Examples of GOP Leadership

Republicans Declare Banning Universal Free School Meals a 2024 Priority
As states across the country move to make sure students are well fed, Republicans have announced their intention to fight back.
Republicans Declare Banning Universal Free School Meals a 2024 Priority
As states across the country move to make sure students are well fed, Republicans have announced their intention to fight back.


Homeowner shoots pool cleaner mistaken for intruder
PCSO said the man was acting within Florida’s Stand Your Ground Law when he fired his weapon, therefore no crime occurred.
Police say he fired a total of 30 rounds in 90 seconds.
“It was lawful but awful,” says Pinellas County Sheriff Bob Gualtieri.
Homeowner shoots pool cleaner mistaken for intruder
PCSO said the man was acting within Florida’s Stand Your Ground Law when he fired his weapon, therefore no crime occurred.

“It was lawful but awful,” says Pinellas County Sheriff Bob Gualtieri.
Can we just fucking cut florida loose and let it drift away? There HAS to be FEDERAL laws that sets these standards for EVERYONE. THIS is just fucking incredibly, massively unacceptable.

30 rounds in 90 seconds, fired blindly into the dark...and the fucking sheriff says, " that's not a crime."...
Collins “If they eat lunch, they won’t be hungry enough to come looking for my house made of candy in the woods.”
Stupid and mean is their main theme and runs through everything they do. Hungry kids don't learn very well and most parents these days with both working and a morning rush, free breakfast and lunch should be included. Some kids will be poor, but not that many and can't be easily accommodated in the richest country in the world FFS!

It says a lot about the people in an area when they elect and tolerate such people in public office, starving kids should disqualify them, but the republicans are at a point now in the wake of Trump where only nominating a psycho will do and the base are auto selecting the stupidest and meanest assholes they can find. Trump still has 80% support among the republican base, and it grows with each indictment, but I figure will fall off with each trial and conviction. Once he is tied and convicted the Teflon will wear off pretty quick, when the cuffs and orange suit go on, the aura of invincibility will evaporate. Once they have him in custody, he will show up at the rest of his trials and for the cameras in orange wearing bracelets. If Jack convicts him before his Georgia trial we may see Donald in Orange on TV during his trial in Georgia, if he is in federal custody. That will wear the shine off him pretty quick for his base, exposed as a mere convict doing time until he dies.