EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread

I got this.......because she won't conspire with the GOP senate to undo 50 years of progress....for starters

I don't think any politician has that power to go back in time 50 years..the major difference ( I thought) from the parties was..

Wars- foreign nation building -
Defense spending

Abortion- Even A 2 time conservative can't undo Roe v Wade..the courts have ruled..that can't change.

Climate change- dems seem to believe n GOP doesn't- environmental concerns.
I'm astonished at the headlines of our period in history; the average American knows they're being ripped off on a grand scale...


Maybe they deserve what they get. They'll certainly keep getting it until they get off their ass and do something, but if everything that's come before- stock market crash, ginned up wars abroad and threats within to excuse the wholesale snatching of our civil rights...

There's something to be said for the idea that the stupid deserves the beating until he stands up for himself. Nothing else seems to be working.

it's the 'knows it and accepts it' part that is so disturbing..what made us this way?

if we had to rely on the people of today to fight for our freedom of 1776, would we have succeeded in the making of America?
I don't think any politician has that power to go back in time 50 years..the major difference ( I thought) from the parties was..

Wars- foreign nation building -
Defense spending

Abortion- Even A 2 time conservative can't undo Roe v Wade..the courts have ruled..that can't change.

Climate change- dems seem to believe n GOP doesn't- environmental concerns.
ok stop, because now it seems that you talking blind. I need you to take the time to think. Lets first deal with what you just said with Roe vs Wade. The whole point of making sure of having a SCOTUS leaning left is to assure Roe vs Wade does not change, because it can. Put enough right leaning votes on the SCOTUS who disagree with it and its changed. Why are you and ttystikk talking so crazy today. Get your personalities in order. as Bernie would say Enough is enough
I don't think any politician has that power to go back in time 50 years..the major difference ( I thought) from the parties was..

Wars- foreign nation building -
Defense spending

Abortion- Even A 2 time conservative can't undo Roe v Wade..the courts have ruled..that can't change.

Climate change- dems seem to believe n GOP doesn't- environmental concerns.
ok stop, because now it seems that you talking blind. I need you to take the time to think. Lets first deal with what you just said with Roe vs Wade. The whole point of making sure of having a SCOTUS leaning left is to assure Roe vs Wade does not change, because it can. Put enough right leaning votes on the SCOTUS who disagree with it and its changed. Why are you and ttystikk talking so crazy today. Get your personalities in order. as Bernie would say Enough is enough

citation time..can roe v. wade be changed? why or why not?
citation time..can roe v. wade be changed? why or why not?
OMG are you serious. Do you know how the Supreme Court works ? I have to make a quick run right now, when I get back if you are still confuse I will tell you how. I hope you are not serious though
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They ruled on it..its been challenged n lost, I don't believe you can continually rule on an issue.
OMG. ANY ruling can be brought up and look at with the Supreme Court to see if it can be overturned, even decisions that the Supreme Court has already ruled on. If the courts decided to take another look at it and the court has now changed to 5-4 in favor of overturning, then it can be overturned. An example would be if a lower court made a ruling on when a fetus is deemed life, the Supreme court could easily revisit Roe vs Wade. No law or ruling is concrete. You really should already know this.
Tell that to the Teaparty. Some think that some of us are from Kenya. Some hate Muslims. Some hate gays and thinks it is a sin. Most are to stupid to even deal with.
Please don't associate yourself with ignorance, I takes a lot from you.

Agreed that not all can be reasoned with.

Agreed further that finding those who are willing to step out of their comfort zone- on either side- and try something genuinely new and difficult is likely to be a challenge.

That doesn't mean it isn't worth doing, because I don't think progress can be made any other way. As long as average Americans are finding things to hate about each other, the plutocrats will keep laughing all the way to the bank.
Agreed that not all can be reasoned with.

Agreed further that finding those who are willing to step out of their comfort zone- on either side- and try something genuinely new and difficult is likely to be a challenge.

That doesn't mean it isn't worth doing, because I don't think progress can be made any other way. As long as average Americans are finding things to hate about each other, the plutocrats will keep laughing all the way to the bank.
good luck
I got this.......because she won't conspire with the GOP senate to undo 50 years of progress....for starters

You sure about that? I've met them, and I'm not sure about that at all.

Fucking Obama pushed through the TPP! OK? Democrats aren't interested in average people, just a different group of ultra rich donors!
Well, I challenge you to try to engage with those who think differently, listen to them and try to find common ground instead of pouncing on your differences. I understand if you think the effort isn't worth making.
I tried when Obama was elected. I realize some people are just stuck on stupid. I moved forward.
then you wasted a vote and just might put Trump or what ever GOP Bozo in charge

Well I engaged the nice self described lgbt college age youth in conversation this evening when he came to give me a card explaining where the local caucus was for my district and to go and vote for Bernie.

He was from California and felt strongly enough about getting money out of politics and restoring rights to average Americans to volunteer his time in this Super Tuesday state.

I gave him a dime sized bag of Hillbilly Hobby just to be friendly and to make sure he knows what good weed is... and used the occasion to point out that it's the kind of right that shouldn't be so rare, and that's why I'm supporting Bernie. He said he'd smoked for the first time ever just yesterday! He's gonna get sooooooooo ripped, lol

@ODanksta was over and we all stood on my front porch and chatted him up for a few minutes. Then I sent the dankster home with a lil trim to make some edibles with, he was complaining of a back problem that hurts real bad if he coughs, so smoking is obviously out. I'm sure he'll show us another amazing recipe any day now, lol

Good times!
it's the 'knows it and accepts it' part that is so disturbing..what made us this way?

if we had to rely on the people of today to fight for our freedom of 1776, would we have succeeded in the making of America?

Oh, HELL NO. We're now a country full of fat, lazy apathetic motherfuckers far more interested in Youtubing what Beyonce said than anything that might impact the arc of our future.

Ask me how I really feel.