Experimental Micro Grow CFL's - 1st time grower

Thanks man, yeah I'm sure one of these babies will have pubes soon ;)

The wasp LoL I think it's a queen too. Why else would she be there in November? ffs! She's kinda fierce too so I've been avoiding contact and similarly, flapping a piece of board indirectly in it's direction with very little consequence except for less watering occuring lol but funnily, the plants have enjoyed having a little dry period and perked up loads. Only water today and just a little.
I know I gotta get that wasp outta there, just gotta devise a good strategy lol
I thought the blow backs would seriously fuck it's tiny little mind but the damn thing wants more! You see her little tentacles raising up to receive more smoke LoL

man nothing much gives me the jitters ...... i can argue nose... to errrmm chest with an 8ft bloke over something a silly as a parking space, but when it comes to a pissed off wasp i turn into a tard
Pulled out a male yesterday :( No pics as I was mr swift and it was late...

Not the one we was all talking about, a different one. Pulled it out from the back and opened the fan leaves that was squeezing the main top and voila! the thing was full of nut sacks!!
I took pleasure in snapping that little fucker into pieces, but sadded too as the other three look exactly the same and only little scraggler is looking different enough to be a female :(

Still... a few more days and we'll be sure...
damn that is a sad day. Worse case scenario, is you have dank weed with tons of good genes in it if you let the pollen accidentally come out. as long as the bud is just for you, who cares...
thats unfortunate mate... sorry bud :-(

do you think that maybe the leaf squeezing thing might cause too much stress and be turning them male?

Cumbers .... have you got the seeds you ordered?... and if so when are you going to germ them?
thats unfortunate mate... sorry bud :-(

do you think that maybe the leaf squeezing thing might cause too much stress and be turning them male?

Cumbers .... have you got the seeds you ordered?... and if so when are you going to germ them?

I don't think it is that because I have been very careful not to damage the tops. It's an experiment after all, so I wont be too disappointed if they all turn out to be males.
Yeah I have the seeds but I have another problem...

Just been out there to look at doing some cab work (it's now lights off cycle) and my operating cab's temp is 12.4C.
So I ran a quick test, turned the fans off completely (I still have no fan speed control) to see how much the temp rises. After 30 mins, it's now 12.7C... Rubbish!

I now know that these heated cables will not be enough to run through the colder months as it's not even good enough now for more than a few degrees difference :(

Any ideas for raising my cab temp by ten to twenty degrees during lights off? I don't want to use electric heaters.

Until I get this right, there seems no sense in germinating further...
I think the only way for me, is to transfer light heat from the veg cab to the flower cab during lights off. That's gonna be some proper fukin around for sure... I wonder if a hose pipe would do it lol
thats a fucker as heat rises it would be much easier to heat the Bloom room through simple drain/gutter downpipes and bends ...... my thoughts are hard to explain but i'll try ........

cfl veg at the bottom... (18 hours of light yes) .... would overlap the twelve hours of darkness in the bloom box above... you could put a couple (2,3,4) pc fans on the floor of the bloom room sucking the already heated air from the veg cab below (pipe bends could act as light traps, then finally vent the heat from the top of the bloom cab above ..... simple and would bolster the temps while lights were off .... not so good if your hell bent on using the bottom for flower though
Aye, capillary action would be preferable to mechanical. But it is what it is mate, the lower box is almost twice the height of the upper box so it only makes sense to use the lower one for flowering.
I'll have to maybe use a hose pipe or similar to pipe the warmed air from the upper veg cab down to the lower cabs intake, and then exhaust as normal. As long as I leave my veg cab on 24/0 then it'll not be an issue.

I'll still put a variable resistor on the fans power cable so I can change speed.

I doubt I'll do a pic update today :( on my way to studio.
If I have time when I return I'll try and take some pics...
yeah ... i see your point.... same sketch .... pipe warm air from above ... to the very bottom of your bloom room as a fixed intake/intakes ... you will need to use something around the size of downpipe i think ... right dinner has just been thrown at me ... seeya in ten lol
have you cut it up to power a fan?? lol.... have you been working on the bloom box since your last update fella?

PMSL hahaha that wouldn't surprise me!

Yes I've been working hard tonight trying to get the flooring finished so I can get onto the door frame and get it sealed. Once it's sealed I can start using the damn thing and get an airflow going...

I pulled out another male today (got the wife to check it too hehehe she loved it really LoL) bleeding little nut sacks all over him grrr he's sitting in the kitchen right now feeling quite smug, but little does he know, he's gonna get it later on hehehe

And the good news... I gots a female!! WOOO! My first :) with two more left to show gender.
And it's the next biggest one (big grin)!! the two biggest turned out to be the males so this is very good news indeed.
Two tiny little pistels sticking out of one of the nodes of the side branches, sneaky little beggars too lol hiding they was.

So, hoping to put them into the new cab as soon as possible so I can get germinating the next lot! :)

Pics as soon as I find that damned cable!
man i'm itching to see what you've been doing... and your sexy lady!

glad you've been putting the graft in on the cabinet..... my temps keep bouncing atm hows yours?

my partner lets me get on with it really... shes epileptic and really don't like the lights at all (makes her feel funny, so we dont take risks) and she only smokes once in a while... which means more for me :-)
Aye I'm a bit miffed as to the whereabouts of my cable. I think the kids have had it away...

Yeah mate my temps have been all over the place too. And things are going to get colder still from Thursday onwards hence my rush to get things sorted before then, or at least workable.
Now I have one female I don't want to lose her through my laziness lol
i can deal with cold ...(to a degree) as i can shut down the amount of outside air i draw in the intake .... allows the cab to run slightly warmer (between 5-10c increase) ... but when the outside temps are different massivly from day to day ... it makes it a nightmare :cuss:
Did you try the bottle of water trick? that seems to have helped me a little... I have a full 2L coke bottle (with water of course lol) in the cab and it seems to smooth things out a little.
i should but i dont think i'll fit them in now mate :-( .... i totally get the logic behind it ... but its getting rammed in there :-) ... deffo only do two next time if im still growing in the cabinet, fingers crossed we find a place real soon