Well-Known Member
And you want to award people reparations based on their skin color .Racist .
no, based on a history of servitude, which just happens to correspond to skin color.
you are a racial separatist.
And you want to award people reparations based on their skin color .Racist .
No, you as known floor shitter would already know that your reputation has preceded you and that very few establishments would be willing to do business with you, until you had cleaned up your poopy mess and made the victim of your fecal assault whole again by restituting them.
In my ideal utopia people would interact on a mutual basis, failing a mutual basis existing, they would agree to leave each other alone. It isn't up to me to decide why a person doesn't want to interact with me, knowing they do not wish to is all I need to know to leave to them alone.
You advocate for forced human interactions, I do not...rapist.
no need to backpedal, you said just one post ago that any person going onto property they don't own or attempting to use property they don't own, should always check with the owner if it is okay.
so in your ideal utopia, any and every time i enter a store, i should first ask for the owner of the store and make sure my skin color and sexual orientation is acceptable to him?
History of servative is not a consideration for reparations, it is history .Call it what it is, a desire to have what others have without earning it .no, based on a history of servitude, which just happens to correspond to skin color.
you are a racial separatist.
No, first you should remove the ears of corn sticking out of your ass and dispose of them properly.
History of servative is not a consideration for reparations, it is history .Call it what it is, a desire to have what others have without earning it .
istory ?servative?
notice the red squiggly lines under words. if you need a more intelligent liberal to spell check for you, we are all over the place.
history is still with us today. 37 presidents owe their fortunes to slavery.
if you are talking about the desire to have without earning it, you are talking about these many, many families who got rich off the backs of slaves.
and i will be sure to remind you that istory is history every time you try to bring up anything that has happened in the past, ever.
you dumb racial separatist douchehole.
You're right about that. Every "great fortune", is accumulated through criminal activity.There is a saying behind every great fortune,there is a great crime .
Trying to figure out if you're Buck or Abandon...You're right about that. Every "great fortune", is accumulated through criminal activity.
No . That isn't so .It is as I wrote. I didnt commit a crime , I was a realtor in a qui tam suit . I discovered a crime .You're right about that. Every "great fortune", is accumulated through criminal activity.
"I am that I am."Trying to figure out if you're Buck or Abandon...
That's interesting, were you also engaging in falsifying applications to get unqualified home owners approved? That is CRIMINAL!No . That isn't so .It is as I wrote. I didnt commit a crime , I was a realtor in a qui tam suit . I discovered a crime .
Well you've replied to a few posts as tho you know me, yet you only joined in June and I haven't even been posting cos I was on my 3rd or 4th slowdown..."I am that I am."
No .I wouldnt even know how to do that .That's interesting, were you also engaging in falsifying applications to get unqualified home owners approved? That is CRIMINAL!
Well you've replied to a few posts as tho you know me, yet you only joined in June and I haven't even been posting cos I was on my 3rd or 4th slowdown...
I don't mind Abandon, I disagree with his extreme left view but he's a pragmatist when it comes down to it and someone I'd probably get along with IRL (if we left politics aside).
It's that other clown, he's been on ignore for like 2 years and still replies to my posts (I can see the "You are ignoring content from this user" when he replies to me) otherwise the site is like he doesn't exist.
So which of them are you?
No .I wouldnt even know how to do that .
The country has wasted 22 trillion dollars on helping the what ever they are called these days .
It hurt their families and the money was wasted and they were never entitled to it anyway . The gravy train is broke down .You corncobbed pedophile .
Good unemployed bureaucrats are my favorite kind .if we abolished the war on poverty tonight, the number of people in poverty would double by tomorrow.
Free goodies from government if you elect me. So...Yeah.......Panderingnot unless you consider basic human physiolocial needs as:
verb: pander; 3rd person present: panders; past tense: pandered; past participle: pandered; gerund or present participle: pandering
- 1.
gratify or indulge (an immoral or distasteful desire, need, or habit or a person with such a desire, etc.).
"newspapers are pandering to people's baser instincts"
synonyms:indulge, gratify, satisfy, cater to, give in to, accommodate, comply with
"David was always there to pander to her every whim"
noun: pander; plural noun: panders
- 1.
a pimp.
- archaic
a person who assists the baser urges or evil designs of others.
"the lowest panders of a venal press"
"changed the nature of the debate"= did nothing substancialYes he is. Batshit crazy right wing nutjob... Can't count, either.
They're terrified of what the Sanders campaign might accomplish. Even if he ultimately fails to win the general election, he will have changed the nature of the debate and empowered millions of Americans to get involved.