EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread

It's your and Trump's word against the New York Attorney General. Take it up with him.

New York AG: Trump U 'really a fraud from beginning to end'

Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2016/06/eric-schneiderman-trump-university-fraud-223812#ixzz4FrJ0IpIY
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“In New York, we have laws against business fraud, we have laws against consumer fraud,” Schneiderman told ABC’s George Stephanopoulos on “Good Morning America,” when asked which specific laws the Manhattan mogul broke in New York state, which filed a lawsuit against Trump in 2013. “We have a law against running an illegal unlicensed university. This never was a university. The fraud started with the name of the organization, and you can’t just go around saying this is the George Stephanopoulos Law Firm/Hospital/University without actually qualifying and registering, so it was really a fraud from beginning to end.”

Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2016/06/eric-schneiderman-trump-university-fraud-223812#ixzz4FrIdVLjE
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That fucker bilked tens of thousands of dollars from people who thought he was going to teach them how to make money in real estate. They trusted him and in some cases were encouraged to borrow money so they could take advantage of his "special offer, believe me". You just sweep it all under the rug and spout tired hackney ginned up charges against Hillary that have gone nowhere when given intense scrutiny by her political rivals. What a chump you are. Your belief isn't the same thing as a fact.

you cant cite politico . They lost all credibility this past week with the dnc email leaks

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you cant cite politico . They lost all credibility this past week with the dnc email leaks

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I posted quotes from the New York Attorney General that he made in an ABC article. You think that the folks at Politico just made that shit up? Factual reporting is not something you see very often in right wing media, so I can understand your skepticism. You are more comfortable with truthy articles not ones with facts in them.

How about CNN? Well now, looky there, when a media source quotes the same attorney general, the story is remarkably consistent. They talked to the AG and actually repeated his words verbatim. Imagine that!

N.Y. attorney general on Trump University: 'This is straight up fraud'
(CNN)New York's attorney general, who is leading a lawsuit against Trump University there, made his view of the case clear on Thursday: "It's fraud. This is straight up fraud."

Or how about pulling up the story from ABC interview that was referenced by Politico? Direct quotes from the same interview of the same AG have exactly the same words in them. As if the AG actually said it. Imagine that!

NY Attorney General Slams Trump University as 'Fraud From Beginning to End'

“We have laws against running an illegal, unlicensed university. This never was a university. The fraud started with the name of the organization,” he said. “It was really a fraud from beginning to end.”

A video of the interview can be accessed via the abc news link posted above.


That fucker bilked tens of thousands of dollars from people who thought he was going to teach them how to make money in real estate. They trusted him and in some cases were encouraged to borrow money so they could take advantage of his "special offer, believe me". You just sweep it all under the rug and spout tired hackney ginned up charges against Hillary that have gone nowhere when given intense scrutiny by her political rivals. What a chump you are. Your belief isn't the same thing as a fact.

you cant cite politico . They lost all credibility this past week with the dnc email leaks

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I'll just respond with the first comment from the post from Bobby Smythe:

They have in effect committed treason against the people, against our country. They should ALL be arrested for treason and treated as traitors are treated: with the death penalty, along with the participating poll workers that helped in the election fraud! These would not be hard to identify. Do it.

Do your damn jobs, government officials!! You are working for US, not them. Protect our most basic right and our country!! Arrest them!! Hillary, dnc officials as identified in the emails and those and poll workers responsible in the election fraud. Do your JOBS!!


Do your fucking jobs! ~Schuylaar
so a few emails are an outrage, but when donald trump says we should torture and execute the innocent family members of ISIS fighters, you somehow think that is worth electing as our commander in chief?

you are exceedingly stupid, hypocritical and unhinged.

go get a fucking lobotomy.

A few emails? This is not tit for tat, Bucky. If the situation were reversed, you'd be all over Sanders on behalf of Clinton.

Don't try to un-muddy the Clinton waters with Trump tsunami.

What do you call people when they question someone's faith that happens to be Jewish?

It's called pulling da Jew card.

If Sanders were of Christian heritage?:lol:

Please ask yourselves..Where are the religious requirements in the constitution?

Can you tell me why or why not they are there?

Frankly, I'm embarrassed by the DNC and am glad I'm no longer part of.

You cannot dispute this- all you have to do is read what has been exposed by Wiki.
What do you call people when they question someone's faith that happens to be Jewish?

It's called pulling da Jew card.

If Sanders were of Christian heritage?:lol:

Please ask yourselves..Where are the religious requirements in the constitution?

Can you tell me why or why not they are there?

Frankly, I'm embarrassed by the DNC and am glad I'm no longer part of.

