Experimental Bagseed Grow


What's up all! I decided to grow some bagseed as an experiment before I get in to my MK,PPP,Ice,Yumbolt,PE,and LA Woman! I used a homemade Cfl fixture with 6- 23 watt 6500k bulbs for veg! I'm flowering with 4-23 watt 6500k and 2- 48 watt 2700k cfl bulbs! miracle grow organic choice for soil, used miracle grow 24-8-16 (NPK) for early nutes and went and got botnicare Pro Bloom for flower! I used 1- 9 inch box fan, and a wet towel for humidity. I would like to know from any experienced growers from the pics I have posted does this look to be any good for this plant? She is in the third week of flower! she is bent as I tried a little bit of LSTing.This is a temporary set-up as I have acquired the majority of my materials for my grow area.This is my very first time putting a seed in soil. I have been watching and researching this forum for a while and just want to know if I'm headed in the right direction? Thanks in advance.:|



New Member
Pics of the plant look very healthy! I look forward to seeing more advances in the setup, but your plan seems solid. Is this just the one plant? If so, that is plenty of lights for one plant!


Pics of the plant look very healthy! I look forward to seeing more advances in the setup, but your plan seems solid. Is this just the one plant? If so, that is plenty of lights for one plant!
Yes this is just 1 plant.I see leaves usually yellow during flowering and I thought I was missing a step! thank you for your advice!


New Member
I didn't see much yellowing. But yellowing should ocur mostly once the plan is ready, it should only be creeping in at the way bottom leaves at 3 weeks (from what I hear). I have never been that good though


The plant looks nice and healthy to me. Not bad at all, especially for an experiment.
Thanks as you can tell I am completely new to the horticultural thing but intend to learn a lot! I was trying to compare my plant to others in grow journals and I guess each is it's own individual!


Thanks Duke I do see some on the bottom leaves but not much. maybe later on in flowering? I was told that is when the plant is using up the rest of the nitrogen that it has available. I try to follow everything to the letter and this kinda threw me off a bit.


Well-Known Member
It's normal to lose a few leaves as you go, but it isn't normal for all the leaves to yellow in flower, if they do you're starving the plant for Nitrogen. I feed mine their veg nutes all the way though flower as well, at 1/4 strength, to keep that from happening. After all - it's the leaves that are collecting light energy, turning it into food, storing said food, and sending it off to the rest of the plant - buds included.


It's normal to lose a few leaves as you go, but it isn't normal for all the leaves to yellow in flower, if they do you're starving the plant for Nitrogen. I feed mine their veg nutes all the way though flower as well, at 1/4 strength, to keep that from happening. After all - it's the leaves that are collecting light energy, turning it into food, storing said food, and sending it off to the rest of the plant - buds included.
thank you this is something like what I read! I have a slight case of OCD and I have to have all my eggs in a row for things to be right!