EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread

Poor people tend to move more often
And mail can be hijacked
A person must to register to vote where they live, this is true anywhere, not just vote by mail. Signatures are on record ahead of time and they are checked in close elections. There is an effort to make sure each and every election is clean with representatives from both parties observing the process. So far, its been pretty much scandal free. While you raise valid points, they have been addressed in Oregon and any issues raised are tiny compared to the ones in MI, OH, FLA and NY which still use the system put in place around the turn of the last century.

My question is, which is better? Use an old system that is inefficient, easily rigged and makes it difficult to vote. Or vote by mail, which has shown to have none of those problems and is endorsed by large majorities of both parties. OK, that was a shitty and biased question but hopefully you get my drift.

WA (2011), OR (1998) and CO (2013) are entirely vote by mail. Most other states allow either, so it's not as if this would be a huge shift in process.
After I registered as an independent and forgot that I registered as an independent.

I didn't have to tell you that but I'm an honest person and it was a simple mistake considering all the years I was registered as a dem.
how do you forget what you are registered as ? Go ahead and blame it on marijuana :roll:
The thinking person who supports Sanders understands what no news coverage, SD's pledged prior to any contest, closing polls early while voters are still in line, reporting on one contest while another is still going on, means.

The chair of the DNC RIDES with the Clinton campaign from stump to stump..when she's not shutting down Sanders database or making it accessible to the Clinton campaign.

This is blatant stealing from Sanders campaign.
Jeez, changing the subject pretty quickly aren't you? I agree that there were some problems with how the DNC manipulated the polls. I disagree that the selection was swung from Bernie to Hillary by doing this.

The polling difference is almost 3 million voters who were registered as Democratic party members before the cutoff dates in each state. Independents and absent minded people who missed the cutoff date were not able to vote for the Democratic party presidential nominee. Sorry for you about that.

Regardless, 3 million people is too wide of a margin to blame Bernie's loss in this nomination cycle on voter fraud.
Bullshit. You have people that set up threads in August who didn't vote because of not knowing the rules. What and who you blame then ?? Stupid or dumb ?
The six month period was unnecessary. Why not get that rule changed going forward?
So because I dont agree with you, I'm not informed?

Oh, okay.
You know, Spandy, maybe this once, I'll agree with you. I hope this doesn't mean you have to burn your kkk membership card.

The argument that --- given the same information, everybody would agree is simply nuts. Same for the argument that if one disagrees with a clearly well informed person like @schuylaar (snicker) means that that person is uninformed. OK, so, maybe true in mainland China, North Korea and Soviet Russia of the '50s but that's a different can of worms altogether. People have different backgrounds, experiences and life changing events, in other words the US is a diverse culture. Even the TLA, "USA" evokes different meaning to different people.

So, while I think you are a redneck who has a remedial emotional make-up, I think you can be just as informed as I am but still be wrong in your decisions. I do hope you get the humor intended with that last comment.
You know, Spandy, maybe this once, I'll agree with you. I hope this doesn't mean you have to burn your kkk membership card.

The argument that --- given the same information, everybody would agree is simply nuts. Same for the argument that if one disagrees with a clearly well informed person like @schuylaar (snicker) means that that person is uninformed. OK, so, maybe true in mainland China, North Korea and Soviet Russia of the '50s but that's a different can of worms altogether. People have different backgrounds, experiences and life changing events, in other words the US is a diverse culture. Even the TLA, "USA" evokes different meaning to different people.

So, while I think you are a redneck who has a remedial emotional make-up, I think you can be just as informed as I am but still be wrong in your decisions. I do hope you get the humor intended with that last comment.

Humor got, lol.

I see the points made, and best try to understand from others perspectives. But being "wrong" is subjective. Like you said, we all have different backgrounds, experiences etc. Most people have made their minds up before a single question has been asked.
Jeez, changing the subject pretty quickly aren't you? I agree that there were some problems with how the DNC manipulated the polls. I disagree that the selection was swung from Bernie to Hillary by doing this.

The polling difference is almost 3 million voters who were registered as Democratic party members before the cutoff dates in each state. Independents and absent minded people who missed the cutoff date were not able to vote for the Democratic party presidential nominee. Sorry for you about that.

