enuf they can find errors in anything noone is perfect including scientist

[/QUOTE] Seriously...wtf?

Tiktaalik 375 million years ago - fish > amphibian


http://tiktaalik.uchicago.edu/ [/QUOTE]
gods got a since of humor lol
one thing i thought of awhile back is how men are suppost to be big and bad yet a little thump in the right place :cuss: will take him down &&& women nice clean and beautiful yet bleed every month kinda funny huh?

[/QUOTE] ...Well, let's examine this claim.

There are 6.7 billion human beings on Earth today.

Given the extreme circumstances of fossilization;

So how would you suggest there should be billions or even millions of fossils in our possession? There is a big difference between saying there are millions out there and saying we've found that many... There probably are BILLIONS of fossilized organisms out there, but we haven't found that many because they're so rare and we've only been actively searching for them for a short period of time. The amount we HAVE found you guys STILL dismiss, so what would it even matter if we actually did have BILLIONS anyway? Honestly... [/QUOTE]

lost me.. where you going with this? that site was a Islam site just to let you know

[/QUOTE] Without a doubt and conclusively, YES! There is absolutely no doubt among the scientific community that evolution - that is, modification in genes over time - happens. Darwin knew this when he proposed the theory, even without the transitional fossils. [/QUOTE]

easy to say YES! but can you prove it?
you know you cant prove it you just say all the evidence suggest it. those ape men the missing links , how do you know its not an extinct monkey?

[/QUOTE] This last paragraph pretty much sums up your whole attitude towards this stuff fish. This is pure nonsense dude. All of it. Atheists in America are rising by the day, every single poll put out increases the percentage. The US is becoming more secular, less people are going to church, religion is on the decline. This shit couldn't be less accurate. [/QUOTE] atheist will rise, so?

[/QUOTE] Please, for your own sake, get a grip on reality man. Let the fairy tales go, you'll come out a happier, stronger person on the other side, trust me.

you speak of fairy tales.. tell me the one about how the big bang created planets ,space, and how men crawled out of a rock, again please i like it
:sleep: and you know there are alot of scientist that disagree with evolution its not just the religious


Well-Known Member
The big bang is supported by tons of mathematical data and experiments. So I can see why it would put you to sleep. See what I mean by you guys are wasting your time. You could present all the data and they will just say its wrong without providing evidence to say WHY its wrong. My little brother who is in the 7th grade does not even believe that giants or dragons ever existed, or you could fit two of every creature inside a boat. Why because you can not show him proof that they did. He is not gullible enough to take the word of one source that has been changed around over the course of a few thousand years.


Well-Known Member
haha .............
Can you tell me WHY that is wrong. Please amuse me in why the math or experiments would be wrong. Or are you going to take the easy way out and cop out and just say its wrong because a book that is supported by nothing but itself says its wrong.


Active Member
tell me what made the stuff that exploded and created everything?
i believe god created everything
you believe nothing? created everything


Well-Known Member
tell me what made the stuff that exploded and created everything?
i believe god created everything
you believe nothing? created everything[/QUOTE

Again you are wrong, scientist might not know but they are still searching and trying to figure it out. A lot harder then saying you know yet not having any information the back it up. I never claimed I knew the whole story, but I see the information that has been provided from data and research and understand part of the puzzle. Then try to understand the rest, knowing that I may never know but it is worth the effort. I take the harder road to understanding things while you take the easy one.


Well-Known Member
sure it can suggest it but doesnt prove it, sounds like you can explain everything by time and chance.
what its more likley to suggest is an amazing creator it could mean we were all created by one creator.
But then if it is created by one entity and that entity is infallible, why do we have so many malformed infants, that have mutations that are so horrendous that they die very disturbing deaths?

you put your faith in science i put mine in god
It is not faith, it is logic and evidence that the belief spawns from.


Active Member
But then if it is created by one entity and that entity is infallible, why do we have so many malformed infants, that have mutations that are so horrendous that they die very disturbing deaths?

hmm i figured you would know the answer to that.. maybe you forgot, noproblem.

the easy quick answer adam and eve sinned that sin brought evil, sickness, disease, death and (umm yeah i think thats it lol) into the world.

