Examples of Democratic Party leadership

Look like Biden went to get his kickback for the hundreds of billions he and his administration laundered though ukraine.
At same time f__king the AMERICANS people of Ohio and living in and near the southern border of the U. S. A. !!!!!!!!
Accuse others of that which you do. (Goebbels)

This is how Bernie makes himself a target of ridicule. Ageism now! As if that were even in tier 1 of our cultural problems. Maybe his being 81 has something to do with it.

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singling out the elderly for testing creates a false impression that any person over a certain age is losing it. Test everybody or create behavioral criteria that triggers a test. Ageism is a real thing and Haley is a shithead.
Accuse others of that which you do. (Goebbels)

Nope not a parasite sucking off the fini
Accuse others of that which you do. (Goebbels)

That article was a joke ! Might try to send money to Trump campaign fund . russia , russia is a old programming sequel to Marsha Marsha Marsha .
Instead of oh Jan ! It's oh war loving mad cow .
Nope not a parasite sucking off the fini

That article was a joke ! Might try to send money to Trump campaign fund . russia , russia is a old programming sequel to Marsha Marsha Marsha .
Instead of oh Jan ! It's oh war loving mad cow .
Are you telling me that you say Russia or Putin now instead of Marsha when you climax?

Maybe I misunderstood what you said in your reply to my post.
This guy behaves with dignity and properly, he doesn't want people to think his voters are a bunch of fascist fools with no moral or ethical standards, so he does things right.

'A dereliction of duty of the speaker': Thompson calls out McCarthy on Fox security risk

77,690 views Feb 23, 2023 #msnbc #foxnews #kevinmccarthy
Rep. Bennie Thompson, who chaired the January 6th Committee, talks with Alex Wagner about the irresponsibility of Kevin McCarthy in granting access to Capitol security video from January 6th to propagandist Tucker Carlson without looping in Capitol security officials.
On the other hand, how could anybody help from thinking MTGs voters are unpatriotic fascist fools and root'en for Putin. Punitive financial actions should be taken against districts who send this kind of trash to DC. Maybe reinstate "selective" reconstruction on a federal district basis? :lol:

Why a national divorce wouldn't work out well for red states

40,954 views Feb 23, 2023 #MarjorieTaylorGreene #Congress #Republicans
Morning Joe economic analyst Steve Rattner joins Morning Joe to discuss how a national divorce, as most-recently proposed by Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, would impact red states economically.

15 of the 20 worst states for being dependent upon federal aid are red...8 of the ten least dependent states are blue...
Go ahead and divorce us, but you get no alimony...wonder how long it will take for their own citizens to lynch them and come back, begging forgiveness? I'm guessing the first missed benefits check, the first month the food stamp card doesn't get filled, the day the wic card quits working...things will get ugly. Excuse me, ugliER....

15 of the 20 worst states for being dependent upon federal aid are red...8 of the ten least dependent states are blue...
Go ahead and divorce us, but you get no alimony...wonder how long it will take for their own citizens to lynch them and come back, begging forgiveness? I'm guessing the first missed benefits check, the first month the food stamp card doesn't get filled, the day the wic card quits working...things will get ugly. Excuse me, ugliER....
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aiee! nsfw