Examples of Democratic Party leadership

I had him figured as delusional, this confirms it.

THAT is a democrat?.....That would be a MAJOR downgrade.
We do not need a vaccine denier in any fucking office, anywhere.

Sent email to

"What the country needs is for a vaccine denier to not run for president.
We had a professional liar for four years, and we still can't get rid of him, we DO NOT need another one, spreading misinformation and lies. Do yourself and the entire country a favor and don't muddy the field for a democrat that actually has a chance to win."
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There's Joe with that "MAGA republican" line, giving the establishment republicans a way out and driving a wedge into the GOP, isolating the extremists and appealing to the centrist republicans, but mostly independents. It seems to be working and has seeped into the culture and media, isolating the nuts even inside their own party and bringing Mitch on side, at least for somethings.


Steve Schmidt explains what Franklin Roosevelt could teach current politicians | The Warning

480 views Apr 12, 2023
Steve Schmidt explains the importance of Franklin Delano Roosevelt on the 78th anniversary of his death. He discusses the lessons current politicians could learn from one of "America's greatest presidents."
like that would have EVER happened under trump...
Another ally thrown under the bus by Trump, whose love affair with Kim was a direct threat to them, just like his love affair with Putin was a direct threat to Ukraine. They voted for treason once and they will vote for treason again, your allies do indeed have a low opinion of America and it was earned by the words and actions of Trump. Trust betrayed is difficult to regain. Ukraine is just one election away from being thrown under the bus by America and stabbed in the back.
Hakeem Jeffries, PREACH

I'm going to look up a link to the full speech. In the link below, Brian Cohen opens with his message with the key points from Jeffries speech and then adds very pithy points of his own: That EVERY Republican administration over the past decades has ended with fewer jobs for working Americans and exploding deficits while the following Democratic Party administrations cleaned up the mess and ended in more jobs and lower unemployment and lower deficits.

More from Jeffries regarding the House Republican spending bill:

"President Trump in 2016, first thing he does in 2017 -- massive tax cuts for the wealthy, the well off and the well connected. The GOP tax scam. 83% of the benefits going to the wealthiest1% in America, explodes the deficits. How dare you lecture America about fiscal responsibility. When the record show that Democrats are the party of job creation and reducing deficits and Republicans are the party of tax cuts for the wealthy, the well off and exploding the deficit. So we aren't going to stand here and allow you to lecture us about fiscal responsibility. What this is, is an effort to extract deep, painful cuts on everyday Americans."

Jeffries goes on to point out that in order to burnish their false claims of fiscal responsibility, Republicans are cutting so very much out of the US budget that helps our economy and helps people who need a helping hand. While, in return, they push their radical ideology -- white nationalist and fascist ideology -- onto an America that is trying to move away from all of that. I might add that Cohen's bit after Jeffries is pure fire.

People say that Democrats are too passive. Maybe they are. We find the Republican strategy of attacking people over policy odious. Here is a clear example of Democrats on the attack with none of the empty culture wars that are all Republicans have to offer.
An NPR interview with Hakeem Jeffries, Minority Leader in the House, where he explains the House Democrat caucus' position on the House Republican spending bill. It ends with him saying that Biden and Congressional Democrats see McCarthy's budget as a ransom note and will not pay it. He says cooler heads will prevail and a reasonable bill will eventually be passed. But not the one Republicans held out with one hand while with the other, put a gun to the head of the American economy.

Hakeem Jeffries, PREACH

I'm going to look up a link to the full speech. In the link below, Brian Cohen opens with his message with the key points from Jeffries speech and then adds very pithy points of his own: That EVERY Republican administration over the past decades has ended with fewer jobs for working Americans and exploding deficits while the following Democratic Party administrations cleaned up the mess and ended in more jobs and lower unemployment and lower deficits.

More from Jeffries regarding the House Republican spending bill:

"President Trump in 2016, first thing he does in 2017 -- massive tax cuts for the wealthy, the well off and the well connected. The GOP tax scam. 83% of the benefits going to the wealthiest1% in America, explodes the deficits. How dare you lecture America about fiscal responsibility. When the record show that Democrats are the party of job creation and reducing deficits and Republicans are the party of tax cuts for the wealthy, the well off and exploding the deficit. So we aren't going to stand here and allow you to lecture us about fiscal responsibility. What this is, is an effort to extract deep, painful cuts on everyday Americans."