You cannot dispute this- all you have to do is read what has been exposed by Wiki.
How about if we find out what the person who you are so outraged for said?


Sanders responds to DNC e-mail leak: Well, I think it's outrageous, but it is not a great shock to me. I think, as I said, it's what we talked about six months ago. I mean, there's no question to my mind and I think no question to any objective observer's mind that the DNC was supporting Hillary Clinton, was in opposition to our campaign. So, I'm not quite shocked by this. And that is why many, many months ago, I made it clear that I thought Debbie Wasserman Schultz should resign, should step down, not only because of the prejudice I think they showed during the campaign, but also because I think we need a new leadership of the Democratic Party which is going to open up that party to working people, to young people, to have the kind of vitality we need to not only win the presidency, but gain control of the Senate and the House as well.

[TAPPER] Senator, what is your personal response, though, to having your faith questioned like that by a fellow Democrat? Well, you are now a Democrat, or you were a Democratic candidate, but by somebody supposedly neutral and theoretically on your team?

[SANDERS] Well, first of all, I am not an atheist. But aside from all of that, I mean, it is an outrage and sad that you would have people in important positions in the DNC trying to undermine my campaign. It goes without saying the function of the DNC is to represent all of the candidates, to be fair and even-minded.But, again, I - we discussed this many, many months ago on this show. So, what is revealed now is not a shock to me. I think the focus, though, that I am going to go forward on right now is to make sure that Donald Trump, perhaps the worst Republican candidate in the modern history of this country, somebody by temperament, somebody by ideology must not become president of the United States. I'm going to do everything I can to defeat him, to elect Hillary Clinton, and to keep focusing, keep focusing on the real issues facing the American people. And that is the decline of the American middle class going on for 40 years, massive levels of income and wealth inequality.And I will tell you, Jake, that I'm proud that, in the Democratic platform that was passed a few weeks ago, we are making some real progress. We're talking about breaking up the large banks on Wall Street who have been ripping off the American people for years.

The transcript goes on and is worth reading to get Bernie's take on what happened and what he's advocating going forward.

This is the guy you and I wanted to see sitting in the White House next year. He didn't win, not because of the fucking dumbshit moves the DNC made but for the very real head start that Hillary had and that Bernie wasn't able to overcome. He's not talking like you at all. He sees opportunity where you, to my eye, see bitterness and retreat.

Bernie has brought fresh new people and energy into this election and sees the promise for the future if the people who listened to his ideas stay and work on those issues. He's a realist and an adult. That does not mean there should be no outrage. Nor does it mean that what he worked for was defeated, as long as people stay on task to support his ideas and effort.

I don't say it as well as he can but if you've been reading what I've been posting, ever since April 15, when Bernie lost Super Tuesday, what I've been saying matches up very well with what Bernie is saying and doing now.
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So Bernie's earnest endorsement of the party's choice gets him plenty of juice going forward, plus the undeniable power that comes from having an army of supporters available to support your causes. As a life long political operative and a sitting- not to mention extremely popular and well known- United States Senator, he'll have a good long time in a position of great influence, with the backing of a grateful president.

I was pissed at the convention. I'm beginning to see the longer view now.

He had nothing to lose by running and even though he didn't actually win the presidency he's now a household name. That's a big step forward into the limelight from where he's been. With skill, that can translate into great influence.

Well played.
So Bernie's earnest endorsement of the party's choice gets him plenty of juice going forward, plus the undeniable power that comes from having an army of supporters available to support your causes. As a life long political operative and a sitting- not to mention extremely popular and well known- United States Senator, he'll have a good long time in a position of great influence, with the backing of a grateful president.

I was pissed at the convention. I'm beginning to see the longer view now.

He had nothing to lose by running and even though he didn't actually win the presidency he's now a household name. That's a big step forward into the limelight from where he's been. With skill, that can translate into great influence.

Well played.

Or it might be pissed away into irrelevance. Not sure Hillary can stick to his platform while moving toward the center for a general election. Changing her mind was never difficult though.
So Bernie's earnest endorsement of the party's choice gets him plenty of juice going forward, plus the undeniable power that comes from having an army of supporters available to support your causes. As a life long political operative and a sitting- not to mention extremely popular and well known- United States Senator, he'll have a good long time in a position of great influence, with the backing of a grateful president.

I was pissed at the convention. I'm beginning to see the longer view now.

He had nothing to lose by running and even though he didn't actually win the presidency he's now a household name. That's a big step forward into the limelight from where he's been. With skill, that can translate into great influence.

Well played.
Longer view ? How long do you think Bernie has to live, before he dies of natural causes ?