Expanding my grow room. Got some ????????

oh I don't hate you, I know I am the dick with a problem. maybe it is the lack of neck to ckoke in your avatar or something I don't know for some reason it just I don't know yes, short people suck.
U know some people have really hated me. Some people think I am a cop, then again I get along with everyone. Usually people who hate me, hate me because I am outgoing and loud. Well I have been a framer for 25 years so I scream all the time. No one ever says, huh to me! Then ther are the short people who have something to prove. Short people always enjoy a good ass kicking. Well if u dont like someone, ur either the person with the problem or your the dick, it's a hard one to take.
all that room in there I would build a table maybe 2-2.5 ft high, the ground seems to have been getting farther and farther away lately. ballast hanging in the top of the room (where the exhaust should be taking the filtered hot air out of the room from.) could run a seperate inline fan for the air cooled light sealed from the room so no filtering smells is needed. looks like it is still a work in progress though just some observations. so...... carry on
@Tussel. I have no need for controling the smell. This grow is legal and only 2 other people outside my house know about it. Also, the neighbors dont care and live to far away. I am the friendly stoner on the street. Friendly stoner with 3 large dogs and a liberal conservative who excersizes his 2nd amendment right. I also know u cant be charged with manslaughter as long as the person dies in ur house. Know ur state laws and vote. LOL!

Here's what the original room looked like. It was made out of drywall, which worked pretty good reflecting light and absorbing heat.

2012-02-21_13-22-26_162.jpg2012-03-05_17-03-02_116.jpg2012-03-05_17-03-11_543.jpgThis was Nov. of 2011

This it's transfomation.

Mr. Clean Feb.7, 2012 006.jpgMr. Clean Feb.7, 2012 008.jpgNew Camera 015.jpgFeb. 2012This was at its smallest
June 18, 2012 Afghan and Strawberry cough 026.jpgThis room was 40"x 44"x 96"June 18, 2012 Afghan and Strawberry cough 030.jpgJune 18, 2012 Afghan and Strawberry cough 033.jpgJune 18, 2012 Afghan and Strawberry cough 057.jpgJune of 2012

Drum roll please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! As it is today! Nov.27, 2012.

2012-11-27_08-18-26_440.jpgNow 7' wide 5'deep 8' high2012-11-27_08-19-01_336.jpg2012-11-27_08-19-17_718.jpg2012-11-27_08-36-44_33.jpgI moved my toolbench over so I could build the room out.
2012-11-27_08-39-58_458.jpg2012-11-27_08-40-28_140.jpgI have always owned this tent. Great investment. It is 2'6"wide(2) by 6'tall.
2012-11-27_08-41-35_378.jpg2012-11-27_08-41-57_212.jpg2012-11-27_08-42-19_917.jpg1000w halide/hps
2012-11-27_08-42-32_329.jpg2012-11-27_08-43-04_238.jpgJack Herer seedling 19days old.2012-11-27_08-43-11_344.jpg2012-11-27_08-43-16_489.jpgAfgoo 1st Gen starts, 1 month into vegg and pruning
Oh I know our state laws and I vote, you just have to look at me wrong and I can shoot you. If I feel my life is threatened BOOM. So yea I consider myself conservative but people around these parts call me liberal. I have a bumper sticker on my truck that says "Democrates aren't comming for your guns... We've got our own" and I think the Nra is a terrorist organization, so theirs that. I always like to control odor, you never know might be the electric meter reader or the exterminator... I just feel safer, it's not the cops I worry about (even though they are the most corrupt bunch I've ever seen)
It's legal for me to grow 15 plants. The meter maid lady was checkin it out the other day. Here's wat on the back of my Dodge, only 8 more payments and this 2005 Big Horn Dodge is all mine and she is still under the original warranty 10 years 100,000miles(drive train). Original sticker price $39,000. I beat the system.

2012-11-26_09-03-07_974.jpg2012-11-26_12-52-57_677 - Copy.jpg2012-02-17_08-23-46_919 - Copy.jpg2012-11-03_15-52-38_153 - Copy.jpg2012-11-26_12-53-41_136 - Copy.jpg