Lots of action this week with some serious growth!
Tons of pistels have appeared and I can no longer keep track of the newest appearances. The plants have pretty much doubled in size since the past week, as have the budlings and the amount of sneaky budlings down the stems.. Little Lady is the contender for first to finish.
I've done another load of trimming this week. It was needed...
The supercropping that occurred to Stumpy as a result of my exhaust fan falling, has strengthened her almost stronger than she was and a ton of new shoots has popped out from close by it. Man she's been through the wars LoL
Little scraggler is now showing signs of pistel growth, they're very thin compared to the other strain.
Stumpy has gone mad too, similarly to Little Lady, but it does appear that she's maybe a week behind or so.
My temps in both cabs are steady between 20 and 30C, which is more than I could have hoped for when I first bought the heated cables.
I think it may be a good idea to buy some scrogging as I can see that they already want to grow another 20 inches within the next month or two. I'm presuming they're 12 week flowerers, in which case there's still roughly two months left
Over all, I'm extremely happy with their performance. Considering...
Colours are lovely and clean throughout with no signs of wilt or browning. Growth is more than acceptable. Which basically means that they're happy and the environment is good to go!
Little Lady and her plentiful nugs and tops;

Little Scraggler, too boring to photograph...;

Stumpy and her sneaky nugs;
The second pic shows where the super cropping happened, just over half way up in the mid of frame.

Forest in my shed;
No real concerns this week. Only that the weather is about to take a turn for the worse, so I just have to keep me eye on that.
One is clearly ready for the pot with a whole bunch of roots at the base of the root riot. The other though... not so great. What with not knowing it's sex and knowing that it'll take twice as long in flower because of the shock of near death... I think I may ditch it.
I have a question;
Little Lady has some of her pistels turning brown. Only a few though so far. Does this mean it's preparing for maturing?
In which case it would finish a lot earlier than I'm expecting right? I didn't think they turned brown until nearly ready...