Examples of GOP Leadership

Ada (Ada Lovelace).

Enola spelled backwards is Alone. It struck me as fitting as I pondered the horrible weight and significance of all those lives lost. Thanks for the white space you've been putting in too, :eyesmoke:
"Curious" and PERCEPTIVE , I even tried the "paragraph" thing SUNNI recommended, but when I hit post it still comes out in block form. Yes I've watched documentaries on the atomic bombing . It's difficult and agonizing to be in Truman's shoes because the sheer voracity of Japanese resistance to the Marine landings prior in Okinawa were a bloodbath.

The Japanese defense of Japan proper would have been at a levels higher than the Okinawan resistance, there would have been thousands of Kamakaze attacks on the US fleet and casualties for Marines landing in Japan were estimated at over a million. I prefer to look at the friendship we've developed w/ the Japanese people post the brutal Pacific conflict, history shows that many victorious nations colonize vanquished opponents.

We wisely kept their emperor in place who the Japanese regarded as a God, and while there are US bases that don't please all the Japanese we never messed w/ their culture which w/all the USA haters out there I think gets overlooked. Would the same result occurred w/ Stalin, The British, The Roman's,or the Japanese themselves w/their prior history of brutal colonization.
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Under our current tax plan if we simply removed the RI exemption 90+% of community houses of worship would still not pay taxes as they would easily qualify as a charitable organization or non profit, as you can see in my other bullets I want to invest in and strengthen community resources not inhibit them. However televangelist, mega churches and cult like organizations rake in 10s of billions annually and not only do they not get taxed on that income but the money coming in gets give a tax credit to the donor so not only are they not contributing but they are actively detracting from public revenues.
That's commendable, we need alternatives to raise revenue to pay down our debt, I wonder what kind of revenue my 2 suggestions would raise, I bet a fed sales tax of 1% and rounding off purchases w/the 1-4 cents going to the Govt. is significant. Relatively painless and applicable to all ,it could raise enough revenue to simplify the onerous tax codes maybe even to a animosity removing flat rate across the board. Just ideas ,I'm no CPA, not even close, I've just witnessed TOO much "weaponization" of taxes depending on who is in power.
That's commendable, we need alternatives to raise revenue to pay down our debt, I wonder what kind of revenue my 2 suggestions would raise, I bet a fed sales tax of 1% and rounding off purchases w/the 1-4 cents going to the Govt. is significant. Relatively painless and applicable to all ,it could raise enough revenue to simplify the onerous tax codes maybe even to a animosity removing flat rate across the board. Just ideas ,I'm no CPA, not even close, I've just witnessed TOO much "weaponization" of taxes depending on who is in power.
Sales taxes are quite possible the worst and lest fair method of revenue collections. 60 precent of the US population lives paycheck to paycheck and can't afford a blanket increase in prices on essential goods. I will never support a sales tax on food, medical supplies/services , building materials, basic vehicles. Now if you want to put a sales tax on leisure items that Noone really needs I'm game. Airtravle, personal seacraft, swimming pools, recreation vehicles, pool tables, second properties, things like that.
Your idea of rounding up to the nearest nickel is essentially a sales tax on all goods.
I saw a video discussing the intersection of public revenue and ethics, the conclusion was that the fairest, most human method of taxation is to charge very few taxes on the living and collect revenue at death. The angle of death clause needs to be eliminated.
I would also support a cap on inherentence collections.
It's amazing the lengths these people will go to distract us from important issues.

it is, down this direction they have been talk about the dangerous dog issue plaguing the city........and nothing about what's going on in america and the such.....

it's like you don't need to know that, we'll talk about this crap instead....
Could someone please explain why we are attacking our closest neighbor and ally.
Use small words and keep it simple like you are explaining it to a 10 year old.
by limiting US markets to imported goods and materials, the US markets will be forced to extract and manufacture domestically, making the US a self sustaining economy.
The logic is straightforward and even practical to a sociopath.
Could someone please explain why we are attacking our closest neighbor and ally.
Use small words and keep it simple like you are explaining it to a 10 year old.
Because the first time Trump put tariffs on Canada it worked.
Trudeau & the Libs bent over for Trump while Ford & Maple Maga tossed his salad, they threw out NAFTA and made USMCA (which Trump now says is a bad deal).

Trump also has a personal dislike for Trudeau, younger, healthier, more vigorous, better looking and Melania & Ivanka have the hots for him.


Fear of flying is pushing ticket sales down in the wake of multiple crashes, airlines say​

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Since climate change awareness is my main gig these days, I say that's a good start.

In the EU where there are lots of trains, they outlawed any flights less than two hours. Taking a train instead of a plane is putting 90% less carbon into the atmosphere. And the thing is, the train is just about the same time when you count airport checkin and whatnot.
Since climate change awareness is my main gig these days, I say that's a good start.

In the EU where there are lots of trains, they outlawed any flights less than two hours. Taking a train instead of a plane is putting 90% less carbon into the atmosphere. And the thing is, the train is just about the same time when you count airport checkin and whatnot.
This is why Americans Big Oil oligarths have always opposed highspeed rail in the US. The reason we don't have a high speed rail system. "Drill baby drill" is the republican answer to railroad investment.
This is why Americans Big Oil oligarths have always opposed highspeed rail in the US. The reason we don't have a high speed rail system. "Drill baby drill" is the republican answer to railroad investment.
If Canada cuts us off from their sour heavy crude, the cry will be Refine Baby Refine. All our refineries are set up for sour heavy crude, and we pump sweet light. I'm not sure how long it would take to build new refineries, but we might have to learn.