They say if you take a clone from a clone from a clone many many many times you end up with a differiant plant... u think thats true? anyways kinda like people god made adam and eve perfect which is why they could marry brother and sister with no defects but after awhile copy after copy things get messed up (because of sin of course)

been doing alittle homework :wall:
theory of evolution is not a scientific law or a law of biology. and scientific law must be 100% correct right? evolution is not a law so does that mean it has errors? alittle lost can you fill me in?

are there any species with out any links?


Well-Known Member
hmm i figured you would know the answer to that.. maybe you forgot, noproblem.

the easy quick answer adam and eve sinned adam and eve sinned that sin brought evil, sickness, disease, death and (umm yeah i think thats it lol) into the world.

They say if you take a clone from a clone from a clone many many many times you end up with a differiant plant... u think thats true? anyways kinda like people god made adam and eve perfect which is why they could marry brother and sister with no defects but after awhile copy after copy things get messed up (because of sin of course)

been doing alittle homework :wall:
theory of evolution is not a scientific law or a law of biology. and scientific law must be 100% correct right? evolution is not a law so does that mean it has errors? alittle lost can you fill me in?
Nothing is 100% in science, since any new piece of information can change what was once believed to be true. There is nothing that can refute evolution that has enough information to back it up. Sorry but 99% of science is theory, such as the Theory of Relativity. All scientist follow the same hypothesis-->theory--->law. Even a law can be refuted if enough information comes in to disprove it. By going by you previous logic most of science is wrong because it is not 100% right.


Well-Known Member
hmm i figured you would know the answer to that.. maybe you forgot, noproblem.

the easy quick answer adam and eve sinned adam and eve sinned that sin brought evil, sickness, disease, death and (umm yeah i think thats it lol) into the world.

They say if you take a clone from a clone from a clone many many many times you end up with a differiant plant... u think thats true? anyways kinda like people god made adam and eve perfect which is why they could marry brother and sister with no defects but after awhile copy after copy things get messed up (because of sin of course)

been doing alittle homework :wall:
theory of evolution is not a scientific law or a law of biology. and scientific law must be 100% correct right? evolution is not a law so does that mean it has errors? alittle lost can you fill me in?
Nothing is 100% in science, since any new piece of information can change what was once believed to be true. There is nothing that can refute evolution that has enough information to back it up. Sorry but 99% of science is theory, such as the Theory of Relativity. All scientist follow the same hypothesis-->theory--->law. Even a law can be refuted if enough information comes in to disprove it. By going by you previous logic most of science is wrong because it is not 100% right. Of course there are holes in science, NO ONE says they know everything, yet they are working towards trying to.


Active Member
Nothing is 100% in science, since any new piece of information can change what was once believed to be true. There is nothing that can refute evolution that has enough information to back it up. Sorry but 99% of science is theory, such as the Theory of Relativity. All scientist follow the same hypothesis-->theory--->law. Even a law can be refuted if enough information comes in to disprove it. By going by you previous logic most of science is wrong because it is not 100% right. Of course there are holes in science, NO ONE says they know everything, yet they are working towards trying to.

can i get a second opinion


Active Member
Nothing is 100% in science, since any new piece of information can change what was once believed to be true. There is nothing that can refute evolution that has enough information to back it up. Sorry but 99% of science is theory, such as the Theory of Relativity. All scientist follow the same hypothesis-->theory--->law. Even a law can be refuted if enough information comes in to disprove it. By going by you previous logic most of science is wrong because it is not 100% right.
Nothing is 100% in science, since any new piece of information can change what was once believed to be true. There is nothing that can refute evolution that has enough information to back it up. Sorry but 99% of science is theory, such as the Theory of Relativity. All scientist follow the same hypothesis-->theory--->law. Even a law can be refuted if enough information comes in to disprove it. By going by you previous logic most of science is wrong because it is not 100% right. Of course there are holes in science, NO ONE says they know everything, yet they are working towards trying to.
err mabye a 3rd opinion