Examples of Democratic Party leadership

In a refreshingly different take compared to how Republican-led states react to scandals among their own, Oregon's Democrats pick up and take out the trash even when its their own that did the dirty:

Shemia Fagan resigns as Oregon secretary of state following cannabis consulting scandal
Oregon Secretary of State Shemia Fagan will resign next week, a stunning fall from grace for a top Democrat who once looked like a good bet to climb to higher office.

The secretary announced Tuesday that she will step down May 8. The resignation is the swift reaction to a mounting scandal over her decision to accept lucrative side work as a cannabis consultant. Her deputy, Cheryl Myers, will step into the position until Gov. Tina Kotek appoints a successor.

Fagan’s announcement followed days of escalating fallout over revelations, first reported by Willamette Week, that she’d inked a $10,000-per-month contract with the owners of an Oregon cannabis chain at the same time her office audited state regulations on cannabis businesses. The cannabis entrepreneurs are also high-profile Democratic donors.

An interim manager is already named and she's getting ready to take over until Gov Kotek appoints a permanent Sec of State well before the '24 elections.

Fagan's excuse? "I couldn't survive on 77k/mo". Maybe Oregon does have a problem with how low we pay people who made much more before they took office. IDK about that. That said, she knew the terms when she ran for that office. But, daaaaamn, accepting back door consulting fees from businesses her office oversees? Seems a bit cheeky doesn't it? She said she believes she will be exonerated after the now underway investigation is complete. Maybe so. If so, it still doesn't pass the smell test. Smells as rotten as the kind of five day old roadkill that Republicans feast on in other states. peee ew.

Goobye Fagan. Don't let the door hit your Gucci on the way out.
While fighting Republican insurrectionists, working with right wing radical congressmen to address their concerns OR ELSE they will blow up our nation's monetary system, stopping Russian imperial aggression in Ukraine While doing all of that and more, Biden's administration continues to walk the line between reducing inflation and growing the economy:

U.S. Adds A Strong 253,000 Jobs Despite Fed's Rate Hikes
The unemployment rate ticked down to 3.4%, matching a 54-year low.

WASHINGTON (AP) — America’s employers added a robust 253,000 jobs in April, evidence of a labor market that still shows surprising strength despite rising interest rates, chronically high inflation and a banking crisis that could weaken the economy.
The unemployment rate ticked down to 3.4%, matching a 54-year low. Last month’s hiring gain compared with 165,000 in March and 248,000 in February, and is at a level considered vigorous by historical standards.
While fighting Republican insurrectionists, working with right wing radical congressmen to address their concerns OR ELSE they will blow up our nation's monetary system, stopping Russian imperial aggression in Ukraine While doing all of that and more, Biden's administration continues to walk the line between reducing inflation and growing the economy:

U.S. Adds A Strong 253,000 Jobs Despite Fed's Rate Hikes
The unemployment rate ticked down to 3.4%, matching a 54-year low.

WASHINGTON (AP) — America’s employers added a robust 253,000 jobs in April, evidence of a labor market that still shows surprising strength despite rising interest rates, chronically high inflation and a banking crisis that could weaken the economy.
The unemployment rate ticked down to 3.4%, matching a 54-year low. Last month’s hiring gain compared with 165,000 in March and 248,000 in February, and is at a level considered vigorous by historical standards.

steady and strong, gotta love it.....
looks like Cruz has a challenger.....

this is gonna be interesting to watch
Allred has a history of confronting Jan 6 deniers in Congress.

‘Sit down!’ ‘No, you sit down!’ Democrat’s speech nearly triggers fistfight on House floor

“The truth hurts,” Lamb said to his detractors. “It hurts them. It hurts this country. It hurts all of us.”
Then, as Lamb continued to talk, a scrum reportedly broke out between a few Republicans and Democrats, away from cameras’ view. About a dozen lawmakers cleared their benches to intervene, CNN’s Kristin Wilson reported.
“Sit down!” one of them yelled. “No, you sit down!” another replied.

Pelosi banged her gavel, demanding, “There’ll be order in the House.” No punches were thrown.
The offices of Reps. Andy Harris (R-Md.), Al Lawson (D-Fla.) and Colin Allred (D-Tex.) confirmed they were involved in the argument.
Allred said in a statement that he was trying to defuse the situation and that he was not involved in the initial altercation.

