Examples of GOP Leadership

Technology should be providing a much better lifestyle for ordinary people our wealth as societies continues to grow with each passing decade and all the benefits are going to the super rich as the wealth imbalance grows and the rich can buy politicians, regular people, radio networks and TV stations with pocket change. It is easier to accumulate money if it is not taxed and the average billionaire pays 8% in income taxes while the average worker or well-paid worker pays 30 to 40%.

One of the reasons why we don't have a better economy and world is assholes like this work for the rich and con the poor, ignorant, stupid and bigoted with culture wars driving social division with anger, resentment, entitlement and rage. They depend on a propaganda network and now an alternative reality media universe where spin, lies and deception for profit are the norm. Where giving people what they want to hear for ratings and profit instead of facts that can help them and to promote con artists as politicians.


Judge Luttig on Trump’s likely third indictment: 'These are the gravest offenses against the U.S.'

3,214 views Jul 23, 2023 #Trump #Indictment #MikePence
Two and a half years ago, former federal judge J. Michael Luttig advised then-Vice President Mike Pence of his constitutional responsibility and duty to certify the results of the 2020 election. If it weren’t for them, American democracy might be at a very different place today. “These are the gravest offenses against the United States that a president could commit,” Judge Luttig says regarding Trump’s likely third indictment, this time for election interference and the attack at the Capitol. And because of how serious and grave those offenses are, in addition to the fact that Trump remains unrestrained in his attacks against the rule of law, Luttig points out that Donald Trump left the Department of Justice with no other options. “Jack Smith had no choice but to indict the former president, lest he make a mockery of the Constitution and rule of law.”
What's the GOP stance on things not related to defending Trump? Anti-"wokeism" a la Ron DeSantis? The so-called "culture war" is a smokescreen for the rich quietly taking from the poor while people are focused on the right's overt attack on people who aren't like them
What's the GOP stance on things not related to defending Trump? Anti-"wokeism" a la Ron DeSantis? The so-called "culture war" is a smokescreen for the rich quietly taking from the poor while people are focused on the right's overt attack on people who aren't like them
it is worth remembering that for the ‘20 RNC, the party did not bother to articulate a platform.
It's all good. Repuslicans running Loser45 is good. Who needs a platform, when you've got hate to spread?
That (triangulated against the ongoing displays of racism, misogyny and genderhate) does seem to be the bottom line. Today’s GOP starkly illustrates what it means to be reactionary, and how detrimental that is to a society of-for-by the people.