Experimental Micro Grow CFL's - 1st time grower

The start of week 7 (from first pistels), today... So I've started looking at finding a good means to get close up shots of trichomes. Still working on it lol

Buds are still quite whispy, but getting taller. As are the lower popcorns. I'm hoping the next few weeks will show some more swelling, I'm sure it will at least a little. But if it doesn't then these buds are gonna be properly skinny. I'll understand if they are, the lights are quite ready yet and I still have a few weeks to go yet before I can upgrade my bulb.

I'm actually being a lot more preoccupied with my cheese cuts as they're growing at a stupidly fast rate with buds growing and swelling all frikking over it! Already!

Picked up a hanging netting toy storing thingy with netted shelves inside... perfect for drying ;) Just have to find it a good spot to sit undisturbed and correctly environmentalised and it's good to go. With the trouble involved though, I may well be better off with cardbox inside my cab... I'll have to see how that goes...

I haven't taken any pics as it's been a tad busy here over New Year and what not, if I can be arsed I'll take some tomorrow.

When they gonna be ready!
A number of fan leaves have dried up or turned brown and fallen off. I've been advised it's normal, so not a huge concern at this point.
Space, I need these bitches to hurry up so I can get my Fruit Punch cuts in there!
Little Lady and Stumpy. About as close as I can magnify with my current tools. Not quite able to see trichomes... The smell is almost perfumed and un-weed-like. Sticky to touch. Still not swollen up as much as I'd have like, but there's still one or two weeks left so fingers crossed.

Little Scraggler. Offering a top not so little... This thing needs a lot of space to grow upward. It has only one major bud, the top, and very weak lower branches. The top cola does look very pretty now it's near completion but it's been a very boring road with this plant...

Flower cab, working hard... It's starting to be a bit more crammed. Quite a wonderful sight, considering it wasn't that long ago just a damp and dark shelf unit in an unused shed lol
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nice looking pics dude. still looking like you got 2-3 weeks on most of them... long flowering times?

looks very nice indeed... still a little way off but getting there :-)

Aye I think you're right, several weeks left for these ladies... *taps fingers impatiently*

Hopefully today will see delivery of my new bulbs. 2X 125w CFL to assist my current 65w bulb. It'll raise the temp some but I'm sure it'll be just fine until I can go get a new fan for the exhaust.
This should see all of my little ladies getting boosted up proper :) Going from one bulb per 5 plants, to one bulb per 2 plants.
I swapped over the light last night to one of the new 125W's, and the difference is amazing! I had to run last night so didn't have time to check temps and take snaps, but can't wait till later to go check the difference in one days growth. Equally can't wait to get the other two lights in there for an even brighter cab!

Am sure I'm gonna need a bigger exhaust fan... and possibly the priority level of venting the shed will go up a notch or two... I'm actually seeing fungus growing on the sheds wooden ceiling, which is not good at all.

Gonna take some more Fruit Punch cuts later, too :)
yes mate .... me thinks you need to add a duct from your cab to your wall vent asap .... if you need a bigger fan put it inline next to wall vent they suck better then they blow so i'm told....... other then that that stock up on duct tape... and sealant ;-) , shame that 4" inline fan blewup cos that would have been perfect :-(

wanna see new lights bruv :-) ... Excited!
I chopped down Stumpy today...

It's been a blast, but she had to go. Popping out her lil yellow bananas all over the place and I really haven't got the energy to be picking out these fukers every day for the next weeks. It's hard enough just looking for them!
I helped my mate with his cheese harvest last night (Whoa at 20 Ounces!!), and I kinda got impatient lol
FYI The resin off our fingers was effing potent!! ended up with at least an eight of black Cheese hash :-D

Anyways, the yield off of stumpy isn't that great so far. You can definitely see that it wanted a few more weeks to muscle up but I did get two nicely sized tops (more like nuggets) that are dense enough to call them buds and not feel embarrassment lol
My guess is between 10 and 20 grams wet (I need some scales innit...).
Smoking the resin and pistels as we speak so can't say what it's like yet, and I have sugar leaves drying for the trying out, either later or tomorrow :)

As a bonus, the cab is now getting much more light to the others.. No pics sorry, can't be arsed right now. But I'll make sure I put one up of some dried product (cucumbers of course).

Yeah mate, venting the shed is now a priority but it has to wait for cash injection. Just had my benefits stopped so we're fucked at the moment. Even more so when the lekky bill comes in :(
I just gotta keep trooping on with what I have until I can change it. It don't really make sense to put more lights in either just yet, for that reason. I shall leave in the single 125w, and put in more when I can work out a better air movement system.

