Examples of Democratic Party leadership

with as many jobs sitting vacant as there are right now, i'm not that upset about them cutting this program back to it's pre covid level.
Those that need it should get it, those that have been riding the train should gtf off of it and go back to work, and i know people who have been riding it shamelessly, hanging laundry off the caboose to dry.
locally, the openings are not so much bottom of the totem pole as the cinderblocks in the foundation.
locally, the openings are not so much bottom of the totem pole as the cinderblocks in the foundation.
There are jobs that need to be done, and people who aren't qualified to do anything else...
As long as they pay a living wage, and don't pose serious health issues, someone needs to do them.
I know people who haven't worked in two years. They never came back from lockdown. They lied, and stayed on extended unemployment as long as they were able, got extra money back on their taxes, and applied for every benefit they could get, and stayed on them as long as they could.
They have more money in the bank after two years of doing nothing than they had in 5 years of working.
I would suggest they use that as a nest egg to get their shit together and get back to work, the train is nearing the end of that line.

“The senator is pretty disappointed in Judith’s chairmanship, specifically around her failure to build a strong grassroots movement in the state,” said a person familiar with Sanders’ thinking. “A lot of us feel sad about what could have been. It was a big opportunity for Bernie-aligned folks in the state to prove some of the folks in the establishment wrong. And that hasn’t happened.”

and that is her fault!?
If the weight of public sentiment is not there, then it just plain (bad word) is not. there.

This passage in the article you linked to sounds so very familiar to me when I recall past discussions about Bernie in this forum:

“They really did not want to do electoral politics,” she said. “They wanted to work outside of the current electoral system. As the state party chair, I can’t do that. I can’t work outside of the system itself. I represent the Democratic Party. I don’t represent the DSA.”

Hall, the DSA leader, disputed Whitmer’s contention that the group was opposed to electoral politics, pointing out that the local chapter voted to make electoral research and recruitment a priority. But she said she now views the Democratic Party as a dead end not because of Whitmer or even the breakdown of their relationship.

“It has more to do with how the establishment reacted” to Whitmer’s victory,

Its the same old story repeated many times since 2016 by so called Progressives or now they call themselves Democratic Socialists. They do not participate in efforts or discussions with the Democratic Party because as they "view the Democratic Party as a dead end". Yet they expect the Democratic Party leaders to simply hand power over to them without any attempt on their part to earn it. From what I read in that article, Whitmer started out as "their" leader but turned to the establishment wing of the party because they got shit done while the DSA continued to play the role of outsider even after they had won. Bernie's supporters are feckless.
There are jobs that need to be done, and people who aren't qualified to do anything else...
As long as they pay a living wage, and don't pose serious health issues, someone needs to do them.
I know people who haven't worked in two years. They never came back from lockdown. They lied, and stayed on extended unemployment as long as they were able, got extra money back on their taxes, and applied for every benefit they could get, and stayed on them as long as they could.
They have more money in the bank after two years of doing nothing than they had in 5 years of working.
I would suggest they use that as a nest egg to get their shit together and get back to work, the train is nearing the end of that line.
minimum wage ain’t that in CA
There are jobs that need to be done, and people who aren't qualified to do anything else...
As long as they pay a living wage, and don't pose serious health issues, someone needs to do them.
I know people who haven't worked in two years. They never came back from lockdown. They lied, and stayed on extended unemployment as long as they were able, got extra money back on their taxes, and applied for every benefit they could get, and stayed on them as long as they could.
They have more money in the bank after two years of doing nothing than they had in 5 years of working.
I would suggest they use that as a nest egg to get their shit together and get back to work, the train is nearing the end of that line.
In Canada we ended pandemic programs a while ago and have opened up immigration even more because of a chronic employee shortage. I imagine the situation is even worse in the states with a lack of legal immigration options. Most new legal immigrants will be black, brown or Muslim and the republicans don't like any of them, much less the undocumented ones coming up from down south. From what I can gather there is a chronic shortage of workers in America too and a broken immigration system that the republicans refuse to reform. They can't even give the dreamers citizenship; America is the only country they have ever known and are educated English speakers FFS.

Maybe you can go like the Japanese and have robots wipe yer asses in the old folk's home, as long as it's a white robot!
This passage in the article you linked to sounds so very familiar to me when I recall past discussions about Bernie in this forum:

“They really did not want to do electoral politics,” she said. “They wanted to work outside of the current electoral system. As the state party chair, I can’t do that. I can’t work outside of the system itself. I represent the Democratic Party. I don’t represent the DSA.”

Hall, the DSA leader, disputed Whitmer’s contention that the group was opposed to electoral politics, pointing out that the local chapter voted to make electoral research and recruitment a priority. But she said she now views the Democratic Party as a dead end not because of Whitmer or even the breakdown of their relationship.

