Examples of GOP Leadership

I agree you can change the narrative with editing alone. But, even though we've all see building 7 come down on live tv, why did it? I question things that don't make sense to me. Not that Im going to change any of your minds... I've learned that the Politics section is heavy left, but I like to pick your brains anyways. Im sorry I can't speak as articulated as yourself. I had to read your response like 4 times to try and decipher what you were trying to convey. You got to dumb it down for us rednecks. Some of these things I agree on, some not. And why would I be pushing for the death of the Republic?
There are none here who are heavy left. That is defined by seeking the collectivization of the means of production. We have centrists (who routinely get lumped by totalibertarians with the fabricated demon called The Left) and social democrats, who are moderate left. But if there are full socialists here, they’re keeping quiet.

By supporting the erosion of disciplined discourse, as vouchsafed by your use of known corrupt methods to support the conspiracy nonsense you espouse, you have your hand clasped around that of the avowed fascists and theocrats openly fighting, under the maga banner, to install the tyranny of minority rule.

But we have been over this. Your questions are rhetorical devices to impugn reasoned discourse; in short: trolling.
There are none here who are heavy left. That is defined by seeking the collectivization of the means of production. We have centrists (who routinely get lumped by totalibertarians with The Left) and social democrats, who are moderate left.

By supporting the erosion of disciplined discourse, as vouchsafed by your use of known corrupt methods to support the conspiracy nonsense you espouse, you have your hand clasped around that of the avowed fascists and theocrats openly fighting to install the tyranny of minority rule.

But we have been over this. Your questions are rhetorical devices to impugn reasoned discourse; in short: trolling.
I see. Man, I really have to give you credit for your advanced English skills. Im not trolling, just giving opinions and learning some things from you guys. Do you speak like this every day in normal conversations at work? Im not criticizing you at all... Im actually really impressed. No sarcasm whatsoever... it's just that you speak (or text) in such "pomp and circumstance". If I repeated what you just said (if I could remember it), people around here would be like "what the fuck did you just say?".. again, mad skills.
Dude.. Joe is not sharp. Neither is Trump... we need to clean house. Show me one thing that Joe has said that's made sense... I watched him on 60 min.. they had to do so much editing (im a film editor) that im sure it took them all damn day just to put that 12 minutes together.
lulz. "I don't like rump, but..."The only person fooled by your words is you.

The fear emanating from your fascist leader is palpable.

Trump lawyers argue to limit White House aides’ testimony to Jan. 6 grand jury
Lawyers for former president Donald Trump have entered a high-stakes legal battle seeking to limit the scope of former top White House aides’ testimony to a federal grand jury that is investigating efforts to overturn the 2020 elections, according to people familiar with the matter.

The action sets up a potentially precedent-setting struggle that could affect the Justice Department’s investigation of the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol attack, and address the scope of a former president’s assertion of executive or attorney-client privilege to preserve the confidentiality of advisers’ communications.

Yet more "executive privielage" exercised by YOUR orange man who lost the election and so, has none. And you have nothing, so you babble on, attempting to make Biden seem as foolish as you.

Meanwhile, as counterpoint to Trump sinking in the legal mire he created,

Biden is advancing a policy of alliance against Russian aggression instead of the Republican Party's policy of supplication and appeasement.

The vote was 141 rebuking Putin and 5 against.

A sharp rebuke of Putin and to leaders like Trump who approved of his war.
I see. Man, I really have to give you credit for your advanced English skills. Im not trolling, just giving opinions and learning some things from you guys. Do you speak like this every day in normal conversations at work? Im not criticizing you at all... Im actually really impressed. No sarcasm whatsoever... it's just that you speak (or text) in such "pomp and circumstance". If I repeated what you just said (if I could remember it), people around here would be like "what the fuck did you just say?".. again, mad skills.
Says the fascist who denies Jan 6 was an attempted coup.
Hey SingleCtotheLOWN, sometimes “hate” just isn’t a strong enough word.

I fucking hate Ron Disantis as much as I fucking love Van Jones.

Have you noticed how the Doubleaholeclown doesn't talk policy or events but smears Democrats and Biden in particular at a personal level? Nor does he ever say similar about Republicans and Trump in particular. Then he slides off into Q conspiracies as if they are true. Humans are pretty good at telling when somebody is faking it. It's a survival skill.
Have you noticed how the clown doesn't talk policy or events but smears Democrats and Biden in particular at a personal level? Nor does he ever say similar about Republicans and Trump in particular. Then he slides off into Q conspiracies as if they are true. Humans are pretty good at telling when somebody is faking it. It's a survival skill.
I have noticed. It’s why I’ve decided not reply directly to him anymore.
Have you noticed how the Doubleaholeclown doesn't talk policy or events but smears Democrats and Biden in particular at a personal level? Nor does he ever say similar about Republicans and Trump in particular. Then he slides off into Q conspiracies as if they are true. Humans are pretty good at telling when somebody is faking it. It's a survival skill.
What I have noticed is that the moo plop about “just my opinion” was dismembered by another poster.
Yet this user continues to repeat the same error, which conveys an unwillingness to abide by reason. That is a diagnostic for

Trump-Backed House Candidate Argued Against Women's Right To Vote
John Gibbs, the GOP nominee for a House seat in Michigan, said women should take care of children, and leave governing and voting to men.
Another winning idea, slouching it’s way toward Bethlehem…
That is only the MAGAA super pac.

His legal defense graft camouflaged as a pac is quite active.

And now this new shell in the game. If there is one thing agent orange knows, it’s grabbing the green.
