EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread

please stop. Comparing Bernie supporters to the tea party is stupid. One is a movement for the good of all people, the other is based on selfishness, ignorance, and hatred.

Yet, that's far from all of them.

Another, larger point; focusing on what we don't agree on has led us to where we are today. I realize it's easy to continue, but if it hasn't worked thus far, why would it later?

Time to find common ground and work against our common adversary; the power elite and those they've purchased.

Even if one must hold one's nose, 'the enemy of my enemy is my friend.' And aren't we all Americans?
Yet, that's far from all of them.

Another, larger point; focusing on what we don't agree on has led us to where we are today. I realize it's easy to continue, but if it hasn't worked thus far, why would it later?

Time to find common ground and work against our common adversary; the power elite and those they've purchased.

Even if one must hold one's nose, 'the enemy of my enemy is my friend.' And aren't we all Americans?

so why isn't it working this time?

low information voters?

what Sanders represents is what most of us wish..50% of Dems is huge yet still not enough..look at @Uncle Buck..he appears to be backing Clinton..why? why not Sanders?
are you seriously saying you don't know how the SCOTUS gave us Bush? Have you forgotten Bush vs Gore already. Hell your state was the controversy. Here read this. http://www.dummies.com/how-to/content/supreme-court-case-study-bush-v-gore.html

as for as thinking Ginsburg will be around for years. Good luck. Please remember we talking your rights and those of your daughters.

gore was the true winner..rights for myself and my daughters have never been less than when they weren't legal.
The politics of division are working just fine.

apparently not..I expected to hear some recognition from the networks for Nevada and they were all like. will Hillary make it?..can she pull it off?..campaign headquarters coverage..ya know like before the Super Bowl you get lockeroom coverage for BOTH teams? it's like Sanders didn't even exist.

this, in and of itself, is the most compelling reason to cast protest vote..they've shoved Clinton so far down my throat she's coming out of my ass.

nobody's going to force me who to vote for.
apparently not..I expected to hear some recognition from the networks for Nevada and they were all like. will Hillary make it?..can she pull it off?..campaign headquarters coverage..ya know like before the Super Bowl you get lockeroom coverage for BOTH teams? it's like Sanders didn't even exist.

Who do you think they're dividing?
Trump or Clinton?.....which one can you best live with for the next 4 years?

I'm astonished at the headlines of our period in history; the average American knows they're being ripped off on a grand scale...


Maybe they deserve what they get. They'll certainly keep getting it until they get off their ass and do something, but if everything that's come before- stock market crash, ginned up wars abroad and threats within to excuse the wholesale snatching of our civil rights...

There's something to be said for the idea that the stupid deserves the beating until he stands up for himself. Nothing else seems to be working.
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Even if one must hold one's nose, 'the enemy of my enemy is my friend.' And aren't we all Americans?
Tell that to the Teaparty. Some think that some of us are from Kenya. Some hate Muslims. Some hate gays and thinks it is a sin. Most are to stupid to even deal with.
Please don't associate yourself with ignorance, I takes a lot from you.
London..you are a Hillary supporter.. How is she going to be different than the class of clowns the GOP are trotting out there?
Actually my views have changed. I would suggest you go back an read how and why.
I do feel Hillary would be better than any GOP clown, just by who she would choose to put on the SCOTUS. She also has different views on immigration, gun rights , abortion, taxes... etc etc. But most importantly is that choice of SCOTUS
I don't like either party. Bernie was a breath of fresh air..I thought this was finally a chance to get someone in there that could make some massive changes..getting money out of elections and politics is the biggest problem n Bernie was ready n willing the tackle that..I'm probably not going to vote if he's not an option..someone has to sell me on another choice.
I don't like either party. Bernie was a breath of fresh air..I thought this was finally a chance to get someone in there that could make some massive changes..getting money out of elections and politics is the biggest problem n Bernie was ready n willing the tackle that..I'm probably not going to vote if he's not an option..someone has to sell me on another choice.
and that's fine if you don't vote. Just don't complain afterwards
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