Jeffries goes on to point out that in order to burnish their false claims of fiscal responsibility, Republicans are cutting so very much out of the US budget that helps our economy and helps people who need a helping hand. While, in return, they push their radical ideology -- white nationalist and fascist ideology -- onto an America that is trying to move away from all of that. I might add that Cohen's bit after Jeffries is pure fire.

People say that Democrats are too passive. Maybe they are. We find the Republican strategy of attacking people over policy odious. Here is a clear example of Democrats on the attack with none of the empty culture wars that are all Republicans have to offer.
The whole point of most of this bullshit, social division and culture wars is so the rich don't have to pay taxes, or at least those who are greedy enough to fuck America, so they don't have to. It was the same with deregulation and removing the teeth from the SEC, FCC and other federal agencies. Big government is the only thing that can deal with big corporations that have budgets bigger than most counties and who offshore profits to low tax jurisdictions. The main thing is though, Murdoch and other rightwing billionaires promote culture wars for profit and to keep their taxes low and the government grid locked. These people are so rich in relation to everything else they can buy radio networks with pocket change and the same with newspapers. Traditional companies like GE and GM that made things and built businesses over a century are nothing compared to what Google, Facebook or apple became over 20 years or even a decade.
The whole point of most of this bullshit, social division and culture wars is so the rich don't have to pay taxes, or at least those who are greedy enough to fuck America, so they don't have to. It was the same with deregulation and removing the teeth from the SEC, FCC and other federal agencies. Big government is the only thing that can deal with big corporations that have budgets bigger than most counties and who offshore profits to low tax jurisdictions. The main thing is though, Murdoch and other rightwing billionaires promote culture wars for profit and to keep their taxes low and the government grid locked. These people are so rich in relation to everything else they can buy radio networks with pocket change and the same with newspapers. Traditional companies like GE and GM that made things and built businesses over a century are nothing compared to what Google, Facebook or apple became over 20 years or even a decade.
The question that I think Jeffries is answering is how to stop the bullshit, division and culture wars without doing the same. Jeffries speech IMO was the answer to that question. His was a facts-based and honest contrast between what Republicans do when they hold power and what Democrats do when they hold it. He hits hard at their tax cut strategy while offering reasons why Democrats oppose the spending cuts Republicans offer in order to partially pay for the huge benefit they gave wealthy Republicans in 2017.

If he had gone with what you accurately pointed out, it would have sounded more like Democrats attacking the wealthy in a class war. What you said is all true but what Democrats are using in their argument is honest but shrewd. I don't see a passive strategy, I see a vigorous and sharp answer to Republican culture wars that will do nothing for the people of this country.
The question that I think Jeffries is answering is how to stop the bullshit, division and culture wars without doing the same. Jeffries speech IMO was the answer to that question. His was a facts-based and honest contrast between what Republicans do when they hold power and what Democrats do when they hold it. He hits hard at their tax cut strategy while offering reasons why Democrats oppose the spending cuts Republicans offer in order to partially pay for the huge benefit they gave wealthy Republicans in 2017.

If he had gone with what you accurately pointed out, it would have sounded more like Democrats attacking the wealthy in a class war. What you said is all true but what Democrats are using in their argument is honest but shrewd. I don't see a passive strategy, I see a vigorous and sharp answer to Republican culture wars that will do nothing for the people of this country.
It is not all of the wealthy class, just some who are pathologically greedy and buy government, the Kochs, Crows and Murdoch types. The problem is not wealthy people, it is the huge wealth disparity and a warped taxation and economic system that keeps it that way. However, there are issues with Utopia too and we already have a labor shortage and plenty of people retired, if economic conditions get too good many people won't want to work. Even though the rich are screwing us, I still see mountains of things thrown out every spring during cleanup that would have appalled my father's generation. Our material excess is already overflowing and there is only so much that "things" can do for you, our happiness comes from our relationship with ourselves and others, just as our depression does.
An NPR interview with Hakeem Jeffries, Minority Leader in the House, where he explains the House Democrat caucus' position on the House Republican spending bill. It ends with him saying that Biden and Congressional Democrats see McCarthy's budget as a ransom note and will not pay it. He says cooler heads will prevail and a reasonable bill will eventually be passed. But not the one Republicans held out with one hand while with the other, put a gun to the head of the American economy.

Good interview, but he needs to learn to sit on his hands...
Too bad we didn't win the house last year, Jeffries would have gotten more and better things done by now than mccarthy will ever do..
I certainly hope he finds those few reasonable republicans, i think we're going to need them.