Experimental Micro Grow CFL's - 1st time grower


I gots to admit, this camera makes them look awesome and tasy :) trichomes seem to love the flash and look much more visible than in real life. If only they looked like this without the camera!
Does kinda make it look like each pic is from a different grow though, but it's all good :)
My Budziller popped and is looking healthy! :) :) :)

The other 'seedlings' are almost ready for cutting, but I may wait a little longer so it can be made clearer where to cut them. The Cheese clone is definitely ready for cuts, the others are a little behind. But seeing as I have cheese already going I may leaver that one to veg more and take some Fruit Punch. I need to know the sex of the big bud too so just a little cut for that purpose is on the agenda too.
Not a lot happening, but it's still all go go go ! LoL
My Budziller popped and is looking healthy! :) :) :)

The other 'seedlings' are almost ready for cutting, but I may wait a little longer so it can be made clearer where to cut them. The Cheese clone is definitely ready for cuts, the others are a little behind. But seeing as I have cheese already going I may leaver that one to veg more and take some Fruit Punch. I need to know the sex of the big bud too so just a little cut for that purpose is on the agenda too.
Not a lot happening, but it's still all go go go ! LoL

sounds busy in the cumbers camp mate .... hope everything is gong good though mate .... and hoing that big bud is fem too .... wanna see how much fat that slag can carry
Not a whole heap to report here, except that buds are growing and swelling nicely. Probably doubled since the last update, height wise. Width wise, they've still got a way to go I think.

I just hope that they actually do swell outwards with the light they've got. Cos they might not...
I don't mind of course, experiment being what it is. But there will be a touch of disappointment if that is the case.
they'll do fine.... its a marathon not a sprint.. and whatever you get will be nice mate i'm sure... are those haze 10-12 weeks?
Scraggler is the haze, the others are Kush.

But yeah, they're all 10-12 weeks as far as I have worked out... Don't actually know for sure so I have to just wait and see...
Going by the news from my cheese grow, that pistel appearance defines the beginning of flowering time, I may well have another two weeks on top of what I thought :(
That properly sucks...

Lots of pics here...

I did try to keep them together per plant, but this site messed up the order to it's own idea of how they should be :cuss: I got the flu and can't be bothered to sort them out now, sorry...
But I do like these pics. First time I pulled them out since the last update so it was also interesting to see what they're doing.

They seem to be doing well. Although I know they'd be doing a lot better with more light (I guess that'll come with the next lot's).

Little Lady is definitely the bigger and more stronger of the three, while stumpy (garden fork) is lagging slightly behind. Scraggler is not such a scraggler any more and is tall as FOOK! hence why she's been bent round a few times to keep her top level with the others. She's still thin and whispy with no side branches at all, but a ton of little node buds all down the stem. Small nodey buds, but buds none-the-less.

In fact all of them are smothered in nodey buds all down the stems, hopefully they'll will all turn into nice smokable nugs :)

According to flowering time definitions, I still have at least another 4 weeks to go to the 8 week mark :( but that does give me hope that they have much more time now for swelling than I thought before (trying to keep it positive - I was thinking I was at week 7, but I'm really at week 4 FFS They're 8-12 week flowerers).

humidity levels. I'm finding that feed water from the trays is not evaporating so quickly now that the weather has turned colder. There is much more water in the air and no real helpful way to move it around inside my shed. So I just have to put up with it for the now.
Bastid flies. My mate has the very same ones but much more. He reckons they lay eggs in the soil and the maggots feed on the roots... not good. But I only see one or two every time I go in there - I keel them.
Light level is a concern - is 65w of red CFL even enough ?? it seems to be making them grow, albeit slowly, but am I to end up with scrawny thin anorexic bitches, if I don't get a new light in time? lol
Temp. flower cab is sitting squarely at around 20C at the moment. I worry what will happen when the weather turns even colder... I'm hoping to have another bulb before then though. But still a concern.

That's it for now. I may miss the next update, as I may be pished next Monday LoL but we'll see. There may not even be much new growth to take pics of anyway.
Aggghhhh mate what can i say???? (other then about f**king time lol)

they look really good bro! getting nicly top heavy indeed .... and they'll keep getting fatter too!

humidity levels will raise all the while its cold outside your box ... the only way you'll stop it is to connect a length of flexy duct from your exhaust port to your air brick in your shed wall ...seal it off as best you can (tape and mastic agian) so the air isnt in the shed turning straight into water vapour

the bastid flys are a pain .... i dont have any now but i have heard that to break the cycle and clear the problem you should pour a layer of sand on top of your soil .... totally cover it .. they cant hatch and turn to flys ... which means they cant mature and lay more eggs .... job done

again .... really looking good now bro!
Aggghhhh mate what can i say???? (other then about f**king time lol)

they look really good bro! getting nicly top heavy indeed .... and they'll keep getting fatter too!

humidity levels will raise all the while its cold outside your box ... the only way you'll stop it is to connect a length of flexy duct from your exhaust port to your air brick in your shed wall ...seal it off as best you can (tape and mastic agian) so the air isnt in the shed turning straight into water vapour

the bastid flys are a pain .... i dont have any now but i have heard that to break the cycle and clear the problem you should pour a layer of sand on top of your soil .... totally cover it .. they cant hatch and turn to flys ... which means they cant mature and lay more eggs .... job done

again .... really looking good now bro!