Peace out for now, and happy belated new year greetings!
yeah bruv .... sorry to hear about your recent administration problems .... my otherhalf had terrible trouble claiming benefits while studying and only just finished her course while having to "jobseek".... luckly after little one was born she didn't need to... and now feeds from my cheque like a tick

happy new year to you too fella! ... we had a mad one ... went out christmas eve, and spent most days visiting folks until now really, still have about 2/3rds of a jar left from my harvest, however i am going to have to slow down a touch or i will run out before the next three are ready lol

yeah my setup is staying the same... cash flow has stopped :-( ... next round is gonna be 2 Photoperiod (HPS-NFT-Scrog)

just found a hydro shop nearby (halfhour drive) that has a much better customer service dept.... asked a few questions about what "hydro" setup to go with as a first time user.... he's suggested a £40 NFT setup, this is supposed to be as easy as (ph test) 1.2.3 .... and was fairly convinced by the guy as he could have said anything to sell other more expensive setups...
so thinking about doing next run mate.... and my 600w ballast is gonna sit in its box for some time by the looks of it... the only housing we've got anywhere near getting is a tiny 2 bed apartment, No garden No shed!....... (backing vocals) NO GARDEN NO SHED!!!!
so was thinking about spliting the cab in two and getting a 250w Hps for the flower box and run with the cfls i have for the veg (cfl's will need replacing soon though :-( )... but thats a while off yet!
I chopped down Stumpy today...

It's been a blast, but she had to go. Popping out her lil yellow bananas all over the place and I really haven't got the energy to be picking out these fukers every day for the next weeks. It's hard enough just looking for them!
I helped my mate with his cheese harvest last night (Whoa at 20 Ounces!!), and I kinda got impatient lol
FYI The resin off our fingers was effing potent!! ended up with at least an eight of black Cheese hash :-D

Anyways, the yield off of stumpy isn't that great so far. You can definitely see that it wanted a few more weeks to muscle up but I did get two nicely sized tops (more like nuggets) that are dense enough to call them buds and not feel embarrassment lol
My guess is between 10 and 20 grams wet (I need some scales innit...).
Smoking the resin and pistels as we speak so can't say what it's like yet, and I have sugar leaves drying for the trying out, either later or tomorrow :)

As a bonus, the cab is now getting much more light to the others.. No pics sorry, can't be arsed right now. But I'll make sure I put one up of some dried product (cucumbers of course).

Yeah mate, venting the shed is now a priority but it has to wait for cash injection. Just had my benefits stopped so we're fucked at the moment. Even more so when the lekky bill comes in :(
I just gotta keep trooping on with what I have until I can change it. It don't really make sense to put more lights in either just yet, for that reason. I shall leave in the single 125w, and put in more when I can work out a better air movement system.

Peace out for now, and happy belated new year greetings!

CONGRATS on your harvest bro .... i had to rip my greenhouse ones early so i know the feeling... but its all good .. plus a little reward :-) ... the only thing it has in its favor is the extra space ... and now moving towards your "known" genetics :-)

well done mate .... you deserve a little smoke for the hard work, and its been a long wait
Bad news...
the other two have now been cut down. Hermied up and pollen sack city. Having took them out and analysed them better, it looks like they actually hermed a while ago and polination has already occured as there're seeds popping out everywhere... :(
My cheese could be in trouble too as a result.
I didn't take any pics as I was a tad disappointed.

I guess that sees the end of this thread... It's been a blast!
Follow my Cheese thread for continuation :) Currently at page 7

Thanks to everyone that took part here and added their piece. I've truly learned a lot about growing during this experiment and I foresee the experience being invaluable for future grows.

Peace out!
I guess it would be fitting to show the final yield pics eh...
A disappointing, but highly educational eight of Kush is what I got from this experimental grow. I've learned a lot from this grow and made a few good grow pals too :)

Here's hoping round two offers a better result :)

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Dried in layered cardboard for one day, utilising a passive vent through which a PC blew through - old skool methods lol (only an eight, didn't need any more than a day).
The smell is awesome in the jar, earthy and mossy and just like how I remember my mates grow smelling in his jars. I'll belch it tonight and that may be enough to start testing it.
The trim smoked okay but I've been on the blue cheese so I need to wait till that's gone before trying it proper. But I'm sure it'll be just fine and I'll enjoy every puff :)

Hope you all enjoyed the grow and the cab build :)

Check the link in the above post for the new thread...
nice one matey :-) .... its about as much as i got from my last two of my first grow (bag seed) .... but that was ok ... and i think you've done fine bro! .... and it won't be too long before the others are ready

enjoy the smoke you've earned it..... and whats more your now armed with a few decent plants, loads of experience, and the kinks have been mostly ironed out of your build. you should be proud of yourself bro :-)