Examples of GOP Leadership

It could be a winning plan, they will just lie about it and foxnews will help by repeating the lie, by the time the election rolls around the lie will be repeated enough that it becomes real in the minds of half the electorate. Mind you the rest of the planet won't buy it, but that doesn't matter to people for whom facts don't count, perception is reality. Kevin knows they can lie with impunity because their base has absolutely no integrity at all and knows he would be punished for telling the truth, just like foxnews was, when they briefly dabbled with the truth on air. The republican politicians reflect their voters perfectly and their character flaws are the flaws of their base. Will these idiots fuck themselves and you too? In a fucking heartbeat. Boy, will they whine when their mortgages go up by 3 points and their credit card interest by 5 or 10 points! But it will sure trigger the libs, so it's worth fucking themselves for!

Texas...where people too stupid for florida go....
pollution is making everything worse, so lets pollute more to make things better, while ignoring our crumbling infrastructure.
One of the first things the democrats should do if they gain power is to end transfer payments from rich blue states to poor fascist red states. Why should liberal democratic states support fascist states who do everything in their power to screw them, the constitution and the country? California subsidizes Texas who have no state taxes and who steal jobs from California. Furthermore, the red states ended the blue states from deducting state taxes from federal taxes, deliberately screwing them for shits and giggles. So, end all state financial transfers to loser fascist states, those states with a surplus can voluntarily give money to states that make progress in democracy and human rights using UN standards. Give the fucking heathens an incentive to improve and lift themselves out of the shit. Grants can be made directly to minorities in these red bigoted asshole states and not to a corrupt fascist state government by a council of blue state governors with no federal government involvement, just bypass them all together. They declared war on the US constitution and there should be a price paid for that and it should be very unpleasant. Why, places like Texas would have to implement a state income tax, instead of being on the federal government's back like most of the rest of them. Ignorance and stupidity must come with a price tag, it is a luxury they wallow in, one provided by the progressive states of America for the most part.
Texas...where people too stupid for florida go....
pollution is making everything worse, so lets pollute more to make things better, while ignoring our crumbling infrastructure.

freaking texas scare tactic......we have enough power, just need to shore it up a bit......and if those asshole at ERCOT get off there ass and on they're feet they will be able to find out first hand......heck i live 3 miles away from a power station and 4 miles away from a solar farm......
I think the “ rats nest “ of nervous goons surrounding the fat angry orange will now become cooperating witnesses and informants.
Getting ass hammered in prison probably woke them up since the proud boys case ended in convictions. The Trump Tower of Shit has finally begun to crumble with no support anymore.

The wannabe mob boss ( *eyeroll ) has finally reached the end of the rope. E.G.Marshall case goes for deliberation in the next week - wallet gonna be lighter. Washington Post case tossed - he has to pay ALL legal fees and even more legal fees if he appeals.

Trump said this on Twitter .
"My two greatest assets have been mental stability and being, like, really smart," he tweeted.
“ Got the best brain , biggest brain

My prediction ( hope:bigjoint:) …
He will become a prison bitch named Lola the Loser.
Gives Handies under the blanket for a cup a soup.
Puff a pickle for your cornbread.
The base has been poisoned to death.

Let's talk about some off Republican primary polling....
This is that thing I was talking about - the slow growth of deepening disgust at these people and the things they’ve done & tried to do. People have wondered why there wasn’t more outrage upfront, but consider: a tsunami is born when an earth movement of sufficient moment imposes an irresistible change, and the first visible sign is water receding.

Here, the movement event is Jan6, and the water in this case, are the inherently NOT dishonest, decent, self-respecting people who actually make an effort, old-GOP-affiliated voters, withdrawing & saying nothing as things unfold (still) & their understanding of the SCOPE of what’s happened grows increasingly uncomfortable.

Now we’re starting to see how far out the water has withdrawn…even though we won’t be able to see the wave of reaction for quite awhile. But there WILL be a wave. And it will be big.

Thing about conservatives who weren’t trained to be crazy, their moral compasses are okay - they’ll pitch in with the community when there’s a disaster of any kind, they generally try not to be assholes or cruel. Their self-respect hinges on that part of themselves. One thing I’ve said, over and over is that these decent, honest, people don’t like being lied to. They don’t like being deliberately deceived by people they think they know & believe they can trust. Violations of trust, confidence, hospitality ARE HUGE.

I’ve found it universally true that people who have their trust in another betrayed by that other sometimes turn on them; from my experience of the conservative life, actual holders of traditional values take lying, deceiving, betrayal real effing seriously.

IMO THAT is the wave that we will see: people who do indeed love their country, their homes & communities; people who see ever more clearly to their horror how they’ve been used against the nation; people who’ve been forced to accept - by the preponderance of the evidence - that this has happened because THEY trusted the wrong people, THEY believed the lies, THEY made the commitments that brought this shame, this disgrace, these crises upon them and their families.

And when it reaches land, that land will be scoured clean to atone for their failure as citizens to STAY AWAKE to the lies & cross-purposes around them. Not ENTIRELY their fault - they were deliberately deceived by highly-paid professional manipulators of public opinion who weaponized the best parts of themselves against them. For GENERATIONS.

I never thought I’d say something this dramatic, but we may see the complete destruction of the Republican Party in 2024, resulting from their complete abandonment by all but the GOOP still stranded in denial at that point. This could conceivably start w/ the failure of GOOP to seat a single senator, as well as the failure of their plans for a new administration.

‘24 has been called tough for the Dems because they have 20 seats exposed this year, but consider the mood - and then consider that backlash against the overthrow could throw seats into the D column…conceivably ALL 10 of them. Rinse & repeat for ‘26, 30 more senate seats come available. If I extrapolate conservatively from post-Watergate performance, there’s every reason to assume the party will not recover in time to save (all) their vulnerable seats in ‘26…the outcome of which will almost certainly be a veto-proof D majority.

The wave effect will be ongoing. Some will make it their life’s work to reverse the damage done, to make those responsible pay, to “ conserve better”. There are larger aspects, though.

There may be the first national conversation about who we are and what we’re okay with, and what we just won’t have - as a people, as a nation, as swirls of human culture, hope, & aspiration. THE FIRST since the founding.

Maybe the most far-reaching changes are likely to come from what I’ll call Catholic Schoolgirl Syndrome. Dunno where you’re from, but when I was in high school, Catholic girls were *notorious* for what they would get up to. I’ve been assured by a number of women who were Catholic school girls that they’re not just true, they’re barely the beginning.

So - what happens if the suddenly semi-woke who’ve been rethinking their life choices a lot since they were reminded the dog *can* bite, decide it’s time to say yes to everything once the things that held them together inside for so long start to dissolve?

I think they might just go wild. Do ALL the things they were told were wrong by the people who lied to them about so much for so long. Date boys? Date girls! Stop worrying? Learn something new! Try something only [boys/girls/poor people/rich people/this culture/that culture] do? Meet people who are different from you as if they were people!