Regardless, 3 million people is too wide of a margin to blame Bernie's loss in this nomination cycle on voter fraud.

How is that changing the subject?

Too wide a margin? You mean like when all the SD's were pledged before any contest run?

That's a pretty wide margin too.

3.2 million in NY alone did not get to vote..but they will in the general and that goes for every state.

The handwriting is on the wall that Sanders is the people's choice..ignoring it will result in a Trump win as Clinton is weak against..she has too many questionable incidences in which Trump doesn't have to dig for, it's already there and will be a cakewalk to defeat her.

Sanders supporters will not 'fall in line', they are agents of change, even if it means a Trump presidency.
How is that changing the subject?

Too wide a margin? You mean like when all the SD's were pledged before any contest run?

That's a pretty wide margin too.

3.2 million in NY alone did not get to vote..but they will in the general and that goes for every state.

The handwriting is on the wall that Sanders is the people's choice..ignoring it will result in a Trump win as Clinton is weak against..she has too many questionable incidences in which Trump doesn't have to dig for, it's already there and will be a cakewalk to defeat her.

Sanders supporters will not 'fall in line', they are agents of change, even if it means a Trump presidency.
Obama turned that shit. Why Bernie could not ?

3.2 million didn't get to vote in NY. but how many were for Trump ? Hillary ? Bernard ? Jesus ?
How is that changing the subject?

Too wide a margin? You mean like when all the SD's were pledged before any contest run?

That's a pretty wide margin too.

3.2 million in NY alone did not get to vote..but they will in the general and that goes for every state.

The handwriting is on the wall that Sanders is the people's choice..ignoring it will result in a Trump win as Clinton is weak against..she has too many questionable incidences in which Trump doesn't have to dig for, it's already there and will be a cakewalk to defeat her.

Sanders supporters will not 'fall in line', they are agents of change, even if it means a Trump presidency.
At issue is not how many independents were excluded. That's irrelevant to the Democratic Party primaries, which were closed primaries. And were set to be closed well before 2016. I think this will change going forward, which will be a good thing.

In any case, you changed the subject from "people were unfairly excluded" to "there was skullduggery in how the media were manipulated". Both of which are false.

It's Hillary's job to convince Bernie's supporters and enough independents that don't like Trump to vote for her. If she can't she will lose. That's how it goes, elections and not what you think matter. Bernie is showing Democratic party leaders the way back from their mistaken affair with right wing political policies. If they can find their way back to the center, Trump has no chance.
But MSNBC's Steve Kornacki tweeted a more remarkable data point: Almost 4 in 10 Sanders voters plan to support Trump over Sanders.

There are usually some people in exit poll data who say they'd vote against their preferred candidate in the general election. After all, the general election offers different choices than the primary, and if you're a conservative Democrat, you may think that Sanders is preferable to Clinton or vice versa, but also that a Republican would be preferable to both.
But MSNBC's Steve Kornacki tweeted a more remarkable data point: Almost 4 in 10 Sanders voters plan to support Trump over Sanders.

I'm living in a small state and might have missed out on some news it seems. Didn't registered members of the Democratic party have the opportunity to vote in their state's primary? Didn't the majority of those people who were registered for the Democratic party vote for Hillary Clinton?

There are a hell of a lot of never voted or independents who have become followers of Sanders. But the overlords had picked Clinton so its Clintons time, so why should those votes count? Meekly going along with your overlords is what you are bound to do if you registered as a democrat, that and making sure that the others do so as well. Some do not understand this as well as you and no one is as good at this as you are, as you do it in a nicer way.
At issue is not how many independents were excluded. That's irrelevant to the Democratic Party primaries, which were closed primaries. And were set to be closed well before 2016. I think this will change going forward, which will be a good thing.

In any case, you changed the subject from "people were unfairly excluded" to "there was skullduggery in how the media were manipulated". Both of which are false.

It's Hillary's job to convince Bernie's supporters and enough independents that don't like Trump to vote for her. If she can't she will lose. That's how it goes, elections and not what you think matter. Bernie is showing Democratic party leaders the way back from their mistaken affair with right wing political policies. If they can find their way back to the center, Trump has no chance.

SANDERS is the center democrats are looking for.