Andy HarrisAl Lawson

Colin Allred
It's a good thing for Andy that he sat down. I seems that Colin and other Democrats aren't going to take Jan 6 denial lying down.

Colin just might get a donation from our family.
Allred has a history of confronting Jan 6 deniers in Congress.

‘Sit down!’ ‘No, you sit down!’ Democrat’s speech nearly triggers fistfight on House floor

“The truth hurts,” Lamb said to his detractors. “It hurts them. It hurts this country. It hurts all of us.”
Then, as Lamb continued to talk, a scrum reportedly broke out between a few Republicans and Democrats, away from cameras’ view. About a dozen lawmakers cleared their benches to intervene, CNN’s Kristin Wilson reported.
“Sit down!” one of them yelled. “No, you sit down!” another replied.

Pelosi banged her gavel, demanding, “There’ll be order in the House.” No punches were thrown.
The offices of Reps. Andy Harris (R-Md.), Al Lawson (D-Fla.) and Colin Allred (D-Tex.) confirmed they were involved in the argument.
Allred said in a statement that he was trying to defuse the situation and that he was not involved in the initial altercation.

It's a good thing for Andy that he sat down. I seems that Colin and other Democrats aren't going to take Jan 6 denial lying down.

Colin just might get a donation from our family.

he might get one from ours too from what i've been reading.

now if we can get him to take cruz out, and get beto to go after Corythn or Abbott again.....Texas might have a chance going blue
looks like Cruz has a challenger.....

this is gonna be interesting to watch
I'm hoping Ted will have J6 legal problems before the election when the WH rats start squealing and dealing. It won't affect his base vote much though, even if he's convicted of seditious conspiracy, it is only seen as a negative if it prevents him from holding office. It is obvious that mere crime corruption and treason are no problem for republicans, their voters have no respect for or probably understanding of the US constitution. They view themselves as the "real" Americans but have no clue what it means to be one and especially a patriotic one, that is well defined in America. Loyalty and support for the US constitution is the MINIMUM requirement, if one is in the military or holds public office, one must swear to uphold, defend and protect it as well as uphold the law of the land.

It is an indication of how "tribal" the republicans are and how psychologically they are in a state of war, that such things can be overlooked. This is not the situation with the democrats, who are not driven by such fear-based tribalism and can maintain civil perspective. Look at the war in Ukraine, even though law abiding, the Ukrainians and their allies will tolerate quite a bit of cruelty to the Russians, much is simply not reported, but overall, they maintain good order and discipline. When a Ukrainian rocket falls in Poland, it is a different matter than if a Russian one did.

This is why it is so difficult for the rest of American society to deal with these fools, they are at war and at war with their own country and constitution. It is the war like psychological state and extreme tribalism they exhibit that makes them so dangerous. While they may have a propensity to be fear driven and insecure, the propaganda they consume drives their tribal behaviors to an extreme. The quality of their decisions is only as good as the information they have to work with and if they consume the manipulative bullshit that foxnews and other fascist outlets put out they will make shitty emotionally driven decisions based on a pervasive background of fear pumped out 24/7.

Fascist propaganda for profit or ideological reasons has the same result and appeals to the same kinds of people, putting them into a war like state of constant threat and keeping them there. They have to overlook Trump's and the republican's many flaws, since he is the only one that can save them from a fate worse than death.
I'm hoping Ted will have J6 legal problems before the election when the WH rats start squealing and dealing. It won't affect his base vote much though, even if he's convicted of seditious conspiracy, it is only seen as a negative if it prevents him from holding office. It is obvious that mere crime corruption and treason are no problem for republicans, their voters have no respect for or probably understanding of the US constitution. They view themselves as the "real" Americans but have no clue what it means to be one and especially a patriotic one, that is well defined in America. Loyalty and support for the US constitution is the MINIMUM requirement, if one is in the military or holds public office, one must swear to uphold, defend and protect it as well as uphold the law of the land.

It is an indication of how "tribal" the republicans are and how psychologically they are in a state of war, that such things can be overlooked. This is not the situation with the democrats, who are not driven by such fear-based tribalism and can maintain civil perspective. Look at the war in Ukraine, even though law abiding, the Ukrainians and their allies will tolerate quite a bit of cruelty to the Russians, much is simply not reported, but overall, they maintain good order and discipline. When a Ukrainian rocket falls in Poland, it is a different matter than if a Russian one did.