“It has more to do with how the establishment reacted” to Whitmer’s victory,

Its the same old story repeated many times since 2016 by so called Progressives or now they call themselves Democratic Socialists. They do not participate in efforts or discussions with the Democratic Party because as they "view the Democratic Party as a dead end". Yet they expect the Democratic Party leaders to simply hand power over to them without any attempt on their part to earn it. From what I read in that article, Whitmer started out as "their" leader but turned to the establishment wing of the party because they got shit done while the DSA continued to play the role of outsider even after they had won. Bernie's supporters are feckless.
this. I dislike the emphasis on platform over effective compromise solutions.
minimum wage ain’t that in CA
that is a problem...unfortunately, all my "simple" solutions involve gunboat diplomacy...tie a few ceos to the back of a boat at gun point, and drag them through the gator swamp a few times.
I'm really not sure how a solution to the problem would work. an annual guaranteed raise keyed to the inflation rate would work for employees, but might kill many small business owners, they would have to be subsidized somehow, to even the playing field. Someone who owns a few rural gas stations and convenience stores can't afford what the big boys can afford.
this. I dislike the emphasis on platform over effective compromise solutions.
It does not matter if they have a solution to any problems, They know in the lizard part of their brains that this is a fight for survival, and they're going all in. They want to regain and then perpetually maintain control over whatever they can, so they can revert the entire country back to 1948.
The democrats need a GOOD ad campaign, placed where it will be seen by independents and non radical republicans. One that works at almost a subliminal level, no shouting that anyone is evil. Bring up good conservative values (whatever those are), ask would you vote for someone who (insert W/E here ) Then make the connection to that activity by that person clear.
(Example: Students have enough to think about just being students. They also have to think about what to do if someone attacks their school.
They even have to worry about their teachers and coaches being sexual predators or their enablers.
Richard Strauss was the lead doctor for the athletics department at Ohio state for over 20 years, and sexually abused hundreds, if not thousands of students in that time. It went on for as long as it did, because the coaching staff at Ohio State covered up for him. Jim Jordan covered up for him, and then lied about it, multiple times. Is that the kind of man you want making decisions for Ohio? for your children? )
Make them start to doubt what the RRR's are doing, what they're saying.
It does not matter if they have a solution to any problems, They know in the lizard part of their brains that this is a fight for survival, and they're going all in. They want to regain and then perpetually maintain control over whatever they can, so they can revert the entire country back to 1948.
The democrats need a GOOD ad campaign, placed where it will be seen by independents and non radical republicans. One that works at almost a subliminal level, no shouting that anyone is evil. Bring up good conservative values (whatever those are), ask would you vote for someone who (insert W/E here ) Then make the connection to that activity by that person clear.
(Example: Students have enough to think about just being students. They also have to think about what to do if someone attacks their school.
They even have to worry about their teachers and coaches being sexual predators or their enablers.
Richard Strauss was the lead doctor for the athletics department at Ohio state for over 20 years, and sexually abused hundreds, if not thousands of students in that time. It went on for as long as it did, because the coaching staff at Ohio State covered up for him. Jim Jordan covered up for him, and then lied about it, multiple times. Is that the kind of man you want making decisions for Ohio? for your children? )
Make them start to doubt what the RRR's are doing, what they're saying.
You do know I was talking about the progressives in Nevada?

I like to hear Biden talk about himself
do i really need to post over 100 clips of trump practicing autoerotic braggery?
or clips of ted cruz every saying anything, because everything he says is fucking horrible shit?
or desantis trying to tell people he was a seal, when he was a jag advocate assigned to a unit with a seal team?...
compared to that, listening to Biden sounds pretty good.

I like to hear Biden talk about himself
My question is simple. (Joe Biden is the leader of the Democratic Party and the president of the United States.)
Do you think he is continuing to make grandiose statements that elevate him to appear to be more successful than he truly is? Or was this just the one and only time that he tried to inflate himself to be more than he really truly was?
My leading question and strawman argument is simple. (Joe Biden is the leader of the Democratic Party and the president of the United States.)
Do you think he is continuing to make grandiose statements that elevate him to appear to be more successful than he truly is? Or was this just the one and only time that he tried to inflate himself to be more than he really truly was?
My question is simple. (Joe Biden is the leader of the Democratic Party and the president of the United States.)
Do you think he is continuing to make grandiose statements that elevate him to appear to be more successful than he truly is? Or was this just the one and only time that he tried to inflate himself to be more than he really truly was?
The Illusion of Truth. It's a tactic that is used to manipulate the public. I know the Nazi's were big into using it. It works best on weaker minds.
My question is simple. (Joe Biden is the leader of the Democratic Party and the president of the United States.)
Do you think he is continuing to make grandiose statements that elevate him to appear to be more successful than he truly is? Or was this just the one and only time that he tried to inflate himself to be more than he really truly was?
since he hasn’t begun, isn’t this a bit dishonest?