Well-Known Member
Intake screen was caked shut with dust. Louver on bedroom door has a small layer of dust on it so the air outside of my room is dusty too appearently. That sucks, I didnt realize I had a major quality issue but my last weed harvested was totally fine.
Will have to do something at some point, maybe not idk. I know I want the carpet gone but then I have to take everything down and out the room and back in but it sounds worth it. Im not a dirty person, Im lazy and the least clean but I keep up, my room mates are neat freaks. This is kind of embarrissing but its the house, its old.
There are a few ways to look at this...Sounds like your ventilation system is CRANKING, so you'd definitely be pulling a ton of junk through any filtering you have set up, and also creating quite a suction in the room, but is probably also making you add a ton of humidity to keep things on point environmentally. By contrast, I have my two ventilation fans set low (at 'rest' my exhaust is running at 3 out of 10 and my intake is 2 out of 10. If the heat triggers it to increase it notches up to 4/3 or if really hot it may hit 5/4 or so. My goal is to keep ventilation steady but also VPD and temperatures steady as well without that stuff cranking all day, so finding tipping point where there's airflow but stasis. I change my filter fabric when it gets visibly dirty, which is every grow or two depending on how long they go.
Also, I'm in a tent that's nearly identical (3'x5'x5.5').