That, my friend, is two fucking good ideas! Thank you :) I owe ya a big kiss ;)
Sand over the soil, and a direct duct from cab to shed vent - you've given me shtuff to consider lol

And thanks for the props fella. I'm trying to leave them alone more by not perving on them or moving them about. For the purpose of seeing clearer results when I do go to check up on them. Seems to be working so far too.
Not a lot to speak of here, but thought it about time I took a shot or two for the cab pervs ;)
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Here you can see my Budziller seedling. She's doing rather well considering less than a week old :) I seriously can't wait for this beast!! Sitting inside my Blue Peter style propagator made from a washing tablet box upside down with two holes cut into it, it works excellently!
In the background the Kush bagseed seedling which is, I think, just over two weeks old. I decided to give this away, it's what I already have flowering and am not impressed with it compared to the high grade shit I got going on and of course to preserve space.
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Had a problem last night, as I'd neglected to water the previous night. My veg plants were all bent over with dryness and floppy, but they've perked back up since after a good hard watering :)

Budziller was looking healthy enough and rooted enough to be potted up and is now looking quite lush in her new pot :) I'll wait a day or two for it to settle in then I'm gonna do a soil boost on all in the veg cab.

Cheese clone I think is gonna get potted up again and thrown in later tonight or tomoz. The one that's already started is going nuts with the pistel growth and is already looking like it's gonna give me some awesome buds and quickly! So with this one having had a week or two more of veg time and looking twice as bushy is gonna do even better!

The Big Bud is more than ready for cuts, but Fruity needs another week or so. I haven't got the rooting hormone yet anyways so I'll wait till after the crimbo bullshit to pass and I'll get the needed rooting hormone. Me mate offered me his powder, but I think I'd prefer just to go buy some clonex gel, it's only a fiver.

I'm thinking maybe four Fruit Punch clones and one or two of the Big Bud (I only need to check it's gender). I need to leave space for Budziller cuts in a few more weeks...

Kush buds have swollen some more and now have a proper 'bud' feel to them rather than the skinny whippet feel they had before. So I'm happy :)
The Haze though... still skinny and whispy, but also growing upward lots and the little scraggly top popcorns are joining up. So I'm hoping that these will start swelling soon and then they surely will turn into nice chinky buds. I'm not aiming high with this haze...
Had a problem last night, as I'd neglected to water the previous night. My veg plants were all bent over with dryness and floppy, but they've perked back up since after a good hard watering :)

Budziller was looking healthy enough and rooted enough to be potted up and is now looking quite lush in her new pot :) I'll wait a day or two for it to settle in then I'm gonna do a soil boost on all in the veg cab.

Cheese clone I think is gonna get potted up again and thrown in later tonight or tomoz. The one that's already started is going nuts with the pistel growth and is already looking like it's gonna give me some awesome buds and quickly! So with this one having had a week or two more of veg time and looking twice as bushy is gonna do even better!

The Big Bud is more than ready for cuts, but Fruity needs another week or so. I haven't got the rooting hormone yet anyways so I'll wait till after the crimbo bullshit to pass and I'll get the needed rooting hormone. Me mate offered me his powder, but I think I'd prefer just to go buy some clonex gel, it's only a fiver.

I'm thinking maybe four Fruit Punch clones and one or two of the Big Bud (I only need to check it's gender). I need to leave space for Budziller cuts in a few more weeks...

Kush buds have swollen some more and now have a proper 'bud' feel to them rather than the skinny whippet feel they had before. So I'm happy :)
The Haze though... still skinny and whispy, but also growing upward lots and the little scraggly top popcorns are joining up. So I'm hoping that these will start swelling soon and then they surely will turn into nice chinky buds. I'm not aiming high with this haze...

i'm sure you'll be pleased with it, make sure you give it long enough and dry it properly and it'll be lovely :-)
Thanks man. I feel like I'm pretty much on top of things right now, which is a good feeling for sure :)
This cheese is surprising me. Comparing it to the bagseeds, it's super fast! I know it's gonna do better than these things... I want them to hurry up and get out of my way! LoL
yep i know that feeling .... however i'm well happy with the haul off the runt.... it tastes ok ... but it gets me LEAN mate :-)