Had a problem last night, as I'd neglected to water the previous night. My veg plants were all bent over with dryness and floppy, but they've perked back up since after a good hard watering
Budziller was looking healthy enough and rooted enough to be potted up and is now looking quite lush in her new pot

I'll wait a day or two for it to settle in then I'm gonna do a soil boost on all in the veg cab.
Cheese clone I think is gonna get potted up again and thrown in later tonight or tomoz. The one that's already started is going nuts with the pistel growth and is already looking like it's gonna give me some awesome buds and quickly! So with this one having had a week or two more of veg time and looking twice as bushy is gonna do even better!
The Big Bud is more than ready for cuts, but Fruity needs another week or so. I haven't got the rooting hormone yet anyways so I'll wait till after the crimbo bullshit to pass and I'll get the needed rooting hormone. Me mate offered me his powder, but I think I'd prefer just to go buy some clonex gel, it's only a fiver.
I'm thinking maybe four Fruit Punch clones and one or two of the Big Bud (I only need to check it's gender). I need to leave space for Budziller cuts in a few more weeks...
Kush buds have swollen some more and now have a proper 'bud' feel to them rather than the skinny whippet feel they had before. So I'm happy

The Haze though... still skinny and whispy, but also growing upward lots and the little scraggly top popcorns are joining up. So I'm hoping that these will start swelling soon and then they surely will turn into nice chinky buds. I'm not aiming high with this haze...