Experienced Organic Grower to Answer Your Questions

the problem is in the subcool subsection there is a sticky on the soil mix and technique, and often new organic growers go to that first, and then end up pissed that their plants don't do well
That's why I made my intro to organics thread...it's not an all encompassing guide but it's at least a good starting point without much room for failure so you don't get turned off to the concept of organics in the first place. Ive had to talk way too many gardeners back off the ledge.
well now i'm confused, are you two different people?
Below, you said you understand it, and acknowledge it has merits
while the above post contradicts that.
so I am confused

Sigh. To be honest, I was just trying to shake you off. You kind of remind me of the kid in class who would raise his hand at every question just to piss off people, whether you had an answer or not. Honestly, I am here to help people and not explain myself or pick fights with people like you. I am simply here to help and you are making that mission more difficult than it has to be. It is kind of a turn off, actually.

I simply came on here to help people with their questions and every step of the way you have tried to put me down. You have never met me, never asked me a solid question or my experience. You latched on to my little brother's post from FOUR YEARS AGO and marked me as uneducated. What a fallacy.

I wish you could understand that I am trying to be respectful of a lot of the slang terms that are thrown around here. A lot of terms such as 'layering' and stuff like that have many different meanings in forums like this----but they do not exist in formal educational settings both in textbooks and in lectures. At the time, I was just trying to appease you so you would get off my thread.

Myself, family and business are quite successful in the gardening and education arena. If you want, I invite you to come to the Boston Flower & Garden Show as my personal guests this March as I lecture about building and recycling organic soils.


A Friend
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My sincerest apologies to anyone who has had to read the above. This is not the intention of this post nor the reason why I cam onto RIU. Simply put, I do not do well with or have the time for people that only wish to pick fights.

Honestly, I am way too busy and old for that type of crap.
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Sigh. To be honest, I was just trying to shake you off. You kind of remind me of the kid in class who would raise his hand at every question just to piss off people, whether you had an answer or not. Honestly, I am here to help people and not explain myself or pick fights with people like you. I am simply here to help and you are making that mission more difficult than it has to be. It is kind of a turn off, actually.

I simply came on here to help people with their questions and every step of the way you have tried to put me down. You have never met me, never asked me a solid question or my experience. You latched on to my little brother's post from FOUR YEARS AGO and marked me as uneducated. What a fallacy.

I wish you could understand that I am trying to be respectful of a lot of the slang terms that are thrown around here. A lot of terms such as 'layering' and stuff like that have many different meanings in forums like this----but they do not exist in formal educational settings both in textbooks and in lectures. At the time, I was just trying to appease you so you would get off my thread.

Myself, family and business are quite successful in the gardening and education arena. If you want, I invite you to come to the Boston Flower & Garden Show as my personal guests this March as I lecture about building and recycling organic soils.


A Friend
c'mon man, anyone that knows me, sees that I have no time for childish nonsense like that.
I'm here to inform and help cut out the mass metric fuck-ton of misinformation regarding cannabis and organics.

1. You are on the same username as your brothers, I apologize if I mistook that as the same person, but that's a honest mistake on my behalf.

2. The thread title makes it sound as if you are fairly informed on cannabis cultivation, and I commend you (genuinely), but then you start making statements, which later you admit that you know nothing about, merely to "shake me off", or "appease me"

3. It also makes you sound either lazy, or simply disinterested when someone, such as me, questions the information your username has "linked" to you

So in other words, I'm simply trying to enlighten us, and honestly wasn't attacking you at all, until you said "layering has it's merits" which you, again, admittedly said you know nothing about.

You started a thread, (titled "experienced organic grower to ANSWER your questions" I asked a question, and evidently you blew me off...shake me off or appease me.... when I brought up not only valid points, but factual ones.
You are not educating anyone, in fact you are proving to most, that you post, no factual information based on incomplete/nonexistent experience.

Why would that establish credibility?

If came off as chilidish, I humbly apologize, but nowhere did I say anything untrue, or not based on a significant amount of experience and education.
Whereas I cannot say the same to be true of you.
Sigh. To be honest, I was just trying to shake you off. You kind of remind me of the kid in class who would raise his hand at every question just to piss off people, whether you had an answer or not. Honestly, I am here to help people and not explain myself or pick fights with people like you. I am simply here to help and you are making that mission more difficult than it has to be. It is kind of a turn off, actually.

I simply came on here to help people with their questions and every step of the way you have tried to put me down. You have never met me, never asked me a solid question or my experience. You latched on to my little brother's post from FOUR YEARS AGO and marked me as uneducated. What a fallacy.

I wish you could understand that I am trying to be respectful of a lot of the slang terms that are thrown around here. A lot of terms such as 'layering' and stuff like that have many different meanings in forums like this----but they do not exist in formal educational settings both in textbooks and in lectures. At the time, I was just trying to appease you so you would get off my thread.

Myself, family and business are quite successful in the gardening and education arena. If you want, I invite you to come to the Boston Flower & Garden Show as my personal guests this March as I lecture about building and recycling organic soils.


A Friend

Well evidently you are offended, and yes perhaps Grease could have been less unrelentingly direct.

But his doubts?
Quite honestly, I had them too, and I didn't go to the trouble to look at your blog (which Grease had the curiosity and respect to even do), in which you compare your method to subcool's layering technique. Yes, 2011. So that may have changed or not?
I also noticed how you evade discussion or go wishy washy on things, but was giving you the benefit of the doubt, hey no one's perfect and we all have othe stuff going on so sometimes are distracted or having a moment or whatever.

And here's why:
I have been on this forum for over a year now and hang out mainly in the organics section.
I had never seen a post from you until you magically appear and start a thread calling yourself an "experienced organic grower".
What is that anyways?
Mainstream organics largely still thinks chemically. Institutions and education are full of flaws at the moment (apart from eing funded by Those Who Want us to Use Their Products - nevermind we destroy the planet in the process) as we transition to a more accurate understanding of nature that does NOT have Man's omnipotence as the underlying presupposition.
If you are indeed and experienced organic grower who is conscious of this, it would've been the very first thing to clarify when starting to offer help: help for what approach??
So I find it odd that you are saying it would've been Grease's responsibility to ask you about your approach first.

Also, it WAS funny, you starting the thread, then disappearing again, leaving our usual suspects to do the job :bigjoint:

I'm sorry but this all has come across as high-handed and arrogant to me. I must be so infinitely inferior to you that we can have nothing to talk about....?o_O
c'mon man, anyone that knows me, sees that I have no time for childish nonsense like that.
I'm here to inform and help cut out the mass metric fuck-ton of misinformation regarding cannabis and organics.

1. You are on the same username as your brothers, I apologize if I mistook that as the same person, but that's a honest mistake on my behalf.

2. The thread title makes it sound as if you are fairly informed on cannabis cultivation, and I commend you (genuinely), but then you start making statements, which later you admit that you know nothing about, merely to "shake me off", or "appease me"

3. It also makes you sound either lazy, or simply disinterested when someone, such as me, questions the information your username has "linked" to you

So in other words, I'm simply trying to enlighten us, and honestly wasn't attacking you at all, until you said "layering has it's merits" which you, again, admittedly said you know nothing about.

You started a thread, (titled "experienced organic grower to ANSWER your questions" I asked a question, and evidently you blew me off...shake me off or appease me.... when I brought up not only valid points, but factual ones.
You are not educating anyone, in fact you are proving to most, that you post, no factual information based on incomplete/nonexistent experience.

Why would that establish credibility?

If came off as chilidish, I humbly apologize, but nowhere did I say anything untrue, or not based on a significant amount of experience and education.
Whereas I cannot say the same to be true of you.
jinx? :P
Well evidently you are offended, and yes perhaps Grease could have been less unrelentingly direct.

But his doubts?
Quite honestly, I had them too, and I didn't go to the trouble to look at your blog (which Grease had the curiosity and respect to even do), in which you compare your method to subcool's layering technique. Yes, 2011. So that may have changed or not?
I also noticed how you evade discussion or go wishy washy on things, but was giving you the benefit of the doubt, hey no one's perfect and we all have othe stuff going on so sometimes are distracted or having a moment or whatever.

And here's why:
I have been on this forum for over a year now and hang out mainly in the organics section.
I had never seen a post from you until you magically appear and start a thread calling yourself an "experienced organic grower".
What is that anyways?
Mainstream organics largely still thinks chemically. Institutions and education are full of flaws at the moment (apart from eing funded by Those Who Want us to Use Their Products - nevermind we destroy the planet in the process) as we transition to a more accurate understanding of nature that does NOT have Man's omnipotence as the underlying presupposition.
If you are indeed and experienced organic grower who is conscious of this, it would've been the very first thing to clarify when starting to offer help: help for what approach??
So I find it odd that you are saying it would've been Grease's responsibility to ask you about your approach first.

Also, it WAS funny, you starting the thread, then disappearing again, leaving our usual suspects to do the job :bigjoint:

I'm sorry but this all has come across as high-handed and arrogant to me. I must be so infinitely inferior to you that we can have nothing to talk about....?o_O
as usual, what I lack in eloquence you more than make up for, well said, well said.
and I am not trying to be a dick, really i'm not.
Just the whole concept of layering nutrients is so wrong, and so many (I can think of 4 growers just local to me) that "tried organics" and then gave up cuz they tried "supersoil" and their plants stopped flowering at like week 6.. showing a myriad oof toxicities while simultaneously showing defs, it's a cluster fuck
annnd then they go back to chelated chemicals, evil shit bad for everybody...
I have no hard feelings for the OP, really, it sounds as though he grows much better and more conscious of botany and horticulture than his brother did.
So my bad for mistaking the two, buuuut change your damn name man..
Sigh. To be honest, I was just trying to shake you off. You kind of remind me of the kid in class who would raise his hand at every question just to piss off people, whether you had an answer or not. Honestly, I am here to help people and not explain myself or pick fights with people like you. I am simply here to help and you are making that mission more difficult than it has to be. It is kind of a turn off, actually.

I simply came on here to help people with their questions and every step of the way you have tried to put me down. You have never met me, never asked me a solid question or my experience. You latched on to my little brother's post from FOUR YEARS AGO and marked me as uneducated. What a fallacy.

I wish you could understand that I am trying to be respectful of a lot of the slang terms that are thrown around here. A lot of terms such as 'layering' and stuff like that have many different meanings in forums like this----but they do not exist in formal educational settings both in textbooks and in lectures. At the time, I was just trying to appease you so you would get off my thread.

Myself, family and business are quite successful in the gardening and education arena. If you want, I invite you to come to the Boston Flower & Garden Show as my personal guests this March as I lecture about building and recycling organic soils.


A Friend

Bro science is the scourge of this industry. I've had my runins with plenty of punks all hopped up on Advanced Nutrients marketing trying to tell me that my dry nutrient salt regimen was wrong, nevermind the rest of how I grow.

My thread is in my signature line, below or find ttystikk's vertical goodness in the vert section. The modern era of vertical LED runs starts on page 129. I'd be very interested in hearing your thoughts on my progress.

And I promise, it's a 'bro science' free Zone!

EDIT: This invitation applies to everyone. I may not take the advice given, but I always give it careful thought.
Bro science is the scourge of this industry. I've had my runins with plenty of punks all hopped up on Advanced Nutrients marketing trying to tell me that my dry nutrient salt regimen was wrong, nevermind the rest of how I grow.

My thread is in my signature line, below or find ttystikk's vertical goodness in the vert section. The modern era of vertical LED runs starts on page 129. I'd be very interested in hearing your thoughts on my progress.

And I promise, it's a 'bro science' free Zone!

EDIT: This invitation applies to everyone. I may not take the advice given, but I always give it careful thought.
yea... go to his links and then take some vicotin for the impending psychosomatic hand cramps from the absolute mindfuck that his trimming job is
whew... just brutal
I know I keep saying it, but maaaaan that looks like a 60hr a week job my friend
as usual, what I lack in eloquence you more than make up for, well said, well said.
and I am not trying to be a dick, really i'm not.
Just the whole concept of layering nutrients is so wrong, and so many (I can think of 4 growers just local to me) that "tried organics" and then gave up cuz they tried "supersoil" and their plants stopped flowering at like week 6.. showing a myriad oof toxicities while simultaneously showing defs, it's a cluster fuck
annnd then they go back to chelated chemicals, evil shit bad for everybody...
I have no hard feelings for the OP, really, it sounds as though he grows much better and more conscious of botany and horticulture than his brother did.
So my bad for mistaking the two, buuuut change your damn name man..
So can you clear this up a bit for the young uns like me? :-P
There seems to be some "historic" background to this beyond the mere absurdity of layering nutrients into the soil?
This brother...? May be interfering with the discussion though he's not even here :rolleyes:
Just noticed ttystikk and you have been around for about the same time Snafu's profile is.. :bigjoint:
So can you clear this up a bit for the young uns like me? :-P
There seems to be some "historic" background to this beyond the mere absurdity of layering nutrients into the soil?
This brother...? May be interfering with the discussion though he's not even here :rolleyes:
Just noticed ttystikk and you have been around for about the same time Snafu's profile is.. :bigjoint:

I promise. No one else uses my account but me.
I promise. No one else uses my account but me.
Well good to know for sure, Calliandra's always me, though in varying nuances, too lol
But I meant it totally differently haha
As is you guys were here in RIU when Snafu was first here too?
So back then, you had already been talking?

And...so now that account is being used by someone else? @Snafu1236 :-P
Well good to know for sure, Calliandra's always me, though in varying nuances, too lol
But I meant it totally differently haha
As is you guys were here in RIU when Snafu was first here too?
So back then, you had already been talking?

And...so now that account is being used by someone else? @Snafu1236 :-P

Well, they got the handle right;

Official jargon of the military; SNAFU
Situation Normal; All Fucked Up!