EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread

The very fact that they'd be sitting at the defense table in court would send a loud, clear and long overdue message to the rest of Wall Street to quit fuckin' breaking the law all the time.
why in the world would Obama's justice department want to go after Obama's friends like that?
You know what else is a matter of public record? Recessions happen 5 times more frequently under Republicans than Democrats.

Ohh yay trickle down economics and lower regulations! Less taxes on the rich! Job creators, but they create the jobs! Supply and demand doesn't create jobs, rich people magically do because they horde their money in offshore accounts! Yay fiscal conservatives, let's start a trillion dollar war! Yay small government, let's create the largest single governmental department with the most reach into the private lives of our citizens! Yay! Hooray!

Yay let's get rid of the Federal Reserve and go back to the system we had before the Great Depression and Panic of 1907 and see how quickly we can recreate both! Sounds like fun doesn't it?! Boooo regulation, Tianjin anyone? Anyone? Bueller?

I fear they're not bright enough to catch onto the fact that you're moving them, let alone grasp all the wit contained therein.
why in the world would Obama's justice department want to go after Obama's friends like that?

Exactly. When we have willful ignorance of the rule of law and its consequences, it's time for a change. But before you go spouting off about how terrible democrats are in this regard, keep in mind the republicans are much worse, and the political junkies here know it.
Exactly. When we have willful ignorance of the rule of law and its consequences, it's time for a change. But before you go spouting off about how terrible democrats are in this regard, keep in mind the republicans are much worse, and the political junkies here know it.

Republicans are fed up with the lies and empty promises too. I think the most obvious proof of that would be the fact that all 3 candidates running for nominee who are not politicians are sitting comfortably at the top 3 spots in the polls.

With that being said, Democrats seem to still be infatuated with their career politicians.
Republicans are fed up with the lies and empty promises too. I think the most obvious proof of that would be the fact that all 3 candidates running for nominee who are not politicians are sitting comfortably at the top 3 spots in the polls.

With that being said, Democrats seem to still be infatuated with their career politicians.

Koch fueled media. It is a problem.
Can you provide that information?

What is the corporate tax rate in Ireland?

What is the rate of unemployment by age in Ireland?

9.5% (and that would be the equivalent of your U6 cos it includes people who have given up looking for work)

Now considering we literally give the unemployed cash weekly, rent allowance, one parent family allowance, etc... Our relative unemployment is far lower than the US (US U6 Unemployment is 10.3%) where UE is less incentivised than here.
Lower taxes on business doesn't create more jobs

The driving factor of jobs is demand

If this worked, we'd be swimming in jobs by now. Corporate America took those tax cuts, discharged them as 'dividends' and handed them out to their stockholders. That didn't help the economy at all.

Because the REAL job creators are 'customers', a critter that apparently the megacorps and their paid lackeys in Congress care nothing about.

9.5% (and that would be the equivalent of your U6 cos it includes people who have given up looking for work)

Now considering we literally give the unemployed cash weekly, rent allowance, one parent family allowance, etc... Our relative unemployment is far lower than the US (US U6 Unemployment is 10.3%) where UE is less incentivised than here.

it's UCT-6..the name of the quarterly form NOT the taxation. U6 is a irish music group.
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Exactly. When we have willful ignorance of the rule of law and its consequences, it's time for a change. But before you go spouting off about how terrible democrats are in this regard, keep in mind the republicans are much worse, and the political junkies here know it.

the fight is establishment (the old guard) left and right.

it is now 'we the people' v. oligarchial mind set.

things will NO longer be thus, we are too connected.

the proof: obama's election and re-election..

I'm not a Bernie backer because of any cult of personality, I'm a supporter because of his stated policy positions. That kind of forthrightness has been missing from American politics for decades now, but people know it when they see it- and they respond.

it's his real honesty v. hillary's perceived dishonesty.

he's had the same message for 40 years..who else has? hillary? joe? ANY politician left/right?

his consistency is why he'll win..similar to that of 'mother' comfort.

mother is who establishes your initial consistency..baby is always better when on consistent schedule.

bernie will be the 'comfort' president..which is why when people come to see him in droves, they are hesitant to leave..hesitant to leave the good feeling of 'comfort'..that's why swaddling baby is so important..it continues the 'in-womb'..we are evolved animals..our hard wire will never go away..it just morphs.
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