It does not matter if they have a solution to any problems, They know in the lizard part of their brains that this is a fight for survival, and they're going all in. They want to regain and then perpetually maintain control over whatever they can, so they can revert the entire country back to 1948.
The democrats need a GOOD ad campaign, placed where it will be seen by independents and non radical republicans. One that works at almost a subliminal level, no shouting that anyone is evil. Bring up good conservative values (whatever those are), ask would you vote for someone who (insert W/E here ) Then make the connection to that activity by that person clear.
(Example: Students have enough to think about just being students. They also have to think about what to do if someone attacks their school.
They even have to worry about their teachers and coaches being sexual predators or their enablers.
Richard Strauss was the lead doctor for the athletics department at Ohio state for over 20 years, and sexually abused hundreds, if not thousands of students in that time. It went on for as long as it did, because the coaching staff at Ohio State covered up for him. Jim Jordan covered up for him, and then lied about it, multiple times. Is that the kind of man you want making decisions for Ohio? for your children? )
Make them start to doubt what the RRR's are doing, what they're saying.