Nope. It's all a matter of public record and 100% true
citation or it never happened.
Nope. It's all a matter of public record and 100% true
Yay let's get rid of the Federal Reserve and go back to the system we had before the Great Depression and Panic of 1907 and see how quickly we can recreate both! Sounds like fun doesn't it?! Boooo regulation, Tianjin anyone? Anyone? Bueller?
Somebody should do a poll just to confirm the obvious fact that over 95% of Sanders supporters think Obama is doing a great job as president
Hypothetical - Hillary bows out due to email issues and Joe get in the race with Obama's support, can Bernie hope to compete against that sort of political machine? He has certainly managed to survive the Clinton political machine, but not sure this was so much his doing vs. Hillary's trustworthiness issues.
I sort of thought Hillary had it sewn up 6 months ago, but now I just don't understand the email management. How is it possible that the SOS could have all her email go through a private server and none of it be confidential? That just doesn't add up so maybe I am missing something...
or the late 1800's poor houses, asylums, no equality for women..people dying in the street.
whoa! sounds like 2015![]()
Seems like she was running her email through her own server, backed up by a server in a bathroom in CO? Isn't the issue that she wasn't running her emails through the government servers?it's as simple as setting up a gmail account and running through their server. although i suspect google has a much more secure server than the state department.
You've mischaracterized.
Why do you harsh on the "gay nineties" ? Don't you like gay people?
The United States has more people in prisons now than it ever did.... and in 1890 something, weed was just another plant and you could ingest it or sell it if you wanted to without people like Bernie Sanders wanting to put you in jail for it.'s UCT-6..the name of the quarterly form NOT the taxation. U6 is a music group.
Of course, a well educated workforce actually adds to GDP, unlike middle aged unemployed people with no marketable skills...not even in fast you're saying you have free college and like it?
And now the war between the lesser of two, three...evils.
What should the USA do to stop Koch (1%ers)? Our actions are going effect your government and Quality of life.
What would you do based on our minimum options?
Just once Sky, try to get your facts straight.
Of course, a well educated workforce actually adds to GDP, unlike middle aged unemployed people with no marketable skills...not even in fast food...
Seems like she was running her email through her own server, backed up by a server in a bathroom in CO? Isn't the issue that she wasn't running her emails through the government servers?
What would I do? Fair question sir. I already do it. Here, I ad nauseausly foment discussion of why a coercive government needn't be the status quo.
In real life, when I'm not being a Sasquatch I work on building personal independence, energy, food, etc. and align with others to create peaceful alternatives to a coercive government.
I don't have a government, I own myself...although some people with guns insist I'm involved in THEIR government whether I've consented to it or not. That can admittedly create some conflicts.
I'm wondering if the writing is on the wall and Joe is timing his run with the timing of indictments he knows are coming?Of course it is and if it were ANYONE besides a high level Democrat during this administration's embarrassment of a justice department, they'd already be indicted.
Seems like she was running her email through her own server, backed up by a server in a bathroom in CO? Isn't the issue that she wasn't running her emails through the government servers?
I admire that and believe that is a worthy goal for mankind.
But in the meantime, I would be content to see a peaceable/pollution free future for my children.
It's got nothing to do with that, if you'd read the link I posted its a measure of unemployment.i appreciate that you actually googled time try a government site for government information.
pro tip hint: you couldn't find it because it's a state requirement and would have to google the specific state.
each state calls it something different..florida is UCT-6, if you are in conversation with someone in minnesota, they will have no idea what you're talking about.
oh! and thank you for posting so negatively against what YOU already have..stay classy![]()
Realistically speaking, if a governments foundation is involuntary (no real chance of NOT being encompassed within it) then it is formed at its foundation via coercion.
There is no possible way of having a "peaceful" future if all governments break the peace from the get go. It is logically impossible.
As far as pollution goes, don't ask the EPA to do anymore ahem "work" in Colorado, they might fuck up another river.
I agree again, but in the meantime, US Oil interests are focused on Siberia as the Ice melts.
I would love to see a government free world, I would also like to lose weight, but is best to do it slowly so it will stay off.
Of course it is and if it were ANYONE besides a high level Democrat during this administration's embarrassment of a justice department, they'd already be indicted.