Well-Known Member
A person must to register to vote where they live, this is true anywhere, not just vote by mail. Signatures are on record ahead of time and they are checked in close elections. There is an effort to make sure each and every election is clean with representatives from both parties observing the process. So far, its been pretty much scandal free. While you raise valid points, they have been addressed in Oregon and any issues raised are tiny compared to the ones in MI, OH, FLA and NY which still use the system put in place around the turn of the last century.Poor people tend to move more often
And mail can be hijacked
My question is, which is better? Use an old system that is inefficient, easily rigged and makes it difficult to vote. Or vote by mail, which has shown to have none of those problems and is endorsed by large majorities of both parties. OK, that was a shitty and biased question but hopefully you get my drift.
WA (2011), OR (199