Examples of Democratic Party leadership

Maybe there isn’t one. My point was how trump has changed American politics in that the appearance of having basic morality is no longer necessary to be elected president.

We agree Jon Stewart would probably be a good president, let’s leave it at that.
Perhaps that man and his party faithful merely made something obvious that was apparent in Reagan’s first term. Jmo.

(or perhaps Nixon’s, but I was too busy watching Road-Runner back in those days)
Perhaps that man and his party faithful merely made something obvious that was apparent in Reagan’s first term. Jmo.

(or perhaps Nixon’s, but I was too busy watching Road-Runner back in those days)
If you consider adultery a moral failing, you can go back further than Reagan.

For the most part it sounds like we’re on the same page so I don’t see any reason to continue a back and forth on this.
If you consider adultery a moral failing, you can go back further than Reagan.

For the most part it sounds like we’re on the same page so I don’t see any reason to continue a back and forth on this.
Americans have had an unhealthy focus on sex in politics for as long as I can remember. It surprised me that agent orange wasn’t quickly dispatched by the same standard that did for, say, Gary Hart.
if weak ass disturbed people feel like that's the only place they can have a life, then let them have it, they're weak, and will die off in a few generations, they're too busy wasting their lives on social media to meet anyone and breed more socially inept losers...
100% agreement with you...........weird.
Politics is just show business for ugly people, don’t you know.

I see Jon Stewart as more than an entertainer.

If anyone hasn't seen it, his crossfire appearance many years back is still one of the best things I have ever seen.

Stewart would savage desantis. I think desantis will take the bully approach trump did in 2016, whoever it is needs to be able to counter that.
There's a reason I don't profess loyalty to any of these politicians like so many on both the left and right do. They all talk out of both sides of their mouths.

Hypocrisy from both sides. They're all corrupt. They all say what suits them at the time and still some worship them like gods.

Joe Biden attacks Republicans for positions he once held about Social Security | CNN Politics

Biden first introduced a proposal in 1975 that would have ceased funding all federal programs – including Social Security and Medicare – unless they were reauthorized by Congress. In fact, Biden’s bill was the first so-called federal sunset bill, something the president later boasted about in his 1978 Senate reelection campaign.

Biden once boasted that he was the first person to introduce a bill to require all federal programs be reauthorized or cease to be funded – including Medicare and Social Security.

Now, Biden is attacking some Republicans over proposals to do the same, citing a plan from Scott which – until recent changes – would have also sunset all federal legislation.

“I introduced the Senate’s first ever free-standing sunset bill in 1975,” Biden wrote in an article in 1984 for the Syracuse Law Review, referencing a 1975 bill he introduced that did not include exemptions for Social Security and Medicare. That bill passed the Senate by a vote of 87-1, but later failed in the House.
There's a reason I don't profess loyalty to any of these politicians like so many on both the left and right do. They all talk out of both sides of their mouths.

Hypocrisy from both sides. They're all corrupt. They all say what suits them at the time and still some worship them like gods.

Joe Biden attacks Republicans for positions he once held about Social Security | CNN Politics

Biden first introduced a proposal in 1975 that would have ceased funding all federal programs – including Social Security and Medicare – unless they were reauthorized by Congress. In fact, Biden’s bill was the first so-called federal sunset bill, something the president later boasted about in his 1978 Senate reelection campaign.

Biden once boasted that he was the first person to introduce a bill to require all federal programs be reauthorized or cease to be funded – including Medicare and Social Security.

Now, Biden is attacking some Republicans over proposals to do the same, citing a plan from Scott which – until recent changes – would have also sunset all federal legislation.

“I introduced the Senate’s first ever free-standing sunset bill in 1975,” Biden wrote in an article in 1984 for the Syracuse Law Review, referencing a 1975 bill he introduced that did not include exemptions for Social Security and Medicare. That bill passed the Senate by a vote of 87-1, but later failed in the House.
So your saying Biden has evolved since 1975?.....how refreshing. What were these other clowns espousing 50 years ago?....I'll take Joe and all his faults over anybody the republicans can offer up. Republicans have evolved into a dangerous cult.
So your saying Biden has evolved since 1975?.....how refreshing. What were these other clowns espousing 50 years ago?....I'll take Joe and all his faults over anybody the republicans can offer up. Republicans have evolved into a dangerous cult.

I'll take him as well. In fact I voted for him. They all go wherever the wind blows. Doesn't matter which party. Point I was making.

The Republican party was hijacked by a dangerous cult and got in bed with them for votes. Now they're subservient to that cult. Something everyone should be concerned about and many Republicans are. Unfortunately like any cult once you go in any way against them you're kicked out and shunned. Liz Cheney, Adam Kinzinger, and many others gave up their political careers trying to save their party and lost. Many others just decided to not run again as they couldn't stomach what was going on and speaking up could mean death threats and a variety of other unacceptable behavior directed towards them. I'm not going to cast the cult label on all Republicans.

Example of a Republican that supported Joe Biden. He's not dangerous.

Inside Texas Politics: Former RNC Chairman Michael Steele on why he supports Democrat Joe Biden