This is why it is so difficult for the rest of American society to deal with these fools, they are at war and at war with their own country and constitution. It is the war like psychological state and extreme tribalism they exhibit that makes them so dangerous. While they may have a propensity to be fear driven and insecure, the propaganda they consume drives their tribal behaviors to an extreme. The quality of their decisions is only as good as the information they have to work with and if they consume the manipulative bullshit that foxnews and other fascist outlets put out they will make shitty emotionally driven decisions based on a pervasive background of fear pumped out 24/7.

Fascist propaganda for profit or ideological reasons has the same result and appeals to the same kinds of people, putting them into a war like state of constant threat and keeping them there. They have to overlook Trump's and the republican's many flaws, since he is the only one that can save them from a fate worse than death.
if he is convicted of seditious conspiracy, he is barred from public office.
I'm hoping Ted will have J6 legal problems before the election when the WH rats start squealing and dealing. It won't affect his base vote much though, even if he's convicted of seditious conspiracy, it is only seen as a negative if it prevents him from holding office. It is obvious that mere crime corruption and treason are no problem for republicans, their voters have no respect for or probably understanding of the US constitution. They view themselves as the "real" Americans but have no clue what it means to be one and especially a patriotic one, that is well defined in America. Loyalty and support for the US constitution is the MINIMUM requirement, if one is in the military or holds public office, one must swear to uphold, defend and protect it as well as uphold the law of the land.

It is an indication of how "tribal" the republicans are and how psychologically they are in a state of war, that such things can be overlooked. This is not the situation with the democrats, who are not driven by such fear-based tribalism and can maintain civil perspective. Look at the war in Ukraine, even though law abiding, the Ukrainians and their allies will tolerate quite a bit of cruelty to the Russians, much is simply not reported, but overall, they maintain good order and discipline. When a Ukrainian rocket falls in Poland, it is a different matter than if a Russian one did.

This is why it is so difficult for the rest of American society to deal with these fools, they are at war and at war with their own country and constitution. It is the war like psychological state and extreme tribalism they exhibit that makes them so dangerous. While they may have a propensity to be fear driven and insecure, the propaganda they consume drives their tribal behaviors to an extreme. The quality of their decisions is only as good as the information they have to work with and if they consume the manipulative bullshit that foxnews and other fascist outlets put out they will make shitty emotionally driven decisions based on a pervasive background of fear pumped out 24/7.

Fascist propaganda for profit or ideological reasons has the same result and appeals to the same kinds of people, putting them into a war like state of constant threat and keeping them there. They have to overlook Trump's and the republican's many flaws, since he is the only one that can save them from a fate worse than death.

oh teddy pooh has problems, big ones...one of which is this:


one is an idiot, the other just got convicted of sedition
if he is convicted of seditious conspiracy, he is barred from public office.
It doesn't mean they won't still vote for him, even if they have to write him in on the ballot. This is Texas after all, and they might put him on the ballot anyway by order of Abbott or pass a law that says he can be put on it. Remember the US constitution means fuck all to these people, they are its enemies after all. I expect the same thing with Trump, if he is convicted of seditious conspiracy and is excluded from the ballot, tens of millions will write him in any way. Most are not the sharpest knives in the drawer and the 14th amendment is as unimportant as the rest, except for the 2nd amendment of course.
It doesn't mean they won't still vote for him, even if they have to write him in on the ballot. This is Texas after all, and they might put him on the ballot anyway by order of Abbott or pass a law that says he can be put on it. Remember the US constitution means fuck all to these people, they are its enemies after all. I expect the same thing with Trump, if he is convicted of seditious conspiracy and is excluded from the ballot, tens of millions will write him in any way. Most are not the sharpest knives in the drawer and the 14th amendment is as unimportant as the rest, except for the 2nd amendment of course.
I seriously doubt it would even be tens of thousands.
I seriously doubt it would even be tens of thousands.
I have often underestimated the stupidity of these people as have many Americans, starting with "grab them by the pussy", which almost everybody thought would finish any presidential candidate. A weird scream ended Howard Dean's chances and a goofy picture of another one in a tank did in one democrat FFS!
i don't know...I am continually amazed at not only how many stupid people there are, but at the depths of that stupidity as well.
Watch any of Jordan Klepper's trump/maga rally vids? those are real responses from real people...real stupid people, but we allow them to vote anyway...
yeah, but the unique feature here would be to vote for someone who cannot even run for the office. Tens of thousands in some sort of daft protest vote, but most won’t hand it to a baby- eating Demonrat.