Exhausting Into Sewer


Well-Known Member
wow Steph, thought you were pretty legit until that last post. Know it seems the C word is in order. In either case, you both should switch strains as it appears that "mean bitchy kush" is not working for either of you.

nice break fro the office doldrums though :)


Well-Known Member
Ya know...............I just can't quite figure you out LF. Steph I understand. You not so much.
Is it just that I pissed you off or ya just can't stand someone doin it his own way?
Yah I kinda march to my own music.........so what? What's it to ya and why does it bother you so much?
It's my life


Well-Known Member
Just kind of felt like trollin I guess. It appeared to me that you were one of those people that ask for advice and when you get advice that doesn't jive with what your doing.. you just ignore it, or in your case, start name calling. Exhausting down the sewer is possible yes. Ideal, practical or even necessary? Absolutely not.

Have you ever worked on a drain and waste line before? I have when I installed a new bathroom on the second floor. Perhaps your shit smells like roses but I will remember the time I cracked open that 90 year old sewer pipe for the rest of my life.


Well-Known Member
Lisenced GC, lisenced plumber, lisenced general engineer. and btw, lisenced medical mj patient.
Still don't see the relevancy in any of that though.
I will admitwithout any shame that out of the three, it is the plumbing that I am weak in skill level.
The main reason I got it is cuz when I was 23 and building my first "spec" house, the city would not let anyone but a "licensed" plumber tie into the clay sewer so I said Yeah well fuck you then and went down and got my fucking license. Afterward, I went to a city college and took a class on plumbing. And that is the extent of my plumbing knowlege except for ten or twelve of my own "spec" houses. No expert plumber but I get by.
Underground, yeah, a little more experience although again, I was not the guy in the trench. Ironicly, I've spent a good deal of my career telling others how to do stuf that I've never really done myself. Kinda like that bitch Stephy does. Maby that's why I know her so well. Difference is, I don't have to puff myself up to make people think I'm something I'm not. I had enough cred in other areas that if I didn't know about the task at hand the "guys in the trench" helped me help them get thruogh it and in the process I learned what I needed to know.
I don't remember any experience where I ran into really foul sewer gasses or smells or whatever. Like I said, I'm not fucking Mr. Plumber here but I sure as hell have cut intoe my share of sewer mainline and it just ain't that bad. We have a ton of Mexicans here eatin beans 24/7 so I don't know how much worse it could get up in your neck of the woods but I've got open lines as we speak in my front yard and have yet to get a wiff of anything remotely foul. Granted, I ain't stickin my nose in the pipe and nor do I ever intend to but all I was talkin about was stickin a small 4" inline fan turned down just high enough to create a negative air pressure within a room to exhaust the dank smell of pot and some heat down the line. It is simply not possible for that not to work. If it didn't work I would simply abandon that idea and move on to another solution. What's the fucking issue here that has you so upset?
As far as calling people names, well ok I oppoligize to drizlle. Mr. Drizzle, I appologize, didn't mean to hurt your feelings. There now, all better? Hope so!
Next time maby you won't be so quick to tell someone there idea is a shitty one without offering any basis for the opinion. Had you done that, I'm sure I would not have insinuated that your latin tag line means "I'm a dickwad"
Besides, personally I've been called a "dickwad" so many times that I thought it was a term of endearment and did not think it was that offensive.
If I was really trying to offend you I would have called you an inspector or something really insulting like that.

I feel that the possibility of exhausting into a sewer is relevant to discussions about stealth grow rooms. I can imagine the situation where knocking a hole in a wall to vent out ofa room is not advisable due to pedestrian traffic or maby you son't own the building or whatever. It's an option. that's all. Think it's a "shitty" idea? Then don't fucking do it. What's so so fucking wrong with that?
IDK, maby I'm missing something but I just can't figure out the imputus for all the drama. Over venting down a sewer? Really?


Well-Known Member
I have been venting out to the sewer for 6 years straight without any problem, although a few weeks ago I got a little freaked out when the cops were at my neighbors for to much noise and there were about 6 of them standing around right next to the storm drain.


Well-Known Member
I don't think I would fuck with the sewer if I was legal to grow... Just too much shit involved. Pun intended.

I think it would probably still end up coming out of your roof vent. Maybe not, I'm not an expert at all but I do know that that shit stinks and I wouldn't want sewer gas blowing back into my grow. Vent it into your doghouse or something..lol


Well-Known Member
I don't think I would fuck with the sewer if I was legal to grow... Just too much shit involved. Pun intended.

I think it would probably still end up coming out of your roof vent. Maybe not, I'm not an expert at all but I do know that that shit stinks and I wouldn't want sewer gas blowing back into my grow. Vent it into your doghouse or something..lol
actually, nota bad idea. Might keep the dog warm. He would smell like pot and might act a little stupid but he'd be a happy dog, lol