Well-Known Member
I don't understand. You are saying that Bill Clinton, by himself repealed Glass-Steagal? Then by himself drafted and signed NAFTA? Then by himself shipped jobs overseas? I guess the Republican Congress was too busy looking at stained dresses at the time to act as a functioning legislature. Lazy perverts.Hey moron, you realize Bill Clinton destroyed the fire-wall between commercial and investment banking with the repeal of Glass-Steagal and then signed NAFTA that has definitively shipped jobs overseas. The companies were allowed to borrow money at interest-rates designed for john-q-public to complete M&A deals that ship production overseas where they cannot be taxed. If there is such a problem with rich people not paying any taxes, why do democrats keep making it legal for them to do so? TPP now and Obamacare killing the labor market domestically? Yeah, really for us working folks.
You realize people thought Obama was a change agent and worshiped him as some kind of messiah on his way into office. I'm sure you were alive to hear the "Hope and Change" bullshit. Then he proceeded to start more wars than Bush and bail out banks. Are you not seeing a pattern here?
And here I thought that Republicans pushed through that banking act repeal.
Oh, and what about the Bush administration's decision to let banks just regulate themselves when it came to Credit Default Swaps. Was that Clinton's doing too? You know, if the repeal of Glass Steagal was such a dumb thing for Clinton to do, why wasn't it re-instated when those sane and safe Republicans took complete charge of all three branches of the govt a few years later?
I have so much to learn from you.