Examples of GOP Leadership

That (triangulated against the ongoing displays of racism, misogyny and genderhate) does seem to be the bottom line. Today’s GOP starkly illustrates what it means to be reactionary, and how detrimental that is to a society of-for-by the people.
Hate and fear. Tried and true. That's all the right has to offer, and it works. I can't say GOP, anymore.
They might be old (to this sexxxagenarian) but grand? Yeah no.

I grew up Republican. I seem to have entirely changed. There was once room for centrists in the Republican Party, but now? no.
I grew up Democrat, but I wasn't pushed in that direction. My parents let us kids go their own way. We were almost poor, so going Republican was not an option. I've had a happy life, looking back.
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War inside the GOP, it is starting slow but will escalate, they smell blood in the water and Donald going down and they don't want to go down with him!

Let's talk about low profile moves from GOP insiders....
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What's the GOP stance on things not related to defending Trump? Anti-"wokeism" a la Ron DeSantis? The so-called "culture war" is a smokescreen for the rich quietly taking from the poor while people are focused on the right's overt attack on people who aren't like them

We can't say Trump and his followers don't have a plan. It's light on detail but true to form, has high goals. Huuuuge goals. Goals like nobody has ever seen before.

Trump did it all himself. Here is a link to Trump's campaign website that discusses Agenda 47

Topics in his own words:

Spoiler alert: his auto industry rescue plan includes flying cars

Apparently, chronic childhood illnesses did not happen during his earlier tenure.

The war on drugs was not enough. We need a STRONG LEADER to fight the drug cartels.:p

That's just a sample. Flying cars, blockades against drug cartels, death sentences to drug dealers, crush the deep state, quantum leap in the American standard of living, dismantle and destroy the censorship cartel and on and on.
I grew up Democrat, but I wasn't pushed in that direction. My parents let us kids go their own direction. We were almost poor, so going Republican was not an option. I've had a happy life, looking back.
All told, my life has also been happy.

At day’s end, my not staying Republican suggests that my ethics are more deeply rooted.


That sounds and feels all kinds of yes.
whoa head spin.
on the one hand Roseanne claims Peace and Freedom Party (full goose socialist) allegiance.

But she has stumped for that man.

Norman relate!

We can't say Trump and his followers don't have a plan. It's light on detail but true to form, has high goals. Huuuuge goals. Goals like nobody has ever seen before.

Trump did it all himself. Here is a link to Trump's campaign website that discusses Agenda 47

Topics in his own words:

Spoiler alert: his auto industry rescue plan includes flying cars

Apparently, chronic childhood illnesses did not happen during his earlier tenure.

The war on drugs was not enough. We need a STRONG LEADER to fight the drug cartels.:p

That's just a sample. Flying cars, blockades against drug cartels, death sentences to drug dealers, crush the deep state, quantum leap in the American standard of living, dismantle and destroy the censorship cartel and on and on.
He's vewy stwong an powafuh. The wannabe Duterte. Let's bomb Mexico!
Fuck Texas. Fuck Abbott. What excrement! I'd like to be within arm's length of him. I'm like the old stereotype of old man that will just take your punches and wear you out, then put you down. Old men just don't care about being hurt. We've been through it.

"I would also say, remember, Trump's thing as he is trying to kick the can as much as possible with all of these cases, right?" she continued. "This will be his second set of federal indictments. And may not be in Florida, so he may not be able to kick the can the way that he would with Judge [Aileen] Cannon, so I think that is something to think about. But I do think he is ultimately quite scared. You are seeing him tweet out a lot of really violent and scary stuff. He's truthing it, he's not tweeting it, and he's trying to scare, he's trying to distract, and get his supporters engaged. And he, again, needs to raise a lot of money."

Here Cheetolini looks in his wallet- :bigjoint:


Fuck Texas. Fuck Abbott. What excrement! I'd like to be within arm's length of him. I'm like the old stereotype of old man that will just take your punches and wear you out, then put you down. Old men just don't care about being hurt. We've been through it.

Yeah - fuck that “ half pint “ piece of shit. He would rather see kids drown .
