nitro harley
Well-Known Member
Downtube is your fuel tank?
Chesus, The back bone is the fuel tank. And the air tank for the air shifter is in the down tubes all the way back to the trans. nitro
Downtube is your fuel tank?
Not much fuel. Do you refuel after you burn the tires?Chesus, The back bone is the fuel tank. And the air tank for the air shifter is in the down tubes all the way back to the trans. nitro
didn't you post a picture of yourself clad in leather once, mounted on a vehicle that was sure to make everyone forget about your tiny, tiny penis?
that pic also helped me identify you too.
maybe you should post a picture of yourself so we can see how vulnerable you are. one punch to the throat would do it. i've seen your pictures, geezer.
Buck, Good for you Bucky. You seem to be spun up right now and confused. One second you say you seen my picture and the next second you want me to post one? Keep dreaming my little dreamer. nitro
old people are often too stupid and confused to figure out a simple computer issue.
Not much fuel. Do you refuel after you burn the tires?
i'd post a pic of how frail and weak you are, but it would get me banned.
so i am inviting you to show us all how tough you are.
Buck, I don't know anybody that would be scared of you. You should of never posted your picture. just saying. nitro
so old and wrinkly
i'd post a pic of how frail and weak you are, but it would get me banned.
so i am inviting you to show us all how tough you are.
you're scared of me though.
fuck, you're scared of your own words though.
you are just a weakling i guess.
and very old and wrinkly.
Buck, You know I don't waste to much of my time thinking a kid like you can be much of anything other than a kid. nitro
was that supposed to make sense, or are you having a stroke?
How tight do you keep your squish band?Chesus, No I don't. there is enough fuel for making one pass and the return trip back to the pits. It holds more than it looks like and I have a one inch fuel line to the carb that holds some volume. But it is near empty when I get back from a pass though. nitro
How tight do you keep your squish band?
With the new rods my squish moved to .034-.038. No detonation uses 89 octaneChesus, I have the paperwork on the heads back in Oregon. The heads were blanks when I got them and I sent them to Dan Baisly in portland Oregon to machine them so I could use evolution pistons and achieve higher compression ratios . We are set up at a 13.89 to 1 compression right now. We can get more but for now we will see what we can do with it where its at now. nitro
With the new rods my squish moved to .034-.038. No detonation uses 89 octane
hillary will have all the delegates she needs to officially lock it up by tomorrow.