experiment part 3


Active Member
so today i set up 2 23 wtt cfls. that should be enough light for one plant...right??? and the plant is doing better. the stem is getting thicker and there are times i seriously think i can see the plant growing. its currently at 26 inches...just over two feet. i'm thinking im going to see how it grows and let it get to about 4 feet befor i even think about flowering it. the fishoil seems to be helping it as it has more leaves finally...i know i stretched it but as i said...it was an experiment! how often should i use the fish oil??? when can i consider cutting for clones??? and at one point i was told watering it with my bong water was good for the plant...so i did. then recently i was told not to...so what to do what to do...??? any ideas?


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wow just a tad bit stretched eh? if ur gunna flower so dang big u might want to add alot more light considering plants double in size during flowering... i dont know about clones ive yet to see a plant like that lol
bong water too eh? ive heard of alot of watering techniques but wow lol even if it did work like molasses did would u really want bong water tasting bud?
:leaf:holy crap man..you need more light. ive got 4 43watt cfl'sand 6 23w. on 5 plants and i know that isnt even ideal. get the 43w cfl's from wallmart grab at least 4 of them. buy the clamp on reflectors(from wallmart). ebay some y adaptors so you can put 2 bulbs in 1 reflector. if you can order some hesi tnt complex and bloom,supervit. basically you need more light alot more and keep the lights within 2-3 inches of the plant. if i were you after i bought more lights id just cut that 2 nodes down and root it. start over. dont listen to any of you buddies telling you to put weird shit in your soil just water and nutrients.:weed:
dude, just fucking throw your plants away...

There is no way your plant is going to produce ANYTHING.
Cloning? Seriuosly? Your plant is 2 feet tal and has 4 nodes.....

It should have that many at 6 inches man...

Just go through the FAQ and read it through and then maybe you can attempt another grow....
ok so once again...bitchy potheads...i dont fuckn get it. im about three seconds away from saying fuck this website and all the bitchy uptight ppl on it. go smoke a bowl and calm yourselves...i said experiment. im not throwing it out and it is a perfectly fine plant just stretched. i didnt know what i was doin when i started...actually i didnt evn know i was going to grow anything...but whatever...fromthis point on lets leave our grumpy responses off of here!
man dont let all the shit bother u just use the experimental plant to do most of ur learning from cause if u kill it or fuck it up it dont really matter just plant some more seeds and start playing
Everyone who thinks this is GP420 with a new name raise your hand..... :lol:

Don't get mad misslady.... you gotta admit it is a sad little plant. ;)

Don't feed it bongwater, use the fish emulsion every 3rd watering and get more lights on it.... right up close.

Good luck
its pretty cool lol with it so long id try and slowly bend it over then get a whack load of lights a few inches from the leafs and go nuts. it would be like a happy rainbow of budds
its pretty cool lol with it so long id try and slowly bend it over then get a whack load of lights a few inches from the leafs and go nuts. it would be like a happy rainbow of budds

so these were the type of responses i wanted and that is a good fucken idea! im kinda stoked about that now! thanks!!!

and for the smart ass comment about this being someone else with a new name...no its not. this is my first time thanks!
lol gradually tie it down but dont go all crazy and try and bend it all the way the first shot. every day or so just bend it a little more and tie it down there. if u click on the FAQ's section on the toolbar at the top of the webpage it will explain alot on it and many other things to deal with growing
due to the fact that the stem is so thin it bent over very easily. i tied it down last night and thismorning its already turning and starting to kinda...reposition itself to the light. im going to buy quite a few more lights.
woop woop -
considering some manipulation of my little lady if she recovers that is . but get sum pics up missas
so i watched a few vids on clipping to make it sprout more leaves and have done that in one spot...and its already splitting and looks like it will be sprouting something by tommorrow. the very top of the plant has turned herself backup so that she is facing the light. its ghetto riged but...once again...its just an experiment. im not growing for profit at this point its more of a test...idk. feedback??? and not bitchy feedback please. the pic with the area circled shows where i cliped a leaf and it is now sprouting two...:o


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lookin good dude! new sprouting should continue as it adjusts itself to the new situation . . im still not sure what i want to do with mine but im hoping i can promote some new growth without killing her ,she seems pretty strong surviving the semi decapitation (shoulda watched some videos myself)
you seeing the effect of the new lights tho yeh ? what additionals you considering?
keep at it
im thinking i need to get like two or three more lights.... and clipping isnt really a hard concept its pretty basic...but fuck that first cut almost killed me! lol. the new lights are def helping. im getting more nodes closer together...its leafing like crazy at the top i cliped a few leafs toward the top too. if you look closely at one of the pics theres a slight almost...cut looking thing running along the stem. idk what happened there but it looks like it healed its self. u can see it in the top of the third pic.
guess it depends what lights you go for , but anythin bringin extra lumens will be welcomed. seen stalks split a couple times thorugh the initial tie downs but grows back quicker and stronger!
decided to hack off what was left towards the top of mine fingers crossed the new growth keeps up . . its when i got confident i fucked up