Examples of Democratic Party leadership

I really don't care how you see me. But I'm not the only one that thinks Biden and his administration is doing a shitty job.
Isn’t that the same poll that predicted that red tsunami last election?
Keep telling yourself that :lol:

a different link showing how uncle joe lies. Still wander , did he feel inferior to everyone around and try to blow himself up ? Is this just a one time series of lies, or a pattern ?
Brad Parscale smh
I wouldn’t trust that congenital wart to tell me if it’s raining.

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a different link showing how uncle joe lies. Still wander , did he feel inferior to everyone around and try to blow himself up ? Is this just a one time series of lies, or a pattern ?
Well, that settles it. I'm voting for truth-telling-Trump.

a different link showing how uncle joe lies. Still wander , did he feel inferior to everyone around and try to blow himself up ? Is this just a one time series of lies, or a pattern ?
He's been a liar among other things for decades.
that is a problem...unfortunately, all my "simple" solutions involve gunboat diplomacy...tie a few ceos to the back of a boat at gun point, and drag them through the gator swamp a few times.
I'm really not sure how a solution to the problem would work. an annual guaranteed raise keyed to the inflation rate would work for employees, but might kill many small business owners, they would have to be subsidized somehow, to even the playing field. Someone who owns a few rural gas stations and convenience stores can't afford what the big boys can afford.
Welp if you can’t afford to pay full time employees a living wage then perhaps it’s not a viable business model. I think (could be wrong) that the big boys started the trend of low wages, bigger profits. The whole thing is fucked IMO. I know the cocksuckers I worked for changed the company from quality work, descent pricing to sub par work, exorbitant pricing. Yet people still hire them, go figure?
I will see if I can find another link to it. I used the word grandiose as a polite way of not saying he was being a bold-faced liar about his experience at college.
So kind of like your Mexico gun statement? People make mistakes but yes the optics are not great. Did you mention the multitude of times Trump “bold faced lied” or was that different and not at all hypocritical coming from his campaign?
So kind of like your Mexico gun statement? People make mistakes but yes the optics are not great. Did you mention the multitude of times Trump “bold faced lied” or was that different and not at all hypocritical coming from his campaign?
to be fair, Hot walked the Mexico thing back. He remains exposed on the other thing, as his quoting Brad smh Parscale the other night shows.