EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread

You say that its possible for some self organized and massive voting surge in favor of Bernie. I don't think it is. You can't explain yourself. I think it's possible for me to win the lottery. Actually only virtually possible.

Sorry man, but you have nothing. I'll still probably vote for anybody other than Trump or Hillary next fall but that's because Oregon will be safely out of reach for the Republicans. You'll go on helplessly ranting about how unfair all this is. I don't disagree with you.

So then you'll be voting Sanders?
In NY, alone 3.2 million Independents were disenfranchised due to restrictive registration.

They closed polls early in a state that Sanders held lead and then somehow Clinton pulls it off by narrow margin..Ohio? Well hell, they just went with quarter flips..Jesus Christ! Quarter flips!
So INDEPENDANTS should get to choose who the DEMOCRATIC nominee should be?
How many of those INDEPENDANTS didn't get to vote for Trump either?
So now the real objection surfaces..thank you for finally being honest.

Do you realize that:

1. Neigh sayer economists have stated they negatively reported on Sanders plan without all the fact..you remember them?..facts?

2. You get something for it..single payer health among other things..I've sat here and done the math for you early on..a few dollars a pay will yield the typical American family THOUSANDS.

I'm back to making six figures but I still stand with Sanders because not all my friends do..some of them work two jobs to make ends meet and always will if something is not done to right this wrong.

Kicking the can down the road on to our children, is the most heinous thing that can be done to them.

What kind of world are we leaving them?

It looks something like a cross between Blade Runner, Minority Report and V for Vendetta.
In NY, alone 3.2 million Independents were disenfranchised due to restrictive registration.

They closed polls early in a state that Sanders held lead and then somehow Clinton pulls it off by narrow margin..Ohio? Well hell, they just went with quarter flips..Jesus Christ! Quarter flips!
Were those independents also somehow registered as members of the Democratic party? Because it was a closed primary. That said, the time lag between when a person must register as a party member and when the election is held is too long and exclusionary. It's one of the things that Bernie wants to change about the Democratic party's selection process, along with the superdelegate system.

Still, you are crying over something that was well known and been around for a long time. I was registered Democrat and placed my vote for Bernie. I don't understand how anybody can be surprised to find out on the day of the poll, but I understand that's what happened to some.
So now the real objection surfaces..thank you for finally being honest.

Do you realize that:

1. Neigh sayer economists have stated they negatively reported on Sanders plan without all the fact..you remember them?..facts?

2. You get something for it..single payer health among other things..I've sat here and done the math for you early on..a few dollars a pay will yield the typical American family THOUSANDS.

I'm back to making six figures but I still stand with Sanders because not all my friends do..some of them work two jobs to make ends meet and always will if something is not done to right this wrong.

Kicking the can down the road on to our children, is the most heinous thing that can be done to them.

What kind of world are we leaving them?

It looks something like a cross between Blade Runner, Minority Report and V for Vendetta.
Blah blah blah.
Were those independents also somehow registered as members of the Democratic party? Because it was a closed primary. That said, the time lag between when a person must register as a party member and when the election is held is too long and exclusionary. It's one of the things that Bernie wants to change about the Democratic party's selection process, along with the superdelegate system.

Still, you are crying over something that was well known and been around for a long time. I was registered Democrat and placed my vote for Bernie. I don't understand how anybody can be surprised to find out on the day of the poll, but I understand that's what happened to some.

The thinking person who supports Sanders understands what no news coverage, SD's pledged prior to any contest, closing polls early while voters are still in line, reporting on one contest while another is still going on, means.

The chair of the DNC RIDES with the Clinton campaign from stump to stump..when she's not shutting down Sanders database or making it accessible to the Clinton campaign.

This is blatant stealing from Sanders campaign.
Were those independents also somehow registered as members of the Democratic party? Because it was a closed primary. That said, the time lag between when a person must register as a party member and when the election is held is too long and exclusionary. It's one of the things that Bernie wants to change about the Democratic party's selection process, along with the superdelegate system.

Still, you are crying over something that was well known and been around for a long time. I was registered Democrat and placed my vote for Bernie. I don't understand how anybody can be surprised to find out on the day of the poll, but I understand that's what happened to some.

Big difference between the day of, and six months before the primary.
So now the real objection surfaces..thank you for finally being honest.

Do you realize that:

1. Neigh sayer economists have stated they negatively reported on Sanders plan without all the fact..you remember them?..facts?

2. You get something for it..single payer health among other things..I've sat here and done the math for you early on..a few dollars a pay will yield the typical American family THOUSANDS.

I'm back to making six figures:shock::roll: but I still stand with Sanders because not all my friends do..some of them work two jobs to make ends meet and always will if something is not done to right this wrong.

Kicking the can down the road on to our children, is the most heinous thing that can be done to them.

What kind of world are we leaving them?

It looks something like a cross between Blade Runner, Minority Report and V for Vendetta.
you too lazy to do any math. Could you please STFU when it comes to numbers. Thank you
Blah blah blah.
She lives in Florida. If the vote is close enough for sky's vote to matter, the GOP will just steal the election as they did in 2000. Instead of hectoring people committed to their principles, perhaps pushing for reforms of Florida's and other state's polling systems the enable crooked vote rigging.

Here is one initiative introduced by Ron Wyden, D, Senator from Oregon

As voters in Indiana waited in line at polling places to vote in their presidential primary Tuesday, Sen. Ron Wyden announced at the Oregon State Capitol that he will introduce an alternative to Congress — a national vote by mail bill.

His bill would send a ballot to every registered voter before each election. Postage on the ballot envelopes would be prepaid.

Vote by mail is wonderful. Everybody should be able to do so. No lines, no broken down ballot machines in certain districts, ballot is filled out over a cup of coffee with easy access to the internet for information, votes are counted as they come in which speeds up the reporting on election day, no fucking hanging chads.
She lives in Florida. If the vote is close enough for sky's vote to matter, the GOP will just steal the election as they did in 2000. Instead of hectoring people committed to their principles, perhaps pushing for reforms of Florida's and other state's polling systems the enable crooked vote rigging.

Here is one initiative introduced by Ron Wyden, D, Senator from Oregon

As voters in Indiana waited in line at polling places to vote in their presidential primary Tuesday, Sen. Ron Wyden announced at the Oregon State Capitol that he will introduce an alternative to Congress — a national vote by mail bill.

His bill would send a ballot to every registered voter before each election. Postage on the ballot envelopes would be prepaid.

Vote by mail is wonderful. Everybody should be able to do so. No lines, no broken down ballot machines in certain districts, ballot is filled out over a cup of coffee with easy access to the internet for information, votes are counted as they come in which speeds up the reporting on election day, no fucking hanging chads.
Poor people tend to move more often
And mail can be hijacked
Big difference between the day of, and six months before the primary.
Yep, that delay sucks. In Oregon, the deadline was about three weeks before the primary which proves that 6 month delay was unnecessary. Maybe find out who was the motivating force behind that rule for the 2016 primary and punish the assholes that set up that exclusionary 6 month deadline in CO by pushing them out of their office?
Exactly. Bernie announced he was running as a Dem on May 26 2015.

After I registered as an independent and forgot that I registered as an independent.

I didn't have to tell you that but I'm an honest person and it was a simple mistake considering all the years I was registered as a dem.