EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread

How about if we find out what the person who you are so outraged for said?


Sanders responds to DNC e-mail leak: Well, I think it's outrageous, but it is not a great shock to me. I think, as I said, it's what we talked about six months ago. I mean, there's no question to my mind and I think no question to any objective observer's mind that the DNC was supporting Hillary Clinton, was in opposition to our campaign. So, I'm not quite shocked by this. And that is why many, many months ago, I made it clear that I thought Debbie Wasserman Schultz should resign, should step down, not only because of the prejudice I think they showed during the campaign, but also because I think we need a new leadership of the Democratic Party which is going to open up that party to working people, to young people, to have the kind of vitality we need to not only win the presidency, but gain control of the Senate and the House as well.

[TAPPER] Senator, what is your personal response, though, to having your faith questioned like that by a fellow Democrat? Well, you are now a Democrat, or you were a Democratic candidate, but by somebody supposedly neutral and theoretically on your team?

[SANDERS] Well, first of all, I am not an atheist. But aside from all of that, I mean, it is an outrage and sad that you would have people in important positions in the DNC trying to undermine my campaign. It goes without saying the function of the DNC is to represent all of the candidates, to be fair and even-minded.But, again, I - we discussed this many, many months ago on this show. So, what is revealed now is not a shock to me. I think the focus, though, that I am going to go forward on right now is to make sure that Donald Trump, perhaps the worst Republican candidate in the modern history of this country, somebody by temperament, somebody by ideology must not become president of the United States. I'm going to do everything I can to defeat him, to elect Hillary Clinton, and to keep focusing, keep focusing on the real issues facing the American people. And that is the decline of the American middle class going on for 40 years, massive levels of income and wealth inequality.And I will tell you, Jake, that I'm proud that, in the Democratic platform that was passed a few weeks ago, we are making some real progress. We're talking about breaking up the large banks on Wall Street who have been ripping off the American people for years.

The transcript goes on and is worth reading to get Bernie's take on what happened and what he's advocating going forward.

This is the guy you and I wanted to see sitting in the White House next year. He didn't win, not because of the fucking dumbshit moves the DNC made but for the very real head start that Hillary had and that Bernie wasn't able to overcome. He's not talking like you at all. He sees opportunity where you, to my eye, see bitterness and retreat.

Bernie has brought fresh new people and energy into this election and sees the promise for the future if the people who listened to his ideas stay and work on those issues. He's a realist and an adult. That does not mean there should be no outrage. Nor does it mean that what he worked for was defeated, as long as people stay on task to support his ideas and effort.

I don't say it as well as he can but if you've been reading what I've been posting, ever since April 15, when Bernie lost Super Tuesday, what I've been saying matches up very well with what Bernie is saying and doing now.

Bernie's legacy belongs to him to do with as he wishes..just like my vote.

In fact, Sanders is doing precisely what has been done to him..ignoring the rhetoric..these are the very same who ignored his pleas of voter fraud and media collusion..Sanders is giving them a dose of their own medicine.

It's a shame that someone such as he, is an aberration on the political landscape instead of the norm.

You cannot expect those with moral compass to support those without.

I'm NOT with her.
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Bernie's legacy belongs to him to do with as he wishes..just like my vote.

In fact, Sanders is doing precisely what has been done to him..ignoring the rhetoric..these are the very same who ignored his pleas of voter fraud and media collusion..Sanders is giving them a dose of their own medicine.

It's a shame that someone such as he, is an aberration on the political landscape instead of the norm.

You cannot expect those with moral compass to support those without.

I'm NOT with her.
You can hang onto your bitterness if you choose. Your sweeping conclusion that those who choose differently from you have no moral compass is exactly wrong, however.

Men from women I'll bet.

There are no ladies rooms outside the the floor..the women must take stairs or elevator to theirs.

Perhaps we need a majority of women in office to vote to change the sign on said restroom to 'Ladies only'. I bet that would change a few minds!
You can hang onto your bitterness if you choose. Your sweeping conclusion that those who choose differently from you have no moral compass is exactly wrong, however.

Truth and honesty are part of a moral compass; to choose differently? Yes, therefore, there is broken moral compass.
Truth and honesty are part of a moral compass; to choose differently? Yes, therefore, there is broken moral compass.
My moral compass is just fine. You are talking like some zealot high priest, who claims theirs is the only way to righteousness.
Mrs Clinton may be many things, but a path to righteousness she ain't, lol
I choose my own path, make my choices in a complex world. I listen to others but make my own choices. To say that I've decided to choose to support Hillary Clinton -- because a country run by Donald Trump is an inconceivably awful scenario to me -- means my moral compass is broken has pushed Sky into the category of zealot.

I'm in pretty good company when it comes to my choice. Including Bernie.. Are all of their moral compasses broken too @schuylaar ?
I choose my own path, make my choices in a complex world. I listen to others but make my own choices. To say that I've decided to choose to support Hillary Clinton -- because a country run by Donald Trump is an inconceivably awful scenario to me -- means my moral compass is broken has pushed Sky into the category of zealot.

I'm in pretty good company when it comes to my choice. Including Bernie.. Are all of their moral compasses broken too @schuylaar ?

I respect your choice and your right to make it how you see fit.

I'm well and thoroughly over zealotry in politics, as it's almost always used to usher in someone odious.
What do you call people when they question someone's faith that happens to be Jewish?

It's called pulling da Jew card.

If Sanders were of Christian heritage?:lol:

Please ask yourselves..Where are the religious requirements in the constitution?

Can you tell me why or why not they are there?

Frankly, I'm embarrassed by the DNC and am glad I'm no longer part of.

You cannot dispute this- all you have to do is read what has been exposed by Wiki.
Weren't you Republican then Independent and by your own stupidity NOT a Democrat, so you couldn't even vote for your saviour Burned-Out Sanders?
I respect your choice and your right to make it how you see fit.

I'm well and thoroughly over zealotry in politics, as it's almost always used to usher in someone odious.
exactly where I'm coming from. Zealots are a cancer on humanity. Doesn't matter what politics or